开 本: 大16开纸 张: 纯质纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787201105925丛书名: 西方原版教材与经典读物
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是北美教师依据现行美国中小学教学大纲“共同核心标准”(Common Core State Standards) 编写而成,《跟美国学生同步练阅读》采用全英文方式编写,为出国留学早准备。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题。对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
配套英文朗读音频、电子版答案 下载地址见图书封底的博客链接
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》经过近两年的筹划与实施,依据现行美国中小学教学大纲“共同核心标准”(Common Core State Standards) 而编写的英语阅读训练读本终于