开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787313100412丛书名: 当代语言学研究文库
《汉语句首受事话题的句法与语篇研究》对汉语 自然口语中句首受事话题进行实证性研究。全书由七
章组成。章为导言,简要介绍本书的研究范围、 研究问题以及研究意义和本书结构。第二章是文献综
述,对以往关于汉语话题的句法特征、话题分类、话 题结构以及话题语篇功能的理论加以评介。第三章描
述本书的研究方法。第四章研究充当句首受事话题的 语类。第五章研究句首受事话题句句式类型和英译。
第六章研究句首受事话题的语篇关联。第七章为结论 。本书系统地将句首受事话题的研究从句法层面扩展
到语篇层面,将这类话题的形式与功能研究有机地结 合起来,对已有的相关研究具有补充作用,对汉语中 其他类型话题的研究可提供借鉴。
研究》适合对汉英对比研究感兴趣的读者以及高等院 校语言文学学科的教师和学生阅读。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Scope of the study
1.2 Research questions
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Outline of the study
Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Clause topics
2.1.1 Different understandings of topic
2.1.2 Major syntactic properties of topics
2.1.3 Categorization of topics
2.2 Topic structures
2.3 Discourse functions of topics
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Data
3.1.1 Data sources
3.1.2 Data collection and transcription
3.2 Creation of the corpora
3 3 Coding of data
3.4 Data processing
Chapter 4 Linguistic units as CIP topics
4.1 IntrOductiOn
4.2 Research questions
4.3 Data coding
4.4 Results and discussion
4.4.1 Categorical distribution of units as CIP
4.4.2 Noun phrases:the prototype category
4.4.3 Demonstratives:a neglected category
4.4.4 Embedded clauses
4.4.5 Apposition constructions
4.4.6 Classifier phrases
4.4.7 Verb phrases
4.5 A comparison between Chinese and English
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Syntactic patterns of CIPT clauses
5.1 IntrOductiOn
5.2 Research questions
5.3 Design
5 4 Syntactic patterns of CIPT clauses
5.4.1 Data coding
5.4.2 Syntactic patterns identified
5.4.3 Results and discussion
5.5 A comparison between CIPT clauses in Chinese and
in English_
5.5.1 TSV in Chinese VS OSV in English
5.5.2 Informational status of topics in TSV and
5.5.3 A quantitative comparison between TSV and
5.6 An alternative perspective:a drama text—based
of CIPT clauses in written Chinese
5.6.1 Data
5.6.2 Syntactic patterns identified
5.6.3 Difference between written and spoken
5.7 English translations of CIPT clauses
5.7.1 Syntax of translations
5.7.2 An empirical study of CIPT clause
5.7.3 Gap between SL and TL
5.8 Summary
Chapter 6 CIP topics:discoursal associations
6.1 IntrOductiOn
6.2 Research questions
6.3 Measurements of discoursal associations
6.3.1 Size of discourse chunk
6.3.2 Semantic connection
6.3.3 Gauging of discoursal associations
6 4 Semantic connection revisited
6.4.1 Lexical reiteration
6.4.2 Lexical collocation
6.4.3 Distinguishing expressions
6.4.4 Mixed connections
6.4.5 Di.and split—connections
6.4.6 Poset relation
6.4.7 Data analysis
6.5 Discoursal associations on the part of CIP topics
6.5.1 Contextual clauses associated with CIP
6.5.2 Distribution of associated clauses in
relation to position
6.5.3 NP topics VS pooled topics:a comparison
6.5.4 Prototypical subcategories of noun phrases
in TOP
6.5.5 Discoursal association patterns
6.6 Discussion
6.6.1 Discoursal associations:a cognitive
6.6.2 Some thoughts on Gregory and Michaelis’S
6.7 Summery
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Summary of major findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations