开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787313159175
相比传统的基于网格的数值方法,无网格法在处 理流固耦合、变动的自由水面等问题中显示了优势, 是计算水力学界的一个研究热点,但是在应用中也显 示了一些局限性。梁东方、张景新、王华、陈日东主 编的《计算水力学中的无网格方法(英文版)(精)》通 过对这种计算技术全面系统的总结,希望促进其在计 算水力学领域得到合理的应用。
本书可供水利、土木、机械、力学等方向的科研 与教学工作者学习参考。
本书可供水利、土木、机械、力学等方向的科研 与教学工作者学习参考。
目 录
MLParticle-SJTU Solver and Its Applications in Free Surface Flows Projection-based Particle Methods -- A Brief Review of Latest Achievements Numerical Simulation of Wave Interaction with Perforated Caissons using SPH SPH Simulation of the Movement of Structures in Waves Comparison of Different Iteration Schemes of ISPH for Violent Water Impact Simulation Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interactions Using Finite Volume Method and Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method Improved Laplacian Operator Approximation for Free-surface Flows by Incompressible SPH Method Simulation of 2 - D Dam-break Flow Based on SWE - SPH Modeling Approach Coupled CFD - DEM Modeling of Submerged Granular Flows Coupled DEM - CFD Simulation of Particle Sedimentation in Liquid Simulation of Particle Motion in Free Surface Flows with a CFD - DEM Coupled Model Analytical and DEM Studies on the Mechanical Behaviour of Granular Materials Coupled 3D Lattice-Boltzmann Method with Discrete Element Method for Simulating Self-Compacting Concrete Flows in Rock-Filled Concrete Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing Application of MPM to Study Dynamic Interactions between Water and Soil Index