开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787030219954丛书名: 21世纪高等院校教材
目 录
第1章 卫星导航定位系统概论 1
1.1 卫星导航定位系统的发展回顾 1
1.2 GPS卫星全球定位系统 10
1.3 GLONASS全球导航卫星系统 22
1.4 GPS外部增强系统 29
1.5 GPS航天飞机测图系统 36
1.6 地球同步卫星导航定位系统 41
1.7 建设中的Galileo卫星导航定位系统 50
第2章 GPS卫星及其轨道 59
2.1 导航卫星的正常轨道 59
2.2 导航卫星的摄动轨道 72
2.3 GPS卫星工作星座 83
2.4 GPS地面监控系统的作用 93
2.5 GPS卫星的导航电文 100
2.6 GPS卫星在轨位置的计算 110
2.7 GPS L5导航电文及其特点 116
第3章 GPS卫星的导航定位信号 125
3.1 概述 125
3.2 伪噪声码及其生成 129
3.3 几种特殊伪噪声码 138
3.4 GPS卫星的伪噪声码 143
3.5 GPS信号的SA影响 154
3.6 GLONASS信号与导航电文 160
第4章 GPS信号接收机 173
4.1 GPS信号接收机的类型与发展 173
4.2 GPS信号接收机的基本结构 182
4.3 微带天线 190
4.4 GPS信号接收机的工作原理 196
4.5 GPS观测量及其测量 203
4.6 GPS/GLONASS 集成接收机 208
4.7 GPS信号接收机的基本性能检验 214
4.8 GPS信号接收机的软件化 223
第5章 GPS伪距测量定位 228
5.1 GPS伪距单点定位 228
5.2 GPS伪距差分定位 237
5.3 DGPS 数据链 247
5.4 RTCM SC-104数据格式及其应用 252
5.5 GPS伪距测量在航天器自主导航中的应用 259
第6章 GPS载波相位测量定位 270
6.1 GPS载波相位测量 270
6.2 GPS载波相位测量的单点定位问题 280
6.3 GPS载波相位测量的DGPS模型 284
6.4 GPS载波相位测量与伪距测量的组合解算 290
6.5 GPS载波相位测量的姿态测定应用 295
第7章 GPS动态载波相位测量的数据处理方法 306
7.1 概论 306
7.2 卡尔曼滤波数据处理模型 312
7.3 附加模糊度参数滤波模型 330
7.4 整周跳变的探测与修复 337
7.5 整周模糊度的在航解算 347
7.6 GPS动态载波相位测量的工程实施 359
第8章 GPS导航定位误差 375
8.1 GPS卫星导航定位的精度、误差与偏差 375
8.2 GPS卫星导航定位的主要误差 379
8.3 电离层效应的距离偏差及其改正误差 387
8.4 对流层效应的距离偏差及其改正误差 394
8.5 多路径误差 399
8.6 GPS现代化的作用与影响 405
第9章 GPS测量成果的实用问题 420
9.1 WGS-84坐标变换成本地实用坐标 420
9.2 WGS-84坐标的变换基础 434
9.3 大地坐标变换成高斯平面直角坐标 439
9.4 GPS定轨的激光测距校验 443
9.5 机载GPS/激光测深系统 454
附录A 中文参考资料 468
附录B 英文参考资料 472
附录C Internet英文参考资料 478
The Secord Edition Preface
The First Edition Preface
1 Introduction of Satellite Navigation/Positioning Systems 1
1.1 Development Briefing of Satellite Navigation/Positioning Systems 1
1.2 Navigation by Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System 10
1.3 Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System 22
1.4 GPS External Augmentation Systems 29
1.5 GPS Shuttle Mapping System 36
1.6 Geostationary Satellite Navigation/Postitioning System 41
1.7 Galileo Satellite Navigation/Positioning System 50
2 GPS Satellites and Heir Orbits 59
2.1 Normal Orbit of Satellites 59
2.2 Perturbed Orbit of Satellites 72
2.3 GPS Operational Constellation 83
2.4 Function of GPS Ground Control System 93
2.5 Navigation Message of GPS Satellites 100
2 6 Position Calculation for GPS Orbiting Satellites 110
2.7 Navigation Message and its Characteristic of GPS L5 Signal 116
3 Navigation/Positioning Signals of GPS Satellites 125
3.1 Elements 125
3.2 Pseudo Random Noise Code and its Generation 129
3.3 Especial PRN Codes 138
3.4 PRN Codes of GPS Satellites 143
3.5 Influence of Selective Availability on GPS Signals 154
3.6 GLONASS Signals and Navigation Message 160
4 GPS Signal Receiver 173
4.1 Types and Developments of GPS Signal Receiver 173
4.2 Fundamental Element of GPS Signal Receiver 182
4.3 Microstrip Antenna 190
4.4 Operational Principle of GPS Signal Receiver 196
4.5 GPS Observables and Their Surveys 203
4.6 GPS/GLONASS Integrated Receiver 208
4.7 Inspection on Fundamental Performance of GPS Signal Receiver 214
4.8 Software-based GPS Receivers 223
5 Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 228
5.1 Single Point Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 228
