开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787522623023
在外国友人面前你能否流畅自如地介绍自己的祖国?本书愿助你一臂之力!本书精选节日与节气、技艺与传承、戏曲与民乐、书画与手工艺、建筑与服饰、民间传说、成语典故、科技成就、美食天下、自然景观、文化遗产、辉煌典籍等12 个主题,中英双语介绍中国,涵盖近150 个精彩话题,每一篇包括历史背景、文化剪影和词汇注释,每一章后面还配有主题鲜明、原汁原味的情景对话。本书为读者提供讲好中国故事、传播中国文化的一道道精美盛筵,让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。
1节日与节气 Festivals and Solar Terms
春节/ The Spring Festival 002
元宵节/ The Lantern Festival 003
清明节/ The Qingming Festival 004
端午节/ The Dragon-Boat Festival 005
七夕节/ The Qixi Festival 007
中秋节/ The Mid-Autumn Festival 008
重阳节/ The Double Ninth Festival 009
二十四节气/ The Twenty-Four Solar Terms 011
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 012
2技艺与传承 Skills and Inheritance
中医/ Traditional Chinese Medicine 015
茶艺/ Tea Ceremony 016
武术/ Wushu 018
太极拳/ Taijiquan 019
杂技/ Acrobatics 021
围棋/ Weiqi 022
相声/ Crosstalk 023
秧歌与腰鼓舞/ Yangko & Waist-Drum Dance 025
皮影戏/ Shadow Puppetry 026
泥塑/ Clay Sculpture 028
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 029
3戏曲与民乐 Operas and Folk Music
京剧/ Peking Opera 033
昆曲/ Kun Opera 034
越剧/ Yue Opera 036
黄梅戏/ Huangmei Opera 037
评剧/ Ping Opera
豫剧/ Yu Opera 040
情景对话1 Situational Dialogue 1 041
编钟/ Chime Bells 042
古琴/ Guqin 043
古筝/ Chinese zither 044
琵琶/ Pipa 046
二胡/ Erhu 047
锣鼓/ Gongs and Drums 048
箫/ Xiao 050
情景对话2 Situational Dialogue 2 051
4书画与手工艺 Calligraphy, Painting and Handicrafts
书法/ Calligraphy 053
国画/ Traditional Chinese Painting 054
篆刻/ Seal Cutting 055
刺绣/ Embroidery 056
陶瓷/ Ceramics 057
中国剪纸/ Chinese Paper-Cut 059
景泰蓝/ Cloisonné 060
中国结/ Chinese Knotting 061
风筝/ Kites 062
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 063
5建筑与服饰 Architecture and Dress
宫殿/ Palaces 066
园林/ Gardens 067
北京四合院/ Beijing Siheyuan 068
上海弄堂/ Shanghai Longtang 069
客家土楼/ The Hakka Tulou 071
旗袍/ Qipao 072
汉服/ Hanfu 073
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 074
6民间传说 Folklore
盘古开天地/ Pan’gu Creating Heaven and Earth 077
女娲补天/ Nüwa Patching up the Sky 078
大禹治水/ Dayu Curbing Floods 079
神农尝百草/ Shennong Tasting Hundreds of Herbs 081
愚公移山/ Foolish Old Man Removing the Mountains
嫦娥奔月/ Chang’e Flying to the Moon 083
后羿射日/ Houyi Shooting down the Suns 084
夸父追日/ Kuafu Chasing the Sun 085
精卫填海/ Jingwei Filling up the Sea 087
钻木取火/ Drilling the Wood to Get Fire 088
仓颉造字/ Cangjie Creating Chinese Characters 089
牛郎织女/ The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl 090
梁山伯与祝英台/ Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai 092
花木兰代父从军/ Hua Mulan Joining the Army on Behalf of Her Father 093
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 094
7成语典故 Idioms and Allusions
三顾茅庐/ Making Three Calls at the Thatched Cottage 097
高山流水/ High Mountains and Flowing Water 098
卧薪尝胆/ Sleeping on the Brushwood and Tasting the Bitter Gall 099
沉鱼落雁/ Making Fish Sink and Wild Geese Alight 100
亡羊补牢/ Mending the Fold after the Sheep Is Lost 101
掩耳盗铃/ Plugging the Ears to Steal the Bell 103
狐假虎威/ The Fox Borrowing the Tiger’s Ferocity 104
老马识途/ An Old Horse Knowing the Way 105
守株待兔/ Staying by a Tree Stump to Wait for Hares 107
