开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787040390032
微分流形和拓扑流形的结构的研究是现代数学的重要分支。随着20世纪50—60年代Milnor发现高维球面上的奇异微分结构和 SmaIe证明了高维的Poincare猜想,流形拓扑学的研究进入了全新的领域,来自代数、代数拓扑和几何拓扑的诸多工具得到了广泛的应用。但是这也导致这一领域的文献较为分散和专门,不易被初学者所掌握。法雷尔编著的《流形拓扑导论讲义(精)》的内容涵盖了流形拓扑学基本的思想与结果,包括h- 与s一配边定理,Pontryagin类的拓扑不变性、手术理论、代数K理论等,可以作为初学者进入这一领域的“路标”。
Thomas Farrell是美国Binghamton大学教授,流形几何拓扑领域的*专家,他与合作者提出的Farrell—Jones 猜想是近年来高维流形几何拓扑研究的核心问题之一。Yang Su(苏阳 )是中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员,主要从事高维流形分类问题的研究。
Thomas Farrell是美国Binghamton大学教授,流形几何拓扑领域的*专家,他与合作者提出的Farrell—Jones 猜想是近年来高维流形几何拓扑研究的核心问题之一。Yang Su(苏阳 )是中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员,主要从事高维流形分类问题的研究。
目 录
1 Introduction
2 The h-Cobordism Theorem
2.1 The h-Cobordism Theorem and Generalized Poincare Conjecture.
2.2 Tangent vectors, embeddings, isotopies
2.3 Handles and handlebody decomposition
2.4 Calculus of handle moves
2.5 Proof of the h-Cobordism Theorem
3 The s-Cobordism Theorem
3.1 Statement of the s-Cobordism Theorem
3.2 Whitehead group
3.3 Whitehead torsion for chain complexes
4 Some Classical Results
4.1 Novikov’s Theorem
4.2 A counterexample to the Hurewicz Conjecture
4.3 Milnor’s exotic spheres
4.4 Rochlin’s Theorem
4.5 Proof of Novikov’s Theorem
4.6 Novikov Conjecture
5 Exotic Spheres and Surgery
5.1 Plumbing
5.2 Surgery
6 Hauptvermutung
6.1 The Fundamental Theorem of algebraic K-theory
6.2 Edwards-Cannon’s example
6.3 The Hauptvermutung
6.4 Whitehead torsion
6.5 Proof of Stallings’ Theorem
6.6 Farrell-Hsiang’s example
6.7 The structure set
6.8 Siebenmann’s example
2 The h-Cobordism Theorem
2.1 The h-Cobordism Theorem and Generalized Poincare Conjecture.
2.2 Tangent vectors, embeddings, isotopies
2.3 Handles and handlebody decomposition
2.4 Calculus of handle moves
2.5 Proof of the h-Cobordism Theorem
3 The s-Cobordism Theorem
3.1 Statement of the s-Cobordism Theorem
3.2 Whitehead group
3.3 Whitehead torsion for chain complexes
4 Some Classical Results
4.1 Novikov’s Theorem
4.2 A counterexample to the Hurewicz Conjecture
4.3 Milnor’s exotic spheres
4.4 Rochlin’s Theorem
4.5 Proof of Novikov’s Theorem
4.6 Novikov Conjecture
5 Exotic Spheres and Surgery
5.1 Plumbing
5.2 Surgery
6 Hauptvermutung
6.1 The Fundamental Theorem of algebraic K-theory
6.2 Edwards-Cannon’s example
6.3 The Hauptvermutung
6.4 Whitehead torsion
6.5 Proof of Stallings’ Theorem
6.6 Farrell-Hsiang’s example
6.7 The structure set
6.8 Siebenmann’s example