5.2 Differential Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 237
5.3 DGPS Data links 247
5.4 RTCM SC-104 Data Format and Applications 252
5.5 Autonomous Navigation of Spacecrafts using GPS Pseudo-range Observations 259
6 Positioning with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 270
6.1 GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 270
6.2 Problem on Single Point Positioning with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 280
6.3 DGPS Equations of GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 284
6.4 Combinatory Solution with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements/Pseudo-range Observations 290
6.5 Attitude Determinations Using GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 295
7 Data Processing on GPS Kinematical Carrier Phase Measurements 306
7.1 Introduction 306
7.2 Kalman Filter Model for Data Processing 312
7.3 Kalman Filter Model with Additional Ambiguity Parameters 330
7.4 Detection and Repair of Cycle Slips 337
7.5 Ambiguity Solution On-TheFly 347
7.6 Engineering Practice on GPS Kinematical Carrier Phase Measurements 359
8 Errors in GPS Navigation/Positioning 375
8.1 Accuracy,Error and Bias in GPS Navigation/Positioning 375
8.2 Major Errors in GPS Navigation/Positioning 379
8.3 Ranging Bias and Correction Error for lonosphere Effect 387
8.4 Ranging Bias and Correction Error for Troposphere Effect 394
8.5 Error from Multipath Effects 399
8.6 Impact and Influence of GPS Modernization 405
9 Application Problem on GPS Surveying Results 420
9.1 Datum Transformation from WGS-84 Coordinates to Local Coordinates 420
9.2 Surveying Method for WGS-84 Coordinate Transformation
第1章 卫星导航定位系统概论 1
1.1 卫星导航定位系统的发展回顾 1
1.2 GPS卫星全球定位系统 10
1.3 GLONASS全球导航卫星系统 22
1.4 GPS外部增强系统 29
1.5 GPS航天飞机测图系统 36
1.6 地球同步卫星导航定位系统 41
1.7 建设中的Galileo卫星导航定位系统 50
第2章 GPS卫星及其轨道 59
2.1 导航卫星的正常轨道 59
2.2 导航卫星的摄动轨道 72
2.3 GPS卫星工作星座 83
2.4 GPS地面监控系统的作用 93
2.5 GPS卫星的导航电文 100
2.6 GPS卫星在轨位置的计算 110
2.7 GPS L5导航电文及其特点 116
第3章 GPS卫星的导航定位信号 125
3.1 概述 125
3.2 伪噪声码及其生成 129
3.3 几种特殊伪噪声码 138
3.4 GPS卫星的伪噪声码 143
3.5 GPS信号的SA影响 154
3.6 GLONASS信号与导航电文 160
第4章 GPS信号接收机 173
4.1 GPS信号接收机的类型与发展 173
4.2 GPS信号接收机的基本结构 182
4.3 微带天线 190
4.4 GPS信号接收机的工作原理 196
4.5 GPS观测量及其测量 203
4.6 GPS/GLONASS 集成接收机 208
4.7 GPS信号接收机的基本性能检验 214
4.8 GPS信号接收机的软件化 223
第5章 GPS伪距测量定位 228
5.1 GPS伪距单点定位 228
5.2 GPS伪距差分定位 237
5.3 DGPS 数据链 247
5.4 RTCM SC-104数据格式及其应用 252
5.5 GPS伪距测量在航天器自主导航中的应用 259
第6章 GPS载波相位测量定位 270
6.1 GPS载波相位测量 270
6.2 GPS载波相位测量的单点定位问题 280
6.3 GPS载波相位测量的DGPS模型 284
6.4 GPS载波相位测量与伪距测量的组合解算 290
6.5 GPS载波相位测量的姿态测定应用 295
第7章 GPS动态载波相位测量的数据处理方法 306
7.1 概论 306
7.2 卡尔曼滤波数据处理模型 312
7.3 附加模糊度参数滤波模型 330
7.4 整周跳变的探测与修复 337
7.5 整周模糊度的在航解算 347
7.6 GPS动态载波相位测量的工程实施 359
第8章 GPS导航定位误差 375
8.1 GPS卫星导航定位的精度、误差与偏差 375
8.2 GPS卫星导航定位的主要误差 379
8.3 电离层效应的距离偏差及其改正误差 387
8.4 对流层效应的距离偏差及其改正误差 394
8.5 多路径误差 399
8.6 GPS现代化的作用与影响 405
第9章 GPS测量成果的实用问题 420
9.1 WGS-84坐标变换成本地实用坐标 420
9.2 WGS-84坐标的变换基础 434
9.3 大地坐标变换成高斯平面直角坐标 439
9.4 GPS定轨的激光测距校验 443
9.5 机载GPS/激光测深系统 454
附录A 中文参考资料 468
附录B 英文参考资料 472
附录C Internet英文参考资料 478
The Secord Edition Preface
The First Edition Preface
1 Introduction of Satellite Navigation/Positioning Systems 1
1.1 Development Briefing of Satellite Navigation/Positioning Systems 1
