开 本: 20开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787030433633丛书名: 电影·英语·文化
目 录
Part 1 餐桌上的美味邂逅——主食“食”尚 01
1 《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生 02
2 《朱莉与朱莉娅》 浪漫美味的法国料理 10
3 《美味情缘》 在纽约享**美食 18
4 《料理鼠王》 细品法国大厨的高超手艺 26
5 《天降美食》 天上竟然真的掉馅饼 34
Part 2 餐后请留步——西式甜点 43
1 《杯酒人生》 品味上帝的佳酿 44
2 《蓝莓之夜》 北美水果皇后蓝莓 52
3 《燕麦饼干店》 品尝舌尖上的美味饼干 60
4 《咖啡镇》 开启咖啡发现之旅 68
5 《公爵夫人》 走进英国贵族们的下午茶时光 76
Part 3 浪漫惬意的尊贵享受——西式生活 85
1 《BJ 单身日记》 领略英国绅士的品格与魅力 86
2 《歌剧魅影》 高端大气上档次的西方歌剧 94
3 《附注:我爱你》 爱上西式酒吧 102
4 《贫民窟的百万富翁》 大玩电视真人秀 110
5 《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》 冷冷的英式幽默 118
Part 4 现实与魔幻的交错——西方文化 127
1 《阿甘正传》 深刻诠释美国梦 128
2 《婚礼傲客》 教堂中神圣的西式婚礼 136
3 《牛仔裤的夏天》 世界都在穿的时尚矿工服 144
4 《疯狂的万圣节》 探寻西方鬼节的疯狂与神秘 152
5 《八月迷情》 美国街头艺人的非凡情怀 160
附录 美食文化英语说说看 169
1 饮食习惯与好恶 170
2 居家餐饮 171
3 餐厅就餐 173
4 快餐店用餐 180
5 在酒吧 181
6 在咖啡馆 182
7 欣赏歌剧、音乐剧、演唱会 183
8 节日聚会 185
9 交际舞会 188
Part 1 餐桌上的美味邂逅——主食“食”尚 01
1 《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生 02
2 《朱莉与朱莉娅》 浪漫美味的法国料理 10
3 《美味情缘》 在纽约享**美食 18
4 《料理鼠王》 细品法国大厨的高超手艺 26
5 《天降美食》 天上竟然真的掉馅饼 34
Part 2 餐后请留步——西式甜点 43
1 《杯酒人生》 品味上帝的佳酿 44
2 《蓝莓之夜》 北美水果皇后蓝莓 52
3 《燕麦饼干店》 品尝舌尖上的美味饼干 60
4 《咖啡镇》 开启咖啡发现之旅 68
5 《公爵夫人》 走进英国贵族们的下午茶时光 76
Part 3 浪漫惬意的尊贵享受——西式生活 85
1 《BJ 单身日记》 领略英国绅士的品格与魅力 86
2 《歌剧魅影》 高端大气上档次的西方歌剧 94
3 《附注:我爱你》 爱上西式酒吧 102
4 《贫民窟的百万富翁》 大玩电视真人秀 110
5 《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》 冷冷的英式幽默 118
Part 4 现实与魔幻的交错——西方文化 127
1 《阿甘正传》 深刻诠释美国梦 128
2 《婚礼傲客》 教堂中神圣的西式婚礼 136
3 《牛仔裤的夏天》 世界都在穿的时尚矿工服 144
4 《疯狂的万圣节》 探寻西方鬼节的疯狂与神秘 152
5 《八月迷情》 美国街头艺人的非凡情怀 160
附录 美食文化英语说说看 169
1 饮食习惯与好恶 170
2 居家餐饮 171
3 餐厅就餐 173
4 快餐店用餐 180
5 在酒吧 181
6 在咖啡馆 182
7 欣赏歌剧、音乐剧、演唱会 183
8 节日聚会 185
9 交际舞会 188
Part 1
1意大利民族自古以来一直是一个美食家的民族,意大利人在饮食方面有着非常悠久的历史,如同意大利的艺术、时装与汽车一样,意大利的美食也总是精心制作。在《美食、祈祷与爱情》这部电影中,大嘴美女朱莉娅?罗伯茨饰演《纽约时报》的人气作家伊丽莎白?吉尔特(Elizabeth Gilbert)。结婚后的伊丽莎白发现自己的生活空虚、恐慌:她不想要孩子,甚至不想要丈夫,似乎周遭的一切都不是她内心所追求的。于是主人公开始了一段追求自我价值的人生之旅。她在意大利、印度和印度尼西亚三个不同国度之间寻找自己——到意大利品尝意大利美食,尽享感官的满足,在世上最好的比萨饼与美酒的陪伴下,伊丽莎白的灵魂仿佛重生了。让我们和朱莉娅?罗伯茨一起开启这段美食之旅吧!
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生
Elizabeth: I’m in love. I’m having a relationship with my pizza. You look like you’re breaking up with the pizza. What’s the matter?
Sofi : I can’t.