鹬蚌相争/ A Battle Between a Snipe and a Clam 108
完璧归赵/ Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao 109
围魏救赵/ Besieging Wei to Rescue Zhao 111
班门弄斧/ Wielding the Axe Before Lu Ban 112
望梅止渴/ Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums 113
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 115
8科技成就 Achievements of Science and Technology
天文历法/ The Astronomical Calendar 118
四大发明/ The Four Great Inventions 119
《九章算术》/ Nine Chapters of Mathematical Art 120
两弹一星/ Two Bombs and One Satellite 122
超级杂交水稻/ Super Hybrid Rice 123
南京长江大桥/ Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 124
中国航天/ China Aerospace 126
中国高铁/ China High-Speed Railway 128
中国天眼/ China’s Eye of Heaven 129
北斗卫星导航系统/ Beidou Satellite Navigation System 130
青蒿素/ Qinghaosu 131
情景对话 Situational Dialogue
9美食天下 Cuisine World
川菜/ Sichuan Cuisine 137
鲁菜/ Shandong Cuisine 138
粤菜/ Guangdong Cuisine 139
湘菜/ Hunan Cuisine 141
苏菜/ Jiangsu Cuisine 142
浙菜/ Zhejiang Cuisine 143
闽菜/ Fujian Cuisine 144
徽菜/ Anhui Cuisine 146
情景对话1 Situational Dialogue 1 147
北京烤鸭/ Beijing Roast Duck 148
冰糖葫芦/ Bingtanghulu 149
肉夹馍/ Roujiamo 150
凉皮/ Liangpi 152
羊肉泡馍/ Pitta Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup 153
刀削面/ The Sliced Noodles 154
兰州牛肉拉面/ Lanzhou Beef Lamian 155
桂林米粉/ Guilin Rice Noodles 157
过桥米线/ Crossing-Bridge Rice Noodles 158
腊八粥/ The Laba Porridge 159
情景对话2 Situational Dialogue 2 161
10自然景观 Natural Landscape
泰山/ Mount Tai 164
黄山/ Mount Huang 165
神农架/ Shennongjia 166
喀斯特地貌/ Karst Landforms 167
梵净山/ Mount Fanjing 168
红河哈尼梯田/ Red River Hani Terraced Fields 170
可可西里自然保护区/ Hoh Xil Nature Reserve 171
珠穆朗玛峰/ Mount Qomolangma 173
长江三峡/ The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
黄河/ The Yellow River 175
西湖/ The West Lake 177
庐山/ Mount Lu 178
五台山/ Mount Wutai 179
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 180
11文化遗产 Cultural Heritage
长城/ The Great Wall
故宫/ The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 184
颐和园/ The Summer Palace 186
天坛/ The Temple of Heaven 187
避暑山庄/ The Mountain Resort 188
殷墟/ The Yin Ruins 190
苏州古典园林/ Suzhou Classical Gardens 191
武当山/ Mount Wudang 192
秦始皇陵兵马俑/ The Terracotta Army of Qinshihuang Mausoleum 194
少林寺/ The Shaolin Temple 195
龙门石窟/ Longmen Grottoes 196
峨眉山与乐山大佛/ Mount Emei and Leshan Great Buddha 198
莫高窟/ The Mogao Grottoes 199
丽江古城/ The Old Town of Lijiang 200
情景对话 Situational Dialogue 202
12辉煌典籍 Brilliant Classics
《周易》/ The Zhou Book of Changes 205
《黄帝内经》/ The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine 206
《诗经》/ The Book of Songs 208
《史记》/ The Records of the Historian 209
《山海经》/ The Classic of Mountains and Seas 211
《道德经》/ Tao Te Ching 212
《论语》/ The Analects of Confucius 213
《孙子兵法》/ The Art of War 214
《徐霞客游记》/ Xu Xiake’s Travels 216
《天工开物》/ An Encyclopedia of Technology 217
《齐民要术》/ The Important Arts for the People’s Welfare 219
《本草纲目》/ Condensed Compendium of Materia Medica 220
《三国演义》/ Romance of the Three Kingdoms 222
《西游记》/ Pilgrimage to the West 223
《水浒传》/ Outlaws of the Marsh 224
《红楼梦》/ A Dream of Red Mansions
情景对话 Situational Dialogue