开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787501247363
《中韩自由贸易区对东亚生产网络的影响 》一书分为五章:东亚区域自由贸易区和东亚生产网络,中韩经贸关系和产业内生产网络的发展,中韩两国的自由贸易区战略比较,中韩自贸区对东亚生产网络的影响,结语。中韩互为重要贸易伙伴,两国经济互补性强,中韩自由贸易区对扩大两国贸易、推动各自增长和产业结构升级大有裨益。两国同为东亚生产网络中的重要组成部分,中韩自由贸易区的建立将对东亚生产网络产生重要影响。因此,本书的出版很有意义。
目 录
I. Introduction
II. Development of FTA and Production Network in East Asia
1. Proliferation of FTAs in East Asia
2. New Theories on Production Network
3. Production Network and Trade Patterns in East Asia
4. Production Network and FDI in East Asia
III. China-South Korea Economic Relations
and Intra-industry Production Network
1. Bilateral Trade and Intra-industry Production Network
2. Complementary and Competitive Economic Relations
3. South Korea’s FDI and Intra-industry Production Network
in China
IV. Comparison of China and South Korea’s FTA Strategies
1. China’s FTA Strategies
2. South Korea’s FTA Strategies
3. Progress of China-South Korea FTA
4. Comparison of China and South Korea’s Tariffs
V. Economic Effect of China-South Korea FTA
on East Asian Production Network
1. Previous Studies: A Critique
2. Method of Analysis
3. Simulation Results and Analysis
VI. Conclusion Remarks
II. Development of FTA and Production Network in East Asia
1. Proliferation of FTAs in East Asia
2. New Theories on Production Network
3. Production Network and Trade Patterns in East Asia
4. Production Network and FDI in East Asia
III. China-South Korea Economic Relations
and Intra-industry Production Network
1. Bilateral Trade and Intra-industry Production Network
2. Complementary and Competitive Economic Relations
3. South Korea’s FDI and Intra-industry Production Network
in China
IV. Comparison of China and South Korea’s FTA Strategies
1. China’s FTA Strategies
2. South Korea’s FTA Strategies
3. Progress of China-South Korea FTA
4. Comparison of China and South Korea’s Tariffs
V. Economic Effect of China-South Korea FTA
on East Asian Production Network
1. Previous Studies: A Critique
2. Method of Analysis
3. Simulation Results and Analysis
VI. Conclusion Remarks