Elizabeth: What do you mean, you can’t? This is pizza in Napoli. It is your moral imperative to eat and enjoy that pizza.
Sofi : I want to, but I’ve gained, like, 10 pounds. I mean, I’ve got this Right here. What’s it called? What’s the word for it?
Elizabeth: A muffi n top. I have one too.
Sofi : I unbuttoned my jeans fi ve minutes ago just looking at this.
Elizabeth: Let me ask you a question. In all the years you’ve ever undressed in front of a gentleman
Sofi : Hasn’t been that many.
Elizabeth: All right, well has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out? Left?
Sofi : No.
Elizabeth: Because he doesn’t care. He’s in a room with a naked girl. He’s won the lottery. I’m so tired of saying no and then waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before. Counting every
calorie so I know exactly how much selfloathing to take into the shower. I’m going
for it. I have no interest in being obese. I’m just through with the guilt. This is what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna fi nish this pizza and then we’re gonna go watch the soccer game. And tomorrow we’re gonna go on a little date and buy ourselves some bigger jeans. Giovanni likes a muffi n. (Sofi takes the pizza and begins to eat) Attagirl.
译 文
伊丽莎白: 我恋爱了,爱上了我的比萨饼。你看起来好像要和比萨饼分手了,你怎么了?
苏菲: 我不能吃。
伊丽莎白: 你怎么不能吃呢?这可是那不勒斯(意大利的一座城市)的比萨饼,不吃还有天理吗?
苏菲: 我也想吃,不过我已经胖了10 磅了。我是说,我都长了这个 就在这里。要用什么词来形容它呢?
伊丽莎白: 是赘肉吧。我也有赘肉。
苏菲: 我五分钟前还松开了裤子的纽扣,就为了看看有多少赘肉了。
伊丽莎白: 我来问你一个问题,所有看见你脱衣服的男人中
苏菲: 也没几个
伊丽莎白: 好吧,那无所谓 他们中有一个人让你离开的吗?有一个转身走掉的吗?
苏菲: 没有。
伊丽莎白: 那是因为男人不在乎。他和一个裸女同处一室,他烧高香还来不及呢!我再也不想每天早
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生
I’m in love. 我恋爱了。
be in love 表示“在恋爱”。如:
Mary has been acting strangely lately.
She must be in love.
I’m having a relationship with my pizza.
have a relationship with 表示“与 有情”。
另外,在表示“爱上某人”时,我们还可以说be in love with。如:
I think I’m in love with you!
fall in love with 如:
I think I’ve fallen in love with you.
You look like you’re breaking up with the pizza.
break up 表示“分手”。如:
My girlfriend has broken up with me.
另外和“分手” 相关的表达还有:
We were on a break!
We’re definitely broken up this time.
Elizabeth: Now, before we eat, everyone it is Thanksgiving,so let us give thanks. Yeah. Come on, join hands.
Giovanni: Okay.
Elizabeth: So we just say what we What we thank God for tonight. Sofi , why don’t you start?
Sofi: I am grateful for you, Liz for helping me appreciate life with all that comes with it muffi n tops and bad times. And for Giovanni for making me feel loved and secure. AndGiulio?
Giulio: Me, I’m grateful for my beautiful family. My two little daughters and my wife.
The Wife: I thank God and the Holy Virgin for this very, very special day. And for this beautiful family that today is so much bigger. Very much bigger.
Luca: I thank you all for this new custom of celebration. And Liz’s stuffi ng and God for my sexiness. And you, Ruffi na?
Ruffi na: I thank God for my sexiness. Go ahead. Giovanni.
Giovanni: I thank God for fear because for the fi rst time I’m afraid the person next to me will be the one who wants to leave. Liz?
Elizabeth: Well, this all makes me so grateful. Seeing all you happy people who know how to love each other and take care of each other. I look at the amazing women I’ve met who I admire so much and the great men, taking care of their women and putting their children to bed. I just feel happy to see it and to be part of it. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生So let us give thanks. 所以让我们一起来感恩。
give thanks 在本句中是指“(饭前或饭后)作感恩祷告”。
另外give thanks 还可以表示“感谢”。如:
Give thanks to people who have been kind to us.
Come on. 来吧。
Come on. 在口语中出现的频率比较高,它常见的用法有:
Come on, we will be late.
Come on! I’m not afraid of you.
Oh, Tom, come on, for goodness’ sake.
Go ahead. 接着说。
Go ahead. 也是口语中常见的一个短语,可以表示多种含义:
1意大利民族自古以来一直是一个美食家的民族,意大利人在饮食方面有着非常悠久的历史,如同意大利的艺术、时装与汽车一样,意大利的美食也总是精心制作。在《美食、祈祷与爱情》这部电影中,大嘴美女朱莉娅?罗伯茨饰演《纽约时报》的人气作家伊丽莎白?吉尔特(Elizabeth Gilbert)。结婚后的伊丽莎白发现自己的生活空虚、恐慌:她不想要孩子,甚至不想要丈夫,似乎周遭的一切都不是她内心所追求的。于是主人公开始了一段追求自我价值的人生之旅。她在意大利、印度和印度尼西亚三个不同国度之间寻找自己——到意大利品尝意大利美食,尽享感官的满足,在世上最好的比萨饼与美酒的陪伴下,伊丽莎白的灵魂仿佛重生了。让我们和朱莉娅?罗伯茨一起开启这段美食之旅吧!
