开 本: 大16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787302272571
王兆印编著的《河流动力学与河流综合管理(精) 》介绍有关河流动力学及河流综合管理的基本知识和 新的研究方向。内容包括高含沙河流——中国黄 河的现代和历史上的治理方略;河流生态与生态修复 ;水库、湿地及河口的管理方法和河流水质的检测、 研 究和管理,以及一些中国复杂环境下的独特问题。本 书避免具体问题的详细数学描述,主要对河流研究的 新 思路、新概念和新技术进行综合介绍并提供很多研究 实例,例如:河道阻力与河流稳定性之关系;河床结 构 与推移质运动的等价律;阶梯.深潭系统用于泥石防 治和生态修复;生物栖息地的多样性与生物多样性的 关系。
书中一些新概念已经或者可能成为学科增长点,例如 植被侵蚀动力学、流速极限定律、河流治理的基本方 向 以及泥沙概算方法等。
本书可用作研究生教材或相关科技工作者的参考 书。
书中一些新概念已经或者可能成为学科增长点,例如 植被侵蚀动力学、流速极限定律、河流治理的基本方 向 以及泥沙概算方法等。
本书可用作研究生教材或相关科技工作者的参考 书。
目 录
1 Basic Concepts and Management Issues of Rivers
1.1 Basic Concepts
1.1.1 Hydrological Cycle
1.1.2 Drainage Network
1.1.3 Sediment
1.1.4 Sediment Loads and Bed Forms
1.1.5 River Patterns
1.1.6 Morphological and Hydraulic Features
1.1.7 Chemical Features
1.1.8 River Ecology
1.2 Major River Management Issues
1.2.1 Water Resources
1.2.2 Flooding
1.2.3 Soil Erosion
1.2.4 Riverbed Incision and Geological Disasters
1.2.5 Pollution and Eutrophication
1.2.6 Reservoir Management
1.2.7 River Uses
1.2.8 Ecological Restoration and Integrated River Management
Review Questions
2 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.1 Erosion
2.1.1 Agents of Erosion
2.1.2 Water Erosion
2.1.3 Grain Erosion and Control Strategy
2.2 Vegetation
2.2.1 Various Vegetations
2.2.2 Ecological Stresses on Vegetation
2.2.3 Classification of Stresses
2.3 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.3.1 Differential Equations
2.3.2 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.3.3 Vegetation-Erosion Chart
2.3.4 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Chart
2.4 Riparian Vegetation
2.4.1 Zoning of Riparian Vegettion
2.4.2 Role of Vegetation in Fluvial Process
2.4.3 Dendrogeomrophic Evidence of Evolution of Incised Rivers
Review Questions
3 Mountain Rivers and Incised Channels
3.1 Incised Rivers
3.1.1 Riverbed Incision
3.1.2 Causes of Incision
3.1.3 Evolution process of Incised River
3.2 Bedrock Channels
3.2.1 Incision Rate of Bedrock Channels
3.2.2 Incision Processes of Bedrock Channels
3.2.3 Knickpoints
3.3 Bed Structures Resisting Incision
3.3.1 Step-pool Systems
3.3.2 Development of a Step-Pool System
3.3.3 Other Types of Bed Structures
3.4 Environmental Impacts and Control Strategies of Riverbed Incision
3.4.1 Environmental Impacts
3.4.2 Incision Control Strategies
Review Questions
4 Debris Flows and Landslides
4.1 Disasters Causedby Landslides and Debris Flows
4.1.1 Landslides
4.1.2 Debris Flows
4.1.3 Landslide Disasters
4.1.4 Debris Flow Disasters
4.2 Effects of Landslides on Rivers
4.2.1 Essential Cause of Landslides
4.2.2 Landslide Dams
4.3 Mechanisms of Debris Flows
4.3.1 Pseudo-One-Phase and Two-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.2 Mechanisms of Two-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.3 Phenomena and Mechanisms of Pseudo-one-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.4 slope Debris Flows
4.4 Mitigation of Landslide and Debris Flow Ha
4.4.1 Mitigation of Landslide Hazards
4.4.2 Prediction and Warning of Debris Flow
4.4.3 Debris Flow Control Engineering
4.4.4 Reclamation of Landslides and Debris Flow Fans
Appendix Mathematical derivation and explanation for the phenomenon of roll waves
Review Questions
5 Sediment Movement in Alluvial Rivers
5.1 Hydraulics
5.1.1 Hydrograph
5.1.2 Open Channel Flows
5.1.3 Velocity Profile
5.1.4 Bed Forms
5.1.5 Resistance
5.2 Sediment Transportation and Hyperconcentrated Flow
5.2.1 Fall Velocity
5.2.2 Sediment Transportation
5.2.3 Hyperconcentrated Flow
5.3 River Patterns
