开 本: 32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9780071324625
is a holistic approach to work, home,
finances, goal attainment,priorities, faith, relationships, and
success. Its premise is that unlike a Western meal, where
everything is separate on the same plate, life is more like a
soup–with the ingredients all mixed together–and you cannot
partake of just one component without it affecting the
others.Everything in life is interdependent.
If you are to be productive, all areas of your
life must be addressed as a homogeneous whole. In this book I
introduce my proprietary ACTS-IM Goal Attainment ModelTM and ABCDE
Priority SystemTM as well as address areas rarely covered in a
business book, such as faith (not religion) and success defined in
terms of”being at peace”rather than in financial terms.
Current systems of productivity are damaged:They lead to broken
lives, broken relationships,stressed-out workers, and unproductive
behaviors.This book emboldens people to get others to work in their
system, do more during work hours, and get home on time. It eschews
long hours as being unproductive and instead advocates doing more
by having a holistic balance in life.
Chapter One Passions and Productivity
Chapter Two Productivity Pitfalls and Panic
Chapter Three Planning Your Productivity
Chapter Four Prioritizing Productively
Chapter Five Peer Productivity
Chapter Six Professional Productivity:
Guiding Your Career to the Top
Chapter Seven Personal Productivity
Chapter, Eight Productivity and Pressure:
Dealing with Stress on Your Way
to Success
Chapter Nine Productivity Review