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生
Elizabeth: I’m in love. I’m having a relationship with my pizza. You look like you’re breaking up with the pizza. What’s the matter?
Sofi : I can’t.
Elizabeth: What do you mean, you can’t? This is pizza in Napoli. It is your moral imperative to eat and enjoy that pizza.
Sofi : I want to, but I’ve gained, like, 10 pounds. I mean, I’ve got this Right here. What’s it called? What’s the word for it?
Elizabeth: A muffi n top. I have one too.
Sofi : I unbuttoned my jeans fi ve minutes ago just looking at this.
Elizabeth: Let me ask you a question. In all the years you’ve ever undressed in front of a gentleman
Sofi : Hasn’t been that many.
Elizabeth: All right, well has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out? Left?
Sofi : No.
Elizabeth: Because he doesn’t care. He’s in a room with a naked girl. He’s won the lottery. I’m so tired of saying no and then waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before. Counting every
calorie so I know exactly how much selfloathing to take into the shower. I’m going
for it. I have no interest in being obese. I’m just through with the guilt. This is what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna fi nish this pizza and then we’re gonna go watch the soccer game. And tomorrow we’re gonna go on a little date and buy ourselves some bigger jeans. Giovanni likes a muffi n. (Sofi takes the pizza and begins to eat) Attagirl.
译 文
伊丽莎白: 我恋爱了,爱上了我的比萨饼。你看起来好像要和比萨饼分手了,你怎么了?
苏菲: 我不能吃。
伊丽莎白: 你怎么不能吃呢?这可是那不勒斯(意大利的一座城市)的比萨饼,不吃还有天理吗?
苏菲: 我也想吃,不过我已经胖了10 磅了。我是说,我都长了这个 就在这里。要用什么词来形容它呢?
伊丽莎白: 是赘肉吧。我也有赘肉。
苏菲: 我五分钟前还松开了裤子的纽扣,就为了看看有多少赘肉了。
伊丽莎白: 我来问你一个问题,所有看见你脱衣服的男人中
苏菲: 也没几个
伊丽莎白: 好吧,那无所谓 他们中有一个人让你离开的吗?有一个转身走掉的吗?
苏菲: 没有。
伊丽莎白: 那是因为男人不在乎。他和一个裸女同处一室,他烧高香还来不及呢!我再也不想每天早
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生
I’m in love. 我恋爱了。
be in love 表示“在恋爱”。如:
Mary has been acting strangely lately.
She must be in love.
I’m having a relationship with my pizza.
have a relationship with 表示“与 有情”。
另外,在表示“爱上某人”时,我们还可以说be in love with。如:
I think I’m in love with you!
fall in love with 如:
I think I’ve fallen in love with you.
You look like you’re breaking up with the pizza.
break up 表示“分手”。如:
My girlfriend has broken up with me.
另外和“分手” 相关的表达还有:
We were on a break!
We’re definitely broken up this time.
Elizabeth: Now, before we eat, everyone it is Thanksgiving,so let us give thanks. Yeah. Come on, join hands.
Giovanni: Okay.
Elizabeth: So we just say what we What we thank God for tonight. Sofi , why don’t you start?
Sofi: I am grateful for you, Liz for helping me appreciate life with all that comes with it muffi n tops and bad times. And for Giovanni for making me feel loved and secure. AndGiulio?
Giulio: Me, I’m grateful for my beautiful family. My two little daughters and my wife.
The Wife: I thank God and the Holy Virgin for this very, very special day. And for this beautiful family that today is so much bigger. Very much bigger.
Luca: I thank you all for this new custom of celebration. And Liz’s stuffi ng and God for my sexiness. And you, Ruffi na?
Ruffi na: I thank God for my sexiness. Go ahead. Giovanni.
Giovanni: I thank God for fear because for the fi rst time I’m afraid the person next to me will be the one who wants to leave. Liz?
Elizabeth: Well, this all makes me so grateful. Seeing all you happy people who know how to love each other and take care of each other. I look at the amazing women I’ve met who I admire so much and the great men, taking care of their women and putting their children to bed. I just feel happy to see it and to be part of it. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
《美食、祈祷与爱情》 品意大利美食中的百味人生So let us give thanks. 所以让我们一起来感恩。
give thanks 在本句中是指“(饭前或饭后)作感恩祷告”。
另外give thanks 还可以表示“感谢”。如:
Give thanks to people who have been kind to us.
Come on. 来吧。
Come on. 在口语中出现的频率比较高,它常见的用法有:
Come on, we will be late.
Come on! I’m not afraid of you.
Oh, Tom, come on, for goodness’ sake.
Go ahead. 接着说。
Go ahead. 也是口语中常见的一个短语,可以表示多种含义: