开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787560753034
目 录
Table 5.1 Cognitive Status of As and Their Distribution Table 5.2 Cognitive Status of Clause-initial As in Data from Tasks 1 and 2 Table 5.3 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Clause-initial As Table 5.4 Cognitive Status of Os and Their Distribution Table 5.5 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Clause-initial Os Table 5.6 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Clause-medial Os Table 5.7 Hearer-status and Word Order (Clause-initial, -medial and-final Os) Table 5.8 Discourse-status and Word Order (Clause-initial, -medial and-final Os) Table 5.9 Hearer-status and Word Order (Clause-initial A and O,-medial A and O, and -final O) Table 5.10 Discourse-status and Word Order (Clause-initial A & O,-medial A &. O, and-final O) Table 5.11 Hearer-status and Arguments (A and O) Table 5.12 Discourse-status and Arguments (A and O) Table 5.13 Types of S and Their Cognitive Status Table 5.14 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Clause-initial Ss Table 5.15 Word Order and Hearer-status (Clause-initial and -final Ss) Table 5.16 Word Order and Discourse-status (Clause-initial and -final Ss) Table 5.17 Hearer-status and Word Order (A, O and S) Table 5.18 Discourse-status and Word Order (A, O and S) Table 5.19 Hearer-status and Arguments (A, O and S) Table 5.20 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Clause-initial Arguments Table 5.21 Os of A [F OVR] and A [F VRO] and Cognitive Status Table 5.22 Cognitive Status and Os of A [F OVR] and A[F VRO] Table 5.23 Cognitive Status of O of A[F OV] and O of A[F VO] and Word Order Table 5.24 Word Order and Cognitive Status of O of A[F OV] and O of A[F VO] Table 6.1 Information Status of a Clause Table 6.2 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Subordinate Clauses Table 6.3 Distribution of the 9 Events across the Subordinate and Main Clauses Table 7.1 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Discourse-initial Topical Themes Table 7.2 Common Ground and Hearer-status of Discourse-initial Topical Themes Table 7.3 Hearer- vs. Discourse-status of Topical Themes Table 7.4 Hearer-status of Topical Themes in Narratives vs. Descriptions Table 7.5 Hearer-status of Topical Themes from Tasks 1 vs. 2 Table 7.6 Hearer-status of Topical Themes from Tasks 3 vs. 4 Table 7.7 Hearer-status of Topical Themes from Tasks 5 vs. 6 Table 7.8 Episode-initial vs. -internal Participants and Informativity Table 7.9 Informativity and Episode-initial vs. -internal Participants Table 7.10 Episode-initial vs. -internal Participants and Cognitive Status Table 7.11 Cognitive Status and Episode-initial vs. -internal Participants Table 7.12 Move-initial vs. -internal Participants and Informativity Table 7.13 Informativity and Move-initial vs. -internal Participants Table 7.14 Move-initial vs. -internal Participants and Cognitive Status Table 7.15 Cognitive Status and Move-initial vs. -internal Participants