5.3.1 Meandering Rivers
5.3.2 Straight Rivers
5.3.3 Braided and Anabranching Rivers
5.3.4 Wandering Rivers
5.3.5 Anastomosing Rivers
5.3.6 Avulsion
5.4 New Approaches
5.4.1 Rate of Bed Load Transport in Mountain Streams
5.4.2 River Motion Dynamics
5.4.3 Water-Sediment Chart
5.4.4 River Sediment Matrix
Review Questions
6 Flood Defense and Water/Sediment Management —With Particular Reference to The Yellow River
6.1 Flood Disasters
6.1.1 The Yellow River Basin
6.1.2 Flood Disasters in the History
6.1.3 Training of the River
6.1.4 River Training Theories
6.2 Flood Defense Strategies
6.2.1 Wide RiverValley
6.2.2 Narrow Channel
6.2.3 Reservoirs
6.2.4 Grand Levees
6.2.5 Flood-Detention Basins
6.2.6 Reforestation and Sediment-Check Dams
6.2.7 Artificial Flood
6.2.8 Dredging
6.3 Water Resources Management
6.3.1 General Conditions
6.3.2 A Case Study—the Yellow River Delta
6.4 New Problems in the Yellow River Management
6.4.1 Power Generation Reduces the Channel Capacity
6.4.2 Reclamation of the Floodplain Increases Flood Loss
6.4.3 Water Diversion Causes Flow Cut-Off
6.4.4 Collapse of Spur Dykes
6.4.5 Water Diversion Changes Fluvial Process
6.4.6 Delta Channel Stability and Land Creation
6.5 Lessons FromSanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.1 Sanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.2 Management of Reservoir Sedimentation
6.5.3 Sedimentation of the Weihe River Induced by Sanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.4 Equilibrium Sedimentation Model
6.5.5 Changed River Patterns
6.5.6 Erosion and Resiltation Below Sanmenxia Dam
6.6 Proposed New Strategies
6.6.1 Reclamation of the Floodplain
6.6.2 Scouring the Yellow River Channel with Seawater
6.6.3 Artificial Hyperconcentrated Floods
6.6.4 Interbasin Water Transfer Projects
6.6.5 Liberate Flood Detention Basins
Review Questions
7 Dams and Impounded Rivers
7.1 Impacts of Dams on The Environment and Ecology
7.1.1 Dam Construction
7.1.2 Water Quality in Reservoirs
7.1.3 Water Quality Released from Reservoirs
7.1.4 Water Quality Control
7.1.5 Impacts on Ecology
7.2 Reservoir Sedimentation Management
7.2.1 Reservoir Sedimentation
7.2.2 Sedimentation Management Strategies
7.3 Dam Failure and Dam Removal
7.3.1 Dam Failure
7.3.2 Dam Removal
7.4 Construction and Management of the Three Gorges Project
7.4.1 Construction of the Three Gorges Dam
7.4.2 Sedimentation and Management Strategies
7.4.3 Environmental and Social Impacts
Review Questions
8 Estuary Processes and Managment
8.1 Deltaic Processes
8.1.1 Two Types of Delta Development
8.1.2 Effects of Human Activities
8.1.3 Ecology of Male and Female Rivers
8.1.4 Parasitizing Rivers
8.2 Flooding Risk and Flood Defence Strategies
8.2.1 Flooding Due to Subsidence-Venice Lagoon
8.2.2 Tsunami and Hurricane
8.2.3 Rainstorm Flooding
8.3 Estuarine Hydrography and Tidal Flushing
8.3.1 Tidal Currents
8.3.2 Density Stratification
8.3.4 Tidal Flushing
8.3.5 Application for Estuarine Management
8.4 Eutrophication and Algal Bloom
8.4.1 Symptoms and Environmental Impacts
8.4.2 Causes of Eutrophication
8.4.4 Eutrophication Control and Management
8.5 Waste Disposal and Impact Assessment
8.5.1 Waste Disposal
8.5.2 Initial Mixing
8.5.3 Diffuser Design
8.5.4 Case Study: Hong Kong Harbor Area Treatment Scheme
8.6 Coastal Wetlands
8.6.1 Function of Wetlands
8.6.2 Wetland Evolution, Degradation and Restoration
8.6.3 Wetland Construction and Protection
Review Questions
9 Water Quality Management
9.1 Water Quality and Pollution
9.1.1 Water Quality
9.1.2 Pollution
9.2 Dissolved Oxygen
