开 本: 16开纸 张: 轻型纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787549827787
002 A Boy and His Cat 一猫一世情 / 朱蒂丝·约翰森006 One Night Belongs to the Elk 麋鹿之夜 / 詹尼弗·奥因斯 ·杜威008 The Boy Who Drew Cats 画猫的男孩 / 拉夫加多·海恩012 Hokkaido Green 北海道绿 / 艾丹·道尔014 Come Play with Me 主人,来玩 / 克来格·哈珀018 The Crows’ Gifts 来自乌鸦的礼物 / 理查·格雷020 Swimming with Dolphins 与海豚共舞 / 爱兰歌娜·泰勒024 A Love Letter to Foods 写给食物的情书 / 佚 名026 Fall in Love with This World When Something Happen 哪个猝不及防的瞬间你爱上了这个世界 / 佚 名028 The Stars (Excerpt) 星光(节选) / 马克·吐温029 To the Moon 致月亮 / 珀西·比希·雪莱
032 Love Is Fallacy 爱是谬论 / 马克斯·舒尔曼036 Rendezvous at Sunrise 爱在日出时 / 佚 名040 Light Your Fire 夜空中亮的星 / 丹妮·乔041 The Life I Desired 我所追求的生活 / 威廉·萨姆塞特·毛姆042 Cupid and Psyche, Their Child Named “Pleasure” 爱与灵魂相爱,他们的孩子是欢乐 / 塞布丽娜·迪普044 Wetting Pants 你是故意的 / 利昂·Z . 曾045 Lovesick Tyrant Lusty Letters 一封改变英国历史的情书/佚 名046 The Difference Between Favor and Love 喜欢与爱的区别 / 约恩·玛尔048 There Is at Least One Time , You Forget Yourself 一生至少该有一次忘我吧 / 佚 名049 Ich liebe Dich 世界太大,我太小 / 佚 名050 The Primitive Man in Love 恋爱中的原始人 / 西蒙·里奇052 Pains of Youth, and Gains of Growth 青是受伤,春是成长 / 埃莉诺·卢克054 The Snow Wife 雪妻 / 约翰逊057 You Don’t Come, I’m Dare not to Grow Old 你不来,我不敢老去 / 李继宗058 What on Earth Do You Love For? 你究竟是爱其心还是爱其貌 / 林丹061 Lonely Number Like Root Three 孤独的根号三 / 戴维·范伯格062 Chairs’ Love 椅子的爱情 / 江苏一湖064 Masks 戴面具的人 / 谢尔 • 西尔弗斯坦065 I Am Afraid When You Say that You Love Me 你爱我时,我惊慌至此 / 卡资拉·斯耶克斯·阿里分
第三章:美好与残酷,只关乎态度068 You Can’t Be Replaced 今生只有你不可取代 / 佚 名070 The Invitation 生活的邀请函 / 奥丽雅·芒廷·椎米071 True Nobility 真实的高贵 / 欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威072 American Student’s Thorny Road of Honor 美国学生的光荣荆棘路 / 佚 名074 Within Mirrior 镜中 / 张 枣075 If It Is My Last 如果这是我的末日 / 佚 名076 You Are Only Young Once, and You Are Never Old Twice 你可能年轻一次,而且绝不可能老两次 / 佚 名079 The Note in the Locker 锁柜中的纸条 / 安妮080 Those Innocent Times of Obsessing with Facebook 沉迷于“脸谱网”的青葱岁月 / 佚 名082 The Train Is My Apartment 我的家在火车上 / 佚 名083 Attitude Is Everything 态度决定一切 / 佚 名084 Miracles 奇迹 / 尼古拉斯·斯巴克斯086 An Hour Ago 一小时前 / 乔治·麦克白087 The Reason for Being Is Just to Be 活着即是他们存在的理由 / 桑德拉·希斯内罗丝088 Girls, Please Put Down Your Prejudice, Be a Geek 女孩,放下偏见,做科技怪胎吧 / 比琳达·帕马090 When I Saw Wyself in the Mirror 镜中的我 / 佚 名092 Face-ism 拜脸主义 / 佚 名094 Everyone Would Have a Helpless Time 谁都有一段看似“无路可走“的时光 / 佚 名096 What I Have Experienced in Harvard University Was Just Nightmares 我在哈佛的经历简直是噩梦 / 埃里克·凯斯特098 How Can You Pretend to Have Read Classic Novels 怎样假装读过某本文学名著 / 何娜100 Introvert You, No Need to Imitate Your Shining Bestie 内向的你,没必要模仿你那闪耀的闺密 / 索菲亚·德木铃102 How to Be a Better Person 怎样成为更优秀的人 / 森淼104 Forgive Your Inner Darkness 原谅自己内心的黑暗吧 / 佚 名106 A Letter to Father Christmas from Benedict Cumberbatch 卷福写给圣诞老人的信 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇108 To My Dear Basketball 致亲爱的篮球 / 科比·布莱恩特111 Wounded 伤疤 / 朗·丽芙112 Surprised Shadow 惊影 / 简·赫斯菲尔德113 The Deepest Fear 深的恐惧 / 玛丽安娜·威廉森114 High Mountains 山之高 / 张若琼(张玉娘)115 Petals 花瓣 / 艾米·洛威尔116 Absence 缺席 / 伊丽莎白·詹宁斯117 Mutability 无常 / 珀西·比希·雪莱118 Her Initials 她的名字 / 托马斯·哈代119 Attitude 态度 / 佚 名
第四章:我爱你,不只因为血缘而已122 I Am the Smart One, but She Is Pretty 我聪明,她漂亮 / 戈比·邓恩126 I Am Just a Girl 我仅仅是个女孩 / 艾丽丝·门罗128 Freaky Friday 怪诞星期五 / 玛丽·罗杰斯132 The scars of love 爱的伤疤 / 佚 名134 When Your Mother Says She’s Fat ,Please Praise Her Beauty 当妈妈觉得自己胖,请对她说你很美 / 凯西·爱德华兹137 This Is Love 这就是爱 / 佚 名138 Your Hands Are Too Rough 你的手太粗糙了 / 佚 名140 Dear Dad, You’re Doing It All Wrong 亲爱的老爸,你全都做错啦 / 凯丽·M.弗拉纳根142 A Letter from Einstein to His Daughter 爱因斯坦写给女儿的一封信 / 爱因斯坦143 Out of Three or Four in the Room 屋子里的三四个人之中 / 耶胡达·阿米亥144 What Is an Island Without the Sea 没有大海,如何会有岛屿 / 丹尼尔·霍夫曼145 Years, the Master of Thief 岁月神偷 / 杨灿花
第五章:花非花,藏在故事中的人生148 A Boy Who Spent His Life in a Bubble 生活在“气泡”当中的男孩 / 詹妮弗·L. 克洛152 I Have Become More Chinese 我发现我越来越像中国人 / 艾玛·沃特森154 The Sad Man—Keanu Reeves 悲伤的基努 / 佚 名155 Count Our Blessings 清点祝福 / 佚 名156 The Judge and the Beetle 法官和甲虫 / 佚 名159 Please Dress Me in Red 请为我穿上红衣 / 辛蒂·迪·福尔摩斯160 Looks Can Be Deceiving 别被外表迷惑 / 克拉拉·温思特弗162 The Potter Family 波特家族 /J.K. 罗琳164 Burrito Girl 卖墨西哥卷饼的女孩 / 史佩斯·吉蒂166 Be Together 我们一起前行 / 奥马尔·麦扎168 Truth or Dare 真心话大冒险,你敢吗 / L . A . 沃尔什170 Jiang Chengzi:Recording a Dream 江城子·记梦 / 顾太清173 Hua Fei Hua 花非花 / 白居易
174 Vocabulary 词汇
