开 本: 大32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787313122919
目 录
Chapter l Introduction
1.1 Chinese Wh.Constructions
1.2 The Theoretical Background
1.3 0utline of the Book
Chapter 2 Two Theories of Licensing Wh—in—Situ
2.1 The Quantificational Property of Wh.Phrases
2.2 Movement Approach
2.2.1 QR
2.2.2 Arguments for Raising Wh.in—Situ at LF
2.3 Non-Movement Approach
2.3.1 Problems of Raising Analysis at LF within MP
2.3.2 Clausal Typing Hypothesis
2.3.3 Incorporating Unselective Binding into MP
2.3.4 Classification of Wh—Phrases
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Intervention Effects
3.1 Wh-Nouns and Intervention Effects
3.1.1 Quantifier Intervention Effects
3.1.2 Focus Intervention Effects
3.1.3 Common Properties between the Two Kinds ofInterveners
3.2 Wh.Adverbs and Intervention Effects
3.2.1 Weishenme“why”
3.2.2 Zenrneyang “how”, Shenrneshihou “When” andZainali “Where”
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Interaction between a Wh-Phrase and a Strong QP
4.1 Scope Ambiguity between a Wh-Noun and a UniversalQuantifier
4.1.1 Analysis of English Data
4.1.2 A Unified Account for English and Chinese Data
4.1.3 LF-Chain Based Scope Principle
4.2 Scope Ambiguity between Wh-Phrases and Definite DPs
4.2.1 A Quantificational Account of Definite DPs
4.2.2 Interaction between a Wh-Noun and a Definite DP
4.3 Interaction between a Wh-Adjunct and a Strong QP
4.4Concluding Remarks and Future Research
Chapter 5 Island Effects Revisited
5.1 Island Effects of English Wh-Phrases
5.1.1 GB Accounts
5.1.2 MP Accounts
5.2 Various Accounts for Island Effects of ChineseWh-Phrases !
5.2.1 Asymmetry between Wh-Arguments andWh-Adjuncts
5.2.2 Asymmetry between Wh-Nouns and Wh-Adverbs
5.2.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Against Two Ways of Scope Taking
Chapter 7 Wh-Focalization
Chapter 8 The Semantic Association of Dou”All” with Wh-Nouns and Its Syntactic Realization
Chapter 9 On the Non-interrogative Use of Chinese
Chapter 10 Conclusions and Theoretical Implications
1.1 Chinese Wh.Constructions
1.2 The Theoretical Background
1.3 0utline of the Book
Chapter 2 Two Theories of Licensing Wh—in—Situ
2.1 The Quantificational Property of Wh.Phrases
2.2 Movement Approach
2.2.1 QR
2.2.2 Arguments for Raising Wh.in—Situ at LF
2.3 Non-Movement Approach
2.3.1 Problems of Raising Analysis at LF within MP
2.3.2 Clausal Typing Hypothesis
2.3.3 Incorporating Unselective Binding into MP
2.3.4 Classification of Wh—Phrases
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Intervention Effects
3.1 Wh-Nouns and Intervention Effects
3.1.1 Quantifier Intervention Effects
3.1.2 Focus Intervention Effects
3.1.3 Common Properties between the Two Kinds ofInterveners
3.2 Wh.Adverbs and Intervention Effects
3.2.1 Weishenme“why”
3.2.2 Zenrneyang “how”, Shenrneshihou “When” andZainali “Where”
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Interaction between a Wh-Phrase and a Strong QP
4.1 Scope Ambiguity between a Wh-Noun and a UniversalQuantifier
4.1.1 Analysis of English Data
4.1.2 A Unified Account for English and Chinese Data
4.1.3 LF-Chain Based Scope Principle
4.2 Scope Ambiguity between Wh-Phrases and Definite DPs
4.2.1 A Quantificational Account of Definite DPs
4.2.2 Interaction between a Wh-Noun and a Definite DP
4.3 Interaction between a Wh-Adjunct and a Strong QP
4.4Concluding Remarks and Future Research
Chapter 5 Island Effects Revisited
5.1 Island Effects of English Wh-Phrases
5.1.1 GB Accounts
5.1.2 MP Accounts
5.2 Various Accounts for Island Effects of ChineseWh-Phrases !
5.2.1 Asymmetry between Wh-Arguments andWh-Adjuncts
5.2.2 Asymmetry between Wh-Nouns and Wh-Adverbs
5.2.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Against Two Ways of Scope Taking
Chapter 7 Wh-Focalization
Chapter 8 The Semantic Association of Dou”All” with Wh-Nouns and Its Syntactic Realization
Chapter 9 On the Non-interrogative Use of Chinese
Chapter 10 Conclusions and Theoretical Implications