9.2.1 The Basic Dissolved Oxygen Problem
9.2.2 Streeter and Phelps Model
9.2.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand
9.2.4 Total Dissolved Oxygen Balance
9.3 Nutrient Effects
9.3.1 Eutrophication
9.3.2 Nutrient Control
9.4 Waterborne and Water-Contact Diseases
9.4.1 Water-Contact Diseases and Indicator Organisms
9.4.2 Microbial Risk Assessment
9.4.3 Disinfection Methods
9.5 Sediment Contamination
9.5.1 Assessment of Sediment Toxicity
9.5.2 Remediation/Cleanup of Contaminated Sediment
Review Questions
10 River Ecology and Restoration
10.1 River Ecosystems
10.1.1 Spatial Elements of River Ecosystems
10.1.2 Biological Communities
10.1.3 Ecological Conditions
10.1.4 Ecological Functions of Rivers
10.1.5 Dynamic Equilibrium
10.2 Ecological Stresses
10.2.1 Natural Stresses
10.2.2 Human-Induced Stresses
10.2.3 Introduction of Exotic Species
10.3 Assessment of River Ecosystems
10.3.1 Indicator Species
10.3.2 Metrics of Biodiversity
10.3.3 Bioassessment
10.3.4 Habitat Evaluation and Modeling
10.4 Restoration Strategies
10.4.1 Design of Stream Restoration
10.4.2 Instream Structures for Habitat Restoration
10.4.3 stream Restoration
10.4.4 Artificial Wetlands
10.4.5 Riparian Vegetation Restoration and Food P
10.4.6 Restoration of Impounded and Channelized St
10.4.7 Restoration of Ecosystems Disturbed by Other Stresses
Review Questions
11 Integrated River Management
11.1 Principles of Integrated River Manag
11.1.1 Management of Rivers
11.1.2 Stability of Rivers
11.1.3 Principles For River Mana
11.1.4 Limit Velocity Law
11.2 Sediment and River Morphology Management
11.2.1 River Networks
11.2.2 Equivalency of Bed Structures and Bed Load Motion
11.2.3 Sediment Budget—Size Distribution
11.2.4 Sediment Budget Matrix
11.3 Methods of Integrated River Restoration
11.3.1 Hazard Mitigation, and Ecology Restoration With Artificial Step-Pool System
11.3.2 Debris Flow Control With Artificial Step-Pool System
11.3.3 Reforestation and Terrestrial Ecosystem Management With Selected Wood Species
Review Questions
Subject Index
Color Figures Index
1 Basic Concepts and Management Issues of Rivers
1.1 Basic Concepts
1.1.1 Hydrological Cycle
1.1.2 Drainage Network
1.1.3 Sediment
1.1.4 Sediment Loads and Bed Forms
1.1.5 River Patterns
1.1.6 Morphological and Hydraulic Features
1.1.7 Chemical Features
1.1.8 River Ecology
1.2 Major River Management Issues
1.2.1 Water Resources
1.2.2 Flooding
1.2.3 Soil Erosion
1.2.4 Riverbed Incision and Geological Disasters
1.2.5 Pollution and Eutrophication
1.2.6 Reservoir Management
1.2.7 River Uses
1.2.8 Ecological Restoration and Integrated River Management
Review Questions
2 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.1 Erosion
2.1.1 Agents of Erosion
2.1.2 Water Erosion
2.1.3 Grain Erosion and Control Strategy
2.2 Vegetation
2.2.1 Various Vegetations
2.2.2 Ecological Stresses on Vegetation
2.2.3 Classification of Stresses
2.3 Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.3.1 Differential Equations
2.3.2 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Dynamics
2.3.3 Vegetation-Erosion Chart
2.3.4 Application of Vegetation-Erosion Chart
2.4 Riparian Vegetation
2.4.1 Zoning of Riparian Vegettion
2.4.2 Role of Vegetation in Fluvial Process
2.4.3 Dendrogeomrophic Evidence of Evolution of Incised Rivers
Review Questions
3 Mountain Rivers and Incised Channels
3.1 Incised Rivers
3.1.1 Riverbed Incision
3.1.2 Causes of Incision
3.1.3 Evolution process of Incised River
3.2 Bedrock Channels
3.2.1 Incision Rate of Bedrock Channels