I’m not sure how he got to my clinic. He didn’t look old enough to drive, although his child’s body had begun to,broaden and he moved with the heavy grace of youngmanhood. His face was direct and open.
When I walked into the waiting room, he was lovingly petting his cat through the open door of the carrier on his lap. With a schoolboy’s faith in authority , he had brought his sick cat in for me to mend. The cat was a tiny thing, exquisitely formed, with a delicate skull and beautiful markings. She was about the boy’s own age, give or take a year. I could see how her spots and stripes and her fierce, bright face had evoked the image of a tiger in a child’s mind, and Tigress she had become. Age had dammed the bright green fire of her eyes into faded lace, but she was still elegant and self-possessed.
I began to ask questions to determine what had brought this charming pair to see me. Unlike most adults, the boy answered simply and directly. Tigress had had a normal appetite until recently, when she’d begun to vomit a couple of times a day. Now she was not eating at all and had withdrawn from her human family. She had also lost a pound, which is a lot when you weigh only six.
Stroking Tigress, I told her how beautiful she was while I examined her eyes and mouth, listened to her heart and lungs, and felt her stomach. My fingers found it: a tubular mass in mid-abdomen. Tigress politely tried to slip away. She did not like the mass being handled.
I looked at the fresh faced boy and back at the cat he had probably had all his 1ife. I was going to have to tell him that his beloved companion had a tumor. Even if it were surgically removed, she probably would survive less than a year, and might need weekly chemotherapy to last that long.
It would all be very difficult and expensive. So I was going to have to tell this boy that his cat was likely to die. And there he was, all alone. Death is something we push to the background and ignore as long as possible, but in reality every living thing we love will die. It is an omnipresent part of life. How death is first experienced can be life-forming. It can be a thing of horror and suffering, or a peaceful release.
So I would have to guide the boy through this myself. 1 did not want the burden. It had to be done perfectly, or he might end up emotionally scarred. It would have been easy to shirk this task and summon a parent. But when l looked at the boy’s face, I could not do it. He knew something was wrong. I could not just ignore him. So I talked to him as Tigress’s rightful owner and told him as gently as I could what I had found, and what it meant.
As I spoke, the boy jerked convulsively away from me, probably so I could not see his face, but I had seen it begin to twist as he turned. I sat down and turned to Tigress, to give the boy some privacy, and stroked her beautiful old face while I discussed the alternatives with him. I could do a biopsy of the mass, let her fade away at home, or give her an injection and put her to sleep. He listened carefully and nodded gravely. He said he didn’t think she was very comfortable anymore,and he didn’t want her to suffer.
I offered to call a parent to explain what was everything again with the father while the boy listened and petted his cat. Then I let father speak to son. The boy paced and gestured and his voice broke a few times, but when he hung up, he turned to me with dry eyes and said they had decided to put her to sleep.
No rage, no denial, no hysteria, just acceptance of the inevitable. I could see, though, how much it was costing him. I could not control the tears streaming down my face, or the grief I felt welling inside for this boy who had to become a man so quickly and so alone.
He held her head and reassured her while I administered the injection. She drifted off to sleep, her head cradled in his hand. The animal looked quiet and at rest. The owner now bore all the suffering.
Something was missing, though. I did not feel I had completed my task. It came to me suddenly that though I had asked him to become a man instantly, and he had done so with grace and strength, he was still a child. I held out my arms and asked him if he needed a hug. He did indeed, and in truth, so did I.