开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9780761526988
Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is both a joy and a
challenge. This is true at any age, but as an expectant mother over
the age of 35 you want real answers for your unique needs and
concerns. With wisdom and compassion, Dr. Kelly Shanahan
shares her own experiences as an obstetrician and over-35 mom. Her
detailed and reassuring approach will help you understand the
significant changes in your body and life as well as your baby’s
development. Inside, you will find:
·Explanations and answers for your special health concerns
·Advice about making career, relationship, and lifestyle
·Practical tips for safe weight gain, exercise, and travel
·Excerpts from Dr. Shanahan’s journal of her over-35
From pregnancy planning and proper nutrition to labor and delivery,
this informative book will fully prepare you for the birth of your
healthy, happy baby.
“A must-read for expectant couples over the age of 35 and a
valuable reference for pregnancy at any age.” —Lynn D.
Montgomery, M.D., director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Rocky Mountain
Perinatal Center, Missoula, Montana
“This book addresses virtually all of the questions commonly asked
by expectant couples. Great job.” —E. Albert Reexed M.D.,
professor and chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Temple University
“A work of art and a work of love, with a lot of good science
thrown in along the way.” —R. Daniel Braun, M.D., FACOG,
clinical professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Indiana University School of Medicine
“What a great, week-by-week, commonsense journey through
pregnancy!” —William F. von Almen II, M.D., FACOG, editorial
adviser, obgyn.net
Pregnancy Planning
Week 1: The Menstrual Cycle
Week 2: Ovulation and Fertilization
Week 3: Implantation
Week 4: Where’s My Period?
Week 5: Why Am I So Tired??
Week 6: First Doctor’s Visit
Week 7: Morning (and Noon and Night) Sickness
Week 8: Dashed Hopes
Week 9: Teratogens, or What to Avoid When You’re Expecting
Week 10: Chorionic Villus Sampling
Week 11: Eating for Two
Week 12: No, You’re Not Losing Your Mind, You’re Just
Week 13: Interpretation of Prenatal Blood Tests
Week 14: Telling the World
Week 15: More Blood Tests: The “Triple Screen”
Week 16: Amniocentesis
Week 17: Financial Considerations
Week 18: Baby Pictures
Week 19: There’s a Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On!
Week 20: Baby Is Exercising—And So Should You
Week 21: Why Do I Have to Get On That Darn Scale!
Week 22: Baby, Oh Baby, the Places You’ll Go
Week 23: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Week 24: Born Too Soon
Week 25: Bleeding
Week 26: Working Nine to Five
Week 27: It’s a Boy and a Girl and . . .
Week 28: Too Sweet
Week 29: Divide and Conquer
Week 30: Preterm Labor
Week 31: It’s a Family Affair
Week 32: Learning About Labor
Week 33: Blueprint for Birth
Week 34: High Blood Pressure and Pre-Eclampsia
Week 35: Here’s Looking at You, Kid
Week 36: To Breast or Not to Breast, That Is the Question
Week 37: The Home Stretch
Week 38: Pain Control
Week 39: Cesarean Section and VBAC
Week 40: Labor Day
Postparcum: Where’s the Instruction Manual?