3.2.2 Incision Processes of Bedrock Channels
3.2.3 Knickpoints
3.3 Bed Structures Resisting Incision
3.3.1 Step-pool Systems
3.3.2 Development of a Step-Pool System
3.3.3 Other Types of Bed Structures
3.4 Environmental Impacts and Control Strategies of Riverbed Incision
3.4.1 Environmental Impacts
3.4.2 Incision Control Strategies
Review Questions
4 Debris Flows and Landslides
4.1 Disasters Causedby Landslides and Debris Flows
4.1.1 Landslides
4.1.2 Debris Flows
4.1.3 Landslide Disasters
4.1.4 Debris Flow Disasters
4.2 Effects of Landslides on Rivers
4.2.1 Essential Cause of Landslides
4.2.2 Landslide Dams
4.3 Mechanisms of Debris Flows
4.3.1 Pseudo-One-Phase and Two-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.2 Mechanisms of Two-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.3 Phenomena and Mechanisms of Pseudo-one-Phase Debris Flows
4.3.4 slope Debris Flows
4.4 Mitigation of Landslide and Debris Flow Ha
4.4.1 Mitigation of Landslide Hazards
4.4.2 Prediction and Warning of Debris Flow
4.4.3 Debris Flow Control Engineering
4.4.4 Reclamation of Landslides and Debris Flow Fans
Appendix Mathematical derivation and explanation for the phenomenon of roll waves
Review Questions
5 Sediment Movement in Alluvial Rivers
5.1 Hydraulics
5.1.1 Hydrograph
5.1.2 Open Channel Flows
5.1.3 Velocity Profile
5.1.4 Bed Forms
5.1.5 Resistance
5.2 Sediment Transportation and Hyperconcentrated Flow
5.2.1 Fall Velocity
5.2.2 Sediment Transportation
5.2.3 Hyperconcentrated Flow
5.3 River Patterns
5.3.1 Meandering Rivers
5.3.2 Straight Rivers
5.3.3 Braided and Anabranching Rivers
5.3.4 Wandering Rivers
5.3.5 Anastomosing Rivers
5.3.6 Avulsion
5.4 New Approaches
5.4.1 Rate of Bed Load Transport in Mountain Streams
5.4.2 River Motion Dynamics
5.4.3 Water-Sediment Chart
5.4.4 River Sediment Matrix
Review Questions
6 Flood Defense and Water/Sediment Management —With Particular Reference to The Yellow River
6.1 Flood Disasters
6.1.1 The Yellow River Basin
6.1.2 Flood Disasters in the History
6.1.3 Training of the River
6.1.4 River Training Theories
6.2 Flood Defense Strategies
6.2.1 Wide RiverValley
6.2.2 Narrow Channel
6.2.3 Reservoirs
6.2.4 Grand Levees
6.2.5 Flood-Detention Basins
6.2.6 Reforestation and Sediment-Check Dams
6.2.7 Artificial Flood
6.2.8 Dredging
6.3 Water Resources Management
6.3.1 General Conditions
6.3.2 A Case Study—the Yellow River Delta
6.4 New Problems in the Yellow River Management
6.4.1 Power Generation Reduces the Channel Capacity
6.4.2 Reclamation of the Floodplain Increases Flood Loss
6.4.3 Water Diversion Causes Flow Cut-Off
6.4.4 Collapse of Spur Dykes
6.4.5 Water Diversion Changes Fluvial Process
6.4.6 Delta Channel Stability and Land Creation
6.5 Lessons FromSanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.1 Sanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.2 Management of Reservoir Sedimentation
6.5.3 Sedimentation of the Weihe River Induced by Sanmenxia Reservoir
6.5.4 Equilibrium Sedimentation Model
6.5.5 Changed River Patterns
6.5.6 Erosion and Resiltation Below Sanmenxia Dam
6.6 Proposed New Strategies
6.6.1 Reclamation of the Floodplain
6.6.2 Scouring the Yellow River Channel with Seawater
6.6.3 Artificial Hyperconcentrated Floods
6.6.4 Interbasin Water Transfer Projects
6.6.5 Liberate Flood Detention Basins
Review Questions
7 Dams and Impounded Rivers
7.1 Impacts of Dams on The Environment and Ecology
7.1.1 Dam Construction
7.1.2 Water Quality in Reservoirs
7.1.3 Water Quality Released from Reservoirs
7.1.4 Water Quality Control
7.1.5 Impacts on Ecology
