开 本: 24开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787510048012
弗兹格编著的《流体动力学中的计算方法(第3版)》内容介绍:Computational fluid dynamics, commonly known by the acronym‘CFD’,is undergoing significant expansion in terms of both the number of courses offered at universities and the number of researchers active in the field. There are a number of software packages available that solve fluid flow problems; the market is not quite as large as the one for structural mechanics codes, in which finite element methods are well established. The lag can be explained by the [act that CFD problems are, in general, more difficult to solve. However, CFD codes are slowly being accepted as design tools by industrial users. At present,users of CFD need to be fairly knowledgeable, which requires education of both students and working engineers. The present book is an attempt to fill this need.