开 本: 大32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787030683885
适读人群 :野生食用菌采集者和销售者、广大消费者、户外生存训练爱好者、医疗系统和疾病预防控制部门有关人员、自然保护区工作人员及真菌学等领域的工作者和大专院校有关专业师生,野生食用菌采集者和销售者、广大消费者、户外生存训练爱好者、医疗系统和疾病预防控制部门有关人员、自然保护区工作人员及真菌学等领域的工作者和大专院校有关专业师生
- 目录
章 中国西南地区的地理环境与真菌资源概况
节 中国西南地区地理环境 2
第二节 中国西南地区真菌资源 4
第二章 毒菌中毒预防与治疗
节 正确区分食用菌与毒菌的重要性 8
第二节 正确辨别食用菌与毒菌的困难性 10
第三节 八大基本中毒类型及治疗指南 13
第三章 蘑菇基本术语与大类分检
节 蘑菇基本术语图解 18
第二节 食用菌与毒菌各大类检索图解 22
第四章 常见食用菌和毒菌描述及彩图
节 牛肝菌类 29
第二节 伞菌类 86
第三节 侧柄类 258
第四节 干巴菌-绣球菌类 271
第五节 竹荪鬼笔类 279
第六节 鸡油菌-喇叭菌类 285
第七节 块菌类和马勃类 298
第八节 多孔菌类 306
第九节 羊肚菌-马鞍菌类 314
第十节 珊瑚菌类 322
第十一节 齿菌类 334
第十二节 胶质菌类及其他 340
参考文献 353
真菌汉名索引 359
真菌拉丁名索引 366
Chapter 1 Brief introduction to geographic conditions and fungal resources in southwestern China
Section 1 Geographic conditions in southwestern China 2
Section 2 Fungal resources in southwestern China 4
Chapter 2 Prevention and treatment of mushroom poisoning
Section 1 Importance of separating edible mushrooms from poisonous ones 8
Section 2 Difficulties in distinguishing edible from poisonous mushrooms 10
Section 3 Eight types of mushroom poisoning and treatment guidelines 13
Chapter 3 Basic terms and key to major groups of mushrooms
Section 1 Diagram of basic terms of mushrooms 18
Section 2 Diagram of major groups of edible and poisonous mushrooms 22
Chapter 4 Descriptions and photos of common edible and poisonous mushrooms
Section 1 Boletes 29
Section 2 Agarics 86
Section 3 Oyster mushrooms and shelf-like fungi 258
Section 4 Thelephores and cauliflower fungi 271
Section 5 Stinkhorns 279
Section 6 Chanterelles and trumpet fungi 285
Section 7 Truffles and puffballs 298
Section 8 Polypores 306
Section 9 Morels and helvellas 314
Section 10 Coral fungi 322
Section 11 Tooth fungi 334
Section 12 Jelly fungi and others 340
References 353
Index of Chinese names of fungi 359
Index of Latin names of fungi 366
Brief introduction to geographic conditions and fungal resources in southwestern China
Section 1 Geographic conditions in southwestern China
中国西南地区包括重庆市、四川省、贵州省、云南省、西藏自治区共 5个省(自治区、直辖市)(图 1),地跨四川盆地、云贵高原、青藏高原东南部等广大地区。该区地形地貌复杂,海拔高差悬殊,从云南东南部的河口海拔仅 76.4 m到“世界屋脊”的珠穆朗玛峰海拔 8848.86 m,海拔高差 8700多米。
全区深受亚热带季风气候和高原山地气候的影响,特别是受到印度洋和太平洋两支暖湿气流的影响,雨量充沛,河流众多,许多地方冬暖夏凉。该区孕育了热带、亚热带、亚高山及高山温带各种类型的植被,有高等植物约 17 000种,陆生动物 1400余种,均各占全国的一半以上。该区生物资源十分丰富,是***的生物多样性热点地区,素有“动植物和真菌王国”之称。
图 1 中国地图,示其西南(灰色部分)所在地理位置
Fig. 1 Map of China, showing the geographical location of its southwestern part (in grey)
Section 2 Fungal resources in southwestern China
野生食用菌、毒菌、药用菌及许多目前用途尚不明确的真菌都属于人们关注的真菌资源。据统计,中国有野生食用菌 1000余种、毒菌 480余种和药用菌 690余种(上海农业科学院食用菌研究所 , 1991; 卯晓岚 , 2006; 戴玉成等 , 2010; 图力古尔等 , 2014; Wu et al., 2019)。在中国西南地区,已知野生食用菌 800余种、毒菌 200余种、药用菌 300余种,在全国独占鳌头(王云章等 , 1983; 吴兴亮 , 1989; 卯晓岚等 , 1993; 应建浙和臧穆 , 1994; 袁明生和孙佩琼 , 1995; 臧穆 , 1996; 王向华和刘培贵 , 2002; 王向华等 , 2004; 贺新生 , 2011; 刘培贵 , 2016; 普布次仁等, 2016; 马明等, 2017)。而且,研究人员还在不断发现该区的真菌新资源(Cui et al., 2018; Du et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Ge et al., 2020; Han et al., 2020; Jian et al., 2020)。
据估计,仅云南每年野生食用菌自然产量就达 50万吨,每年开发利用的新鲜野生食用菌约 10万吨(王德 , 2005)。例如,在云南野生食用菌产业链中,从事收购、加工、出口的企业和公司已逾 400余家,仅松茸出口就创汇 2亿多美元(云南省食用菌协会 , 2007)。如今,云南野生食用菌年产值已达 100亿元。
野生食用蘑菇具有较高的营养价值,其蛋白质含量是大白菜、番茄等常见蔬菜的 3~ 6倍,含有多种维生素、十多种对人体有益的微量元素和人体自身不能合成的 8种氨基酸,不含或很少含有脂肪和胆固醇。由于野生食用菌风味鲜美,营养丰富,故被誉为“山珍”。