7.2 Reservoir Sedimentation Management
7.2.1 Reservoir Sedimentation
7.2.2 Sedimentation Management Strategies
7.3 Dam Failure and Dam Removal
7.3.1 Dam Failure
7.3.2 Dam Removal
7.4 Construction and Management of the Three Gorges Project
7.4.1 Construction of the Three Gorges Dam
7.4.2 Sedimentation and Management Strategies
7.4.3 Environmental and Social Impacts
Review Questions
8 Estuary Processes and Managment
8.1 Deltaic Processes
8.1.1 Two Types of Delta Development
8.1.2 Effects of Human Activities
8.1.3 Ecology of Male and Female Rivers
8.1.4 Parasitizing Rivers
8.2 Flooding Risk and Flood Defence Strategies
8.2.1 Flooding Due to Subsidence-Venice Lagoon
8.2.2 Tsunami and Hurricane
8.2.3 Rainstorm Flooding
8.3 Estuarine Hydrography and Tidal Flushing
8.3.1 Tidal Currents
8.3.2 Density Stratification
8.3.4 Tidal Flushing
8.3.5 Application for Estuarine Management
8.4 Eutrophication and Algal Bloom
8.4.1 Symptoms and Environmental Impacts
8.4.2 Causes of Eutrophication
8.4.4 Eutrophication Control and Management
8.5 Waste Disposal and Impact Assessment
8.5.1 Waste Disposal
8.5.2 Initial Mixing
8.5.3 Diffuser Design
8.5.4 Case Study: Hong Kong Harbor Area Treatment Scheme
8.6 Coastal Wetlands
8.6.1 Function of Wetlands
8.6.2 Wetland Evolution, Degradation and Restoration
8.6.3 Wetland Construction and Protection
Review Questions
9 Water Quality Management
9.1 Water Quality and Pollution
9.1.1 Water Quality
9.1.2 Pollution
9.2 Dissolved Oxygen
9.2.1 The Basic Dissolved Oxygen Problem
9.2.2 Streeter and Phelps Model
9.2.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand
9.2.4 Total Dissolved Oxygen Balance
9.3 Nutrient Effects
9.3.1 Eutrophication
9.3.2 Nutrient Control
9.4 Waterborne and Water-Contact Diseases
9.4.1 Water-Contact Diseases and Indicator Organisms
9.4.2 Microbial Risk Assessment
9.4.3 Disinfection Methods
9.5 Sediment Contamination
9.5.1 Assessment of Sediment Toxicity
9.5.2 Remediation/Cleanup of Contaminated Sediment
Review Questions
10 River Ecology and Restoration
10.1 River Ecosystems
10.1.1 Spatial Elements of River Ecosystems
10.1.2 Biological Communities
10.1.3 Ecological Conditions
10.1.4 Ecological Functions of Rivers
10.1.5 Dynamic Equilibrium
10.2 Ecological Stresses
10.2.1 Natural Stresses
10.2.2 Human-Induced Stresses
10.2.3 Introduction of Exotic Species
10.3 Assessment of River Ecosystems
10.3.1 Indicator Species
10.3.2 Metrics of Biodiversity
10.3.3 Bioassessment
10.3.4 Habitat Evaluation and Modeling
10.4 Restoration Strategies
10.4.1 Design of Stream Restoration
10.4.2 Instream Structures for Habitat Restoration
10.4.3 stream Restoration
10.4.4 Artificial Wetlands
10.4.5 Riparian Vegetation Restoration and Food P
10.4.6 Restoration of Impounded and Channelized St
10.4.7 Restoration of Ecosystems Disturbed by Other Stresses
Review Questions
11 Integrated River Management
11.1 Principles of Integrated River Manag
11.1.1 Management of Rivers
11.1.2 Stability of Rivers
11.1.3 Principles For River Mana
11.1.4 Limit Velocity Law
11.2 Sediment and River Morphology Management
11.2.1 River Networks
11.2.2 Equivalency of Bed Structures and Bed Load Motion
11.2.3 Sediment Budget—Size Distribution
11.2.4 Sediment Budget Matrix
11.3 Methods of Integrated River Restoration
11.3.1 Hazard Mitigation, and Ecology Restoration With Artificial Step-Pool System
11.3.2 Debris Flow Control With Artificial Step-Pool System
11.3.3 Reforestation and Terrestrial Ecosystem Management With Selected Wood Species
Review Questions
Subject Index
Color Figures Index