1.2 Navigation by Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System 10
1.3 Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System 22
1.4 GPS External Augmentation Systems 29
1.5 GPS Shuttle Mapping System 36
1.6 Geostationary Satellite Navigation/Postitioning System 41
1.7 Galileo Satellite Navigation/Positioning System 50
2 GPS Satellites and Heir Orbits 59
2.1 Normal Orbit of Satellites 59
2.2 Perturbed Orbit of Satellites 72
2.3 GPS Operational Constellation 83
2.4 Function of GPS Ground Control System 93
2.5 Navigation Message of GPS Satellites 100
2 6 Position Calculation for GPS Orbiting Satellites 110
2.7 Navigation Message and its Characteristic of GPS L5 Signal 116
3 Navigation/Positioning Signals of GPS Satellites 125
3.1 Elements 125
3.2 Pseudo Random Noise Code and its Generation 129
3.3 Especial PRN Codes 138
3.4 PRN Codes of GPS Satellites 143
3.5 Influence of Selective Availability on GPS Signals 154
3.6 GLONASS Signals and Navigation Message 160
4 GPS Signal Receiver 173
4.1 Types and Developments of GPS Signal Receiver 173
4.2 Fundamental Element of GPS Signal Receiver 182
4.3 Microstrip Antenna 190
4.4 Operational Principle of GPS Signal Receiver 196
4.5 GPS Observables and Their Surveys 203
4.6 GPS/GLONASS Integrated Receiver 208
4.7 Inspection on Fundamental Performance of GPS Signal Receiver 214
4.8 Software-based GPS Receivers 223
5 Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 228
5.1 Single Point Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 228
5.2 Differential Positioning with GPS Pseudo-range Observations 237
5.3 DGPS Data links 247
5.4 RTCM SC-104 Data Format and Applications 252
5.5 Autonomous Navigation of Spacecrafts using GPS Pseudo-range Observations 259
6 Positioning with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 270
6.1 GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 270
6.2 Problem on Single Point Positioning with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 280
6.3 DGPS Equations of GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 284
6.4 Combinatory Solution with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements/Pseudo-range Observations 290
6.5 Attitude Determinations Using GPS Carrier Phase Measurements 295
7 Data Processing on GPS Kinematical Carrier Phase Measurements 306
7.1 Introduction 306
7.2 Kalman Filter Model for Data Processing 312
7.3 Kalman Filter Model with Additional Ambiguity Parameters 330
7.4 Detection and Repair of Cycle Slips 337
7.5 Ambiguity Solution On-TheFly 347
7.6 Engineering Practice on GPS Kinematical Carrier Phase Measurements 359
8 Errors in GPS Navigation/Positioning 375
8.1 Accuracy,Error and Bias in GPS Navigation/Positioning 375
8.2 Major Errors in GPS Navigation/Positioning 379
8.3 Ranging Bias and Correction Error for lonosphere Effect 387
8.4 Ranging Bias and Correction Error for Troposphere Effect 394
8.5 Error from Multipath Effects 399
8.6 Impact and Influence of GPS Modernization 405
9 Application Problem on GPS Surveying Results 420
9.1 Datum Transformation from WGS-84 Coordinates to Local Coordinates 420
9.2 Surveying Method for WGS-84 Coordinate Transformation