开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787562825166
This book is the seventh volume of the proceedings for the symposium series on Fracture Mechanics,an annual conference devoted to the exchange of information among the universities, research institutions and industry sectors in China and abroad. FM2009 is held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province,from October 16 to October 20, 2009.
目 录
From the editors
Non-Newtonian mechanics for small bodies G. C. Sih
Life prediction and monitoring of critical industrial equipment Shan-Tung Tu
Creep properties of service-exposed Alloy 625 after resolution annealing treatment and
microstructural assessment using ultrasonic waves S. L. Mannan, M. D. Mathew
Finite element simulation of ductile crack propagation in metal materials Sujuan Guo, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang, Yan Guo
Investigating the effects of crack geometry and location on crack growth behavior in a centrally
perforated cylinder under internal pressure C. W. Smith, C. T. Liu
Application of stress-triaxiality dependent fracture criteria for unnotched charpy specimens Hailing Yu, David Y. Jeong
Antiplane interaction of a crack with a reinforced elliptic hole embedded in an infinite matrix C. K. Chao, A. Wikarta
Analysis of arbitrary shaped three-dimensional cracks by using a virtual crack-closure integral
method (VCCM) for tetrahedral finite element Hiroshi Okada, Takashi Tokuda, Hiroshi Kawai, Yasuyoshi Fukui
Indicating the limits of metals to receive surface engineering treatments in order to improve their
fatigue resistance M. Castillo, C. Rodopoulos, M. Papadopoulos, Sp. Pantelakis
Elastic fields of a circular inhomogeneity with imperfect interface in anisotropic media G. H. Nie, Z. Q. Huang
Dynamic compressive response of soft biological tissues Weinong Chen
Strain accumulation process under periodical loading in polymeric materials I. Emri, B. Zupancic, A. Nikonov, U. Florjancic
From the editors
Non-Newtonian mechanics for small bodies G. C. Sih
Life prediction and monitoring of critical industrial equipment Shan-Tung Tu
Creep properties of service-exposed Alloy 625 after resolution annealing treatment and
microstructural assessment using ultrasonic waves S. L. Mannan, M. D. Mathew
Finite element simulation of ductile crack propagation in metal materials Sujuan Guo, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang, Yan Guo
Investigating the effects of crack geometry and location on crack growth behavior in a centrally
perforated cylinder under internal pressure C. W. Smith, C. T. Liu
Application of stress-triaxiality dependent fracture criteria for unnotched charpy specimens Hailing Yu, David Y. Jeong
Antiplane interaction of a crack with a reinforced elliptic hole embedded in an infinite matrix C. K. Chao, A. Wikarta
Analysis of arbitrary shaped three-dimensional cracks by using a virtual crack-closure integral
method (VCCM) for tetrahedral finite element Hiroshi Okada, Takashi Tokuda, Hiroshi Kawai, Yasuyoshi Fukui
Indicating the limits of metals to receive surface engineering treatments in order to improve their
fatigue resistance M. Castillo, C. Rodopoulos, M. Papadopoulos, Sp. Pantelakis
Elastic fields of a circular inhomogeneity with imperfect interface in anisotropic media G. H. Nie, Z. Q. Huang
Dynamic compressive response of soft biological tissues Weinong Chen
Strain accumulation process under periodical loading in polymeric materials I. Emri, B. Zupancic, A. Nikonov, U. Florjancic