Southwestern China covers Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan Province, Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region (Fig. 1). It spans a vast area, including the Sichuan Basin, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and the southeast part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The topography of this area is complex and the altitude differences are great. From the lowest point, Hekou, in southeastern Yunnan, at an elevation of only 76.4 m, to the peak of Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world,” at an elevation of 8,848.86 m, the difference in elevation is over 8,700 m.
The whole region is deeply influenced by a subtropical monsoon climate and a plateau mountain climate. It is especially affected by two, warm, humid air flows; from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Consequently, there is abundant rainfall and numerous rivers in the region. Many parts of the area have warm winters and cool summers. The tropical, subtropical, subalpine and alpine temperate vegetation in the region supports about 17,000 species of higher plants, over 1,400 species of land animals, comprising over 50% of the taxa respectively in the country. The area is particularly rich in biological resources, and is a world-class biodiversity hotspot. In China it is known as the “Kingdom of animals, plants and fungi.”
Wild edible, poisonous, medicinal and many other kinds of fungi whose uses are currently unknown, are all resources that people pay attention to. Statistically, there are more than 1,000 species of edible mushrooms, 480 poisonous fungi and 690 medicinal fungi in China (Institute of Edible Fungi of Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1991; Mao, 2006; Dai et al., 2010; Bau et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2019). In southwestern China, more than 800 species of edible mushrooms, more than 200 poisonous fungi and 300 medicinal ones, ranking it at the top of fungal diversity in China (Wang et al., 1983; Wu, 1989; Mao et al., 1993; Ying & Zang, 1994; Yuan & Sun, 1995; Zang, 1996; Wang & Liu, 2002; Wang et al., 2004; He, 2011; Liu, 2016; Pubu et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2017). Moreover, new fungal resources continue to be discovered in the region (Cui et al., 2018; Du et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Ge et al., 2020; Han et al., 2020; Jian et al., 2020).
It has been estimated that the natural production of wild edible fungi in Yunnan Province alone is 500,000 tons per year, and about 100,000 tons of fresh wild edible fungi are collected and utilized each year (Wang, 2005). For example, in the wild mushroom industry in Yunnan, there are more than 400 enterprises and companies engaged in purchasing raw mushrooms from collectors, processing them and then exporting them. The export of matsutake alone brings in about 200 million US dollars (Yunnan Edible Fungi Association, 2007). The annual value of wild edible fungi harvested in Yunnan has recently reached 10 billion yuan.
Wild edible mushrooms have a high nutritional value. The protein content is three to six times the protein content of common vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage and tomato. They contain many kinds of vitamins, more than ten kinds of micro nutrients beneficial to the human body and eight kinds of amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize. They do not, or rarely, contain fats and cholesterols. Wild mushrooms are known as “delicacies from the mountains” due to their delicious flavor and rich nutritional value.