开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787544636780丛书名: 语用学研究前沿丛书
目 录
Preface to the series
Introduction: From instances of change to explanations of change
Miriam Fried
1. Approaches to variation and change
2. Diachronic analysis and ’pathways’ of change
3. Intra-lingual variation
4. Cross-language variation
5. Summary and outlook
Jeanine Treffers-Daller
1. Introduction
2. Short historical overview
3. Definitions of borrowing: Terminological issues
4. Different types/classifications of borrowing
5. The integration of borrowings
6. Constraints
7. Quantitative approaches
8. Psycholinguistic approaches
Contact linguistics
Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Ostman
1. Introduction
2. Contact in relation to classificatory bases in linguistics
3. Contact and location
4. Direction of interference
5. Indirect influence in language contact
6. Contact as process: Towards pragmatics
Creoles and creolization
Salikoko Mufwene
Ronald Macaulay
1. Introduction
2. Other labels
2.1 Variety
2.2 Lect
2.3 Vernacular
2.4 Social dialects
3. Dialects as local forms of speech
4. Some examples of dialect studies
5. Some recent developments in the U.S.
Georges De Schutter
1. Definition
2. An outline of history
3. Aims of the investigation
3.1 The impact of history on the origin and evolution of languages
3.2 Linguistic reconstruction
3.3 The study of universals of language, especially implicational scales
3.4 Sociopragmatic and attitudinal aspects
3.5 Communicative aspects
4. Dialect atlases
Evolutionary pragmatics
Wolfgang Wildgen
1. Pragmaticism, pragmatics, adaptation and the evolution of language
2. Sign-functions and their evolutionary significance
2.1 The triad of sign functions
2.2 The evolutionary interpretation of the triad of functions
2.3 Selective value of communication and symbolic behavior
3. Can the pragmatics of tool production and tool-use tell us something about the origin of language?
3.1 Instrumentality in higher mammals and man
3.2 Is tool-making a pragmatic source of propositional semantics?
3.3 Cro-Magnon life space and the pragmatic space of decorated caves
4. From ecological to cultural pragmatics
5. Conclusions
Historical linguistics
Louis Goossens
1. Introduction
2. HL in pre-generative work
3. HL and generative grammar
4. New perspectives
5. Explicit
Historical pragmatics
Andreas H. ]ucker
1 Introduction
2. Origins
3. Data problems
4. Topics
4.1 Discourse markers
4.2 Speech acts
4.3 Politeness
5. New perspectives
Implicature and language change
Kate Kearns
1. Introduction
2. Analyses citing conversational principles
3. Implicature and metaphor
4. Implicature, metonymy and merger
5. Inferences based on lexical concepts
6. Summary
Interlanguage pragmatics
Gabriele Kasper
1. Definition and scope
2. Pragmatic comprehension
2.1 Comprehension of nonliteral utterances
2.2 Assessment of politeness
2.3 Sociopragmatic assessment
3. Production of linguistic action
4. Development of pragmatic competence
4.1 Cross-sectional studies
4.2 Longitudinal studies
4.3 Theoretical accounts
5. Pragmatic transfer
5.1 Definition
5.2 Positive transfer
5.3 Negative transfer
5.4 Transferability
6. Communicative effect
7. Pragmatic norms
8. Language teaching
9. Research methods
lO. Further reading
Luisa Martin Rojo
1. Introduction
2. Studies of delinquent jargon and the introduction of a ’value-giving measure’
3. Interpretations of antilanguages and their functions
3.1 Halliday: The concept of antilanguage
3.2 Sociolinguistic functions of delinquent jargon
4. Varieties of jargon
5. Conclusions
Language change
Raymond Hickey
1. Introduction
2. Issues in language change
2.1 Internal and external factors
2.2 Simplicity and symmetry
2.3 Iconicity and indexicality
2.4 Markedness and naturalness
2.5 Telic changes and epiphenomena
2.6 Mergers and distinctions
2.7 Possible changes
2.8 Unidirectionality of change
2.9 Ebb and flow
3. Change and levels of language
3.1 Phonological change
3.2 Morphological change
3.3 Syntactic change
4. The study of universal grammar
4.1 The principles and parameters model
5. Semantic change
6. Pragmatic change
7. Methodologies
7.1 Comparative method
7.2 Internal reconstruction
7.3 Analogy
8. Sociolinguistic investigations
8.1 Data collection methods
8.2 Genre variation and stylistics
9. Pathways of change
9.1 Long-term change: Grammaticalization
9.2 Large-scale changes: The typological perspective
10. Contact accounts
11. Language areas (Sprachbiinde)
12. Conclusion
Language contact
Yaron Matras
1. Introduction
2. Societal multilingualism
3. The bilingual individual
4. Language mixing in conversation
5. Contact-induced language change
6. Contact, typology and language classification
7. Concluding remarks
Derek Nurse
Norbert Dittrnar
1. History of the term ’register’
2. Systematization of the term
3. Perspectives
3.1 Functional linguistics a la Ferguson
3.2 Intercultural communication
3,3 Linguistic pragmatics
3.4 Variation linguistics
Bernard Comrie
Variational pragmatics
Klaus P. Schneider
1. Introduction
2. Pragmatic coordinates
2.1 The scope of pragmatics
2.2 The place in pragmatics
2.3 Levels of pragmatic analysis
3. Variational coordinates
3.1 Variation and identity
3.2 Pragmatic variation
3.3 What is a pragmatic variable?
4. Methodological concerns
4.1 Some basic principles
4.2 Data
5. Development
5.1 History
5.2 Research trends
6. Perspectives
Introduction: From instances of change to explanations of change
Miriam Fried
1. Approaches to variation and change
2. Diachronic analysis and ’pathways’ of change
3. Intra-lingual variation
4. Cross-language variation
5. Summary and outlook
Jeanine Treffers-Daller
1. Introduction
2. Short historical overview
3. Definitions of borrowing: Terminological issues
4. Different types/classifications of borrowing
5. The integration of borrowings
6. Constraints
7. Quantitative approaches
8. Psycholinguistic approaches
Contact linguistics
Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Ostman
1. Introduction
2. Contact in relation to classificatory bases in linguistics
3. Contact and location
4. Direction of interference
5. Indirect influence in language contact
6. Contact as process: Towards pragmatics
Creoles and creolization
Salikoko Mufwene
Ronald Macaulay
1. Introduction
2. Other labels
2.1 Variety
2.2 Lect
2.3 Vernacular
2.4 Social dialects
3. Dialects as local forms of speech
4. Some examples of dialect studies
5. Some recent developments in the U.S.
Georges De Schutter
1. Definition
2. An outline of history
3. Aims of the investigation
3.1 The impact of history on the origin and evolution of languages
3.2 Linguistic reconstruction
3.3 The study of universals of language, especially implicational scales
3.4 Sociopragmatic and attitudinal aspects
3.5 Communicative aspects
4. Dialect atlases
Evolutionary pragmatics
Wolfgang Wildgen
1. Pragmaticism, pragmatics, adaptation and the evolution of language
2. Sign-functions and their evolutionary significance
2.1 The triad of sign functions
2.2 The evolutionary interpretation of the triad of functions
2.3 Selective value of communication and symbolic behavior
3. Can the pragmatics of tool production and tool-use tell us something about the origin of language?
3.1 Instrumentality in higher mammals and man
3.2 Is tool-making a pragmatic source of propositional semantics?
3.3 Cro-Magnon life space and the pragmatic space of decorated caves
4. From ecological to cultural pragmatics
5. Conclusions
Historical linguistics
Louis Goossens
1. Introduction
2. HL in pre-generative work
3. HL and generative grammar
4. New perspectives
5. Explicit
Historical pragmatics
Andreas H. ]ucker
1 Introduction
2. Origins
3. Data problems
4. Topics
4.1 Discourse markers
4.2 Speech acts
4.3 Politeness
5. New perspectives
Implicature and language change
Kate Kearns
1. Introduction
2. Analyses citing conversational principles
3. Implicature and metaphor
4. Implicature, metonymy and merger
5. Inferences based on lexical concepts
6. Summary
Interlanguage pragmatics
Gabriele Kasper
1. Definition and scope
2. Pragmatic comprehension
2.1 Comprehension of nonliteral utterances
2.2 Assessment of politeness
2.3 Sociopragmatic assessment
3. Production of linguistic action
4. Development of pragmatic competence
4.1 Cross-sectional studies
4.2 Longitudinal studies
4.3 Theoretical accounts
5. Pragmatic transfer
5.1 Definition
5.2 Positive transfer
5.3 Negative transfer
5.4 Transferability
6. Communicative effect
7. Pragmatic norms
8. Language teaching
9. Research methods
lO. Further reading
Luisa Martin Rojo
1. Introduction
2. Studies of delinquent jargon and the introduction of a ’value-giving measure’
3. Interpretations of antilanguages and their functions
3.1 Halliday: The concept of antilanguage
3.2 Sociolinguistic functions of delinquent jargon
4. Varieties of jargon
5. Conclusions
Language change
Raymond Hickey
1. Introduction
2. Issues in language change
2.1 Internal and external factors
2.2 Simplicity and symmetry
2.3 Iconicity and indexicality
2.4 Markedness and naturalness
2.5 Telic changes and epiphenomena
2.6 Mergers and distinctions
2.7 Possible changes
2.8 Unidirectionality of change
2.9 Ebb and flow
3. Change and levels of language
3.1 Phonological change
3.2 Morphological change
3.3 Syntactic change
4. The study of universal grammar
4.1 The principles and parameters model
5. Semantic change
6. Pragmatic change
7. Methodologies
7.1 Comparative method
7.2 Internal reconstruction
7.3 Analogy
8. Sociolinguistic investigations
8.1 Data collection methods
8.2 Genre variation and stylistics
9. Pathways of change
9.1 Long-term change: Grammaticalization
9.2 Large-scale changes: The typological perspective
10. Contact accounts
11. Language areas (Sprachbiinde)
12. Conclusion
Language contact
Yaron Matras
1. Introduction
2. Societal multilingualism
3. The bilingual individual
4. Language mixing in conversation
5. Contact-induced language change
6. Contact, typology and language classification
7. Concluding remarks
Derek Nurse
Norbert Dittrnar
1. History of the term ’register’
2. Systematization of the term
3. Perspectives
3.1 Functional linguistics a la Ferguson
3.2 Intercultural communication
3,3 Linguistic pragmatics
3.4 Variation linguistics
Bernard Comrie
Variational pragmatics
Klaus P. Schneider
1. Introduction
2. Pragmatic coordinates
2.1 The scope of pragmatics
2.2 The place in pragmatics
2.3 Levels of pragmatic analysis
3. Variational coordinates
3.1 Variation and identity
3.2 Pragmatic variation
3.3 What is a pragmatic variable?
4. Methodological concerns
4.1 Some basic principles
4.2 Data
5. Development
5.1 History
5.2 Research trends
6. Perspectives