开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装国际标准书号ISBN: 9787313136879
布鲁门撒尔:最知名的上海犹太难民 . 001
Blumenthal: Shanghai’s Best-known Jewish Refugee
隔都遗迹与拉宾们 . 016
The Old Ghetto: Relics and Statesmen
渡堂海:一切源于1919 . 025
Haim Dotan: It All Started In 1919
霍却斯达特:在名单墙上找到祖父母 . 035
Hochstadt Found his Grandparents’ Names on the Shanghai
Jewish Name Wall
摩西会堂修缮记 . 041
Renovation of the Moishe Synagogue
请留下大西洋咖啡馆店招 . 053
Please Preserve the Shop Sign of the Café Atlantic
“上海故事”感动美国国会山 . 063
“Shanghai Stories” Move Capitol Hill
潘光:在联合国讲犹太故事 . 072
Pan Guang Told Jewish Stories in the United Nations
陈俭:与时间赛跑的办馆历程 . 080
Chen Jian: Build a Museum against Time
何宁:“比80% 犹太人更懂犹太史” . 091
He Ning: Knows Jewish History Better than 80% of Jews
林勇:营造“拯救与温暖” . 108
Lin Yong: Create Salvation and Kindness
白马咖啡馆的前世 . 117
The Origin of the White Horse Café
“黄包车”拉到今天 . 129
The “Rickshaws” Still Popular Nowadays
十年前,就有人发掘犹太人史料 . 137
Someone Was Collecting Jewish Historical Materials as Early as a Decade Ago
原先这幢房子是白色的 . 143
The White House
杰里摩西的乡愁 . 152
The Nostalgia of Jerry Moses
附录 虹口地图上的犹太文化地标 . 161
Appendix The Jewish Cultural land mark on the Map of Hongkou District
后记:征集故事中的故事 . 163
Postscript: Stories in Collecting Stories
犹太难民与上海黄包车的缘分,如何绵延70 余年至今?
This series of interviews deals with some fascinating stories ― memories of Shanghai that are unique to its Jewish population and the city’s locals.
Michael Blumenthal, the best-known Jewish refugee in Shanghai, and also a former US Secretary of the Treasury; Rabin, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Prime Minister of Israel; Haim Dotan, a descendant of Jewish refugees and chief designer of the Israeli National Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo … what touching memories do all these prominent figures have of Shanghai?
Moshe Synagogue, the spiritual home of Jewish refugees, has been renovated, and the sign of the historical Café Atlantic has been preserved. The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum, after starting from scratch, is gradually turning itself into an international exhibition hall ― how shall we cherish this relic of brotherhood in adversity?
How did the love story in the Vienna White Horse Café lead to the birth of an opera of the same name? And how did the “Shanghai Jews” replicate the café in Hongkou District?
How has the link between Jewish refugees and Shanghai rickshaws remained alive for more than seven decades, until the present day?
How did the “Shanghai miracle” spread its fame to the United Nations, and manage to impress the whole world/Capitol Hill?
It is only when the stories of Jewish refugees in Shanghai enter historical consciousness and are sealed in the memory of the nation that the spirit of “peace, kindness and understanding” can be fully expressed. This is the essence of “Shanghai Memories.”