开 本: 128开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787300262208
《托福写作真题范文精练120》小心地剔除了考生已经知晓的写作基本套路,定位为一本“练习 积累”的冲击写作高分的辅导用书。本书用*为地道、*受高分青睐的语言和逻辑帮助考生解决输入的问题,并且用可观的命中率辅助写作的输出。
针对托福写作提分难、语言素材的积累更难的问题,这本《托福写作真题范文精练120》应运而生。近5 年来,TestDaily 整理了接近150 场托福考试的考情回顾,从中大致窥探出ETS 的出题规律。本书收录了100 多篇独立写作和综合写作范文,并根据话题进行分类。每类话题均附上常用写作思路,帮助考生快速突破思维障碍,且能举一反三,触类旁通。每道真题都有完备的“头脑风暴”帮助考生理解题目要点,并分析选项利弊,充分拓宽思路;“范文思路”部分有助于考生更快掌握高分文章的逻辑思路走向,多加模仿能够快速提升文章逻辑性;“范文文本”部分给考生提供*模仿和积累素材;范文后更有“语料积累”充实考生的知识库。高密度的高质量干货,值得考生悉心研究学习。
章 教育类话题
1. (20180909) Students should be encouraged to study fields like science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) rather than what they have interest in.
2. (20160319) Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year. Which one of the following is the best?
3. (20160311) Reading chosen by students themselves is as important as, or more important than, reading assigned by teachers.
4. (20160228) Nowadays, children rely too much on technology.
5. (20170325)Which of the following factors do you believe is the most important in helping students succeed in their studies at the college or university? Why?
6. (20150712) These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.
7. (20160925) Your university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students. Which of the following do you think is the best way?
8. (20171104) High school teachers (teachers of students aged 14-18) spend most of the class time lecturing while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of the class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for students’ learning and why?
9. (20151024) School should focus more on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous teachers.
10. Colleges and universities must do a good job of preparing students for their future career.
11. (20130913) Many high school students are doing a lot of schoolwork. However, some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it is the best way to give them a sense of responsibilities.
章 教育类话题
教育类话题是托福独立写作中常考的话题,涉及选课、课堂组织形式、师生关系、课外活动等方面。考生对这类话题多少有些了解,结合自己平时所见所闻和个人经历都能写出一些内容。考题类型比较常规,通常都是二选一或者三选一。推荐的写法是选定一个内容,分析其合理性或者益处即可。乍一看题目都很容易理解,写出一篇500 词左右的文章似乎不难,但是当题目问得非常具体,比如“大学生应不应该上公共演讲课”,同学们可能就无话可说了,语言质量也不尽如人意。因此,我们把同类话题都放在一起,考题之间只要有一些共通之处,稍加调整就可以拿来用。
1. (20180909) Students should be encouraged to study fields like science,
technology, engineering and math (STEM) rather than what they have
interest in.
理由三:虽然STEM 类学科实用性强,但是它们不一定能成为学生学习的动力。
Education is one of the keywords of this age since it has an overall impact on people’s quality of life, both intellectually and financially. However, people’s views differ greatly as to which should be the priority of academic pursuit, to study the STEM subjects or to focus on subjects that interest them. As I see it, choosing to specialize in one’s favorite courses is more commendable.
To begin with, opting for the courses that greatly interest the students will drive them to achieve higher goals. When students’ motivation is stimulated by the subject exerting a special fascination on them, they are likely to spend more time on it and accomplish better academic performance. According to a recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology,primary-school students would spend approximately three more hours each week on subjects they are interested in than on other subjects, and score about 10% higher correspondingly. This trend is also valid when it comes to high-school students. As revealed by a research of Rice University, over 95% of the students who had won an award in the state math competition have demonstrated their interest in math at an early age. Therefore, students who are interested in the classes they are taking are more likely to have better academic performance.
Besides, learning subjects that students are interested in can do a better job in helping them secure a decent job. Under such a society full of fierce competition, it is the professional skills people own that make them stand out. And only when people select the field they are passionate about can they establish a solid foundation of specific knowledge and skills in this field. My cousin Anthony’s experience can well illustrate this point. Fascinated by medicine, he started reading a mass of articles and books about the discipline since an early age. After entering the Ph.D. program of Medicine at Yale, he constantly stood out among his peers in his knowledge about medicine. Because of his preeminence, he was immediately employed by one of the best medical companies after graduation. Till now, he is the leading researcher in the company and earns a high payment. Hence, learning courses catering to students’ interest can better improve their competence, thus increasing their likelihood of securing a decent job. Granted, courses like science, technology, engineering and math are technical, most of which can be applied in solving real-world issues. However, technically oriented classes do not serve as an impetus for learning, a stimulus for growth, or a trigger for action. Instead, fields that interest students encourage them to learn more and perform better, thus guaranteeing students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities.
To sum up, given the discussion above, we can firmly draw the conclusion that it is better to study subjects that interest the students, in terms of making them have a better grasp of their knowledge and find a suitable job.