开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787520136877
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Moby-Dick: Interpretations never end
1.2 Allegory, symbol, metaphor and literary interpretation
1.3 Cognitive linguistics and metaphor, symbol and allegory
1.4 A new model for interpretation
1.5 Questions to answer
1.6 Methodology to apply
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Organization of the book
Chapter Two Metaphor, Symbol, Allegory and Moby-Dick
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Interpretation
2.3 Metaphor, symbol and allegory
2.3.1 Conceptual metaphor in literary discourse
2.3.2 Symbol and allegory in light of cognitive linguistics
2.3.3 The call for a new model for interpretations
2.4 Moby-Dick studies: Status quo
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Mapping and Literary Interpretation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mapping
3.2.1 Mappings in cognitive linguistics
3.2.2 Comparison of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Structure
Mapping Theory and Blending Theory
3.2.3 Mapping and metaphor, symbol and allegory
3.2.4 A comparison of mappings in metaphor
symbol and allegory
3.3 Literary criticism
3.3.1 Literary criticism: From text to context
3.3.2 Cognitive linguistics and literary criticism
3.4 A model for literary interpretation of Moby-Dick
3.4.1 Metaphoric mapping
3.4.2 Symbolic mapping
3.4.3 Allegorical mapping
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Anthropoeentricism or Ecocentrism: Eeocritieal
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Metaphoric mapping: Discourse level
4.2.1 Metaphoric mappings of human beings as target domain
4.2.2 Metaphoric mappings of nature as target domain
4.2.3 Traditional hebraic anthropocentrism or
ecological centrism
4.3 Symbolic mapping: From text to nature
4.3.1 Moby Dick: Symbol of nature
4.3.2 Ahab: Emblem of anthropocentrism
4.3.3 Ishmael: Nature’s spokesperson
4.3.4 Fedallah: Fire worshipper
4.3.5 Elijah: Ecocritics’ warning
4.3.6 Queequeg and his affinity to nature
4.3.7 Pequod: The other Ahab
4.3.8 The doubloon: Incentive of the pursuit
4.3.9 The coffin: Resurrection
4.3.10 Hearse: The future of anthropocentric science and
4.3.11 Hat: Ahab and King Tarquin
4.4 Allegorical mapping: Ecocritical reading
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Egalitarianism or Totalitarianism: Social Political
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Metaphoric mapping
5.2.1 The social version of the Great Chain of Being
5.2.2 The mapping of Social Chain of Being
5.2.3 Space as hierarchy
5.2.4 Ishmael and Queequeg: Marriage as race communication
5.3 Symbolic mapping
5.3.1 Pequod: Symbol of the America
5.3.2 Ahab the great dictator
5.3.3 Moby Dick: Stranger and otherness
5.3.4 Ishmael with an equal eye
5.3.5 Queequeg: A symbol of democracy
5.3.6 The first mate and his hesitation
5.3.7 Hypooners, the mainstream force
5.4 Allegorization: A social political reading
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Friendship or Homoeroticism: Queer Theory Reading
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Metaphoric mappings
6.2.1 Ishmael and Queequeg marriage metaphors
6.2.2 Ishmael and Queequeg love metaphors
6.3 Symbolic mapping
6.3.1 Queequeg: Homosexual pal
6.3.2 Moby Dick: Symbol of phallus
6.3.3 Ishmael: Homoerotic yearning
6.3.4 Ahab: Homophobia of the heterosexual world
6.3.5 The sea: The male world
6.3.6 Homoeroticism of”squeezing
6.3.7 The tail: Unity of masculinity and femininity
6.3.8 Pequod: Paradise of male-specific world
6.4 Allegorization: A Queer Theory reading
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Major fndings
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Future studies
Appendix A: Mapping of Human beings and Nature
Appendix B: Social Political Mapping
Appendix C: Ishmael-Queequeg: Marriage Mapping
前 言
《白鲸》是美国文学史上部真正意义上的“伟大的美国小说”。尽管小说发表于160 年以前,但小说提出的问题仍是困扰我们这个时代的问题,如人与自然的关系、种族与社会的不平等、性别、同性情结以及心理异化等。文学批评家从不同的视角对小说进行解读,得到的答案却不尽相同。生态批评对《白鲸》所体现的生态观点持相反意见,有人认为小说反映了生态中心主义的思想,而有人则认为这是一本人类中心主义的著作。社会政治批评家也对其所体现的政治思想到底是人人平等还是文化精英主义持相反意见。酷儿理论批评《白鲸》中存在大量同性情结,但也有批评家持不同观点,认为仅是同性友谊。同一部小说的阐释缘何如此多样化,又如此互相矛盾?又该如何评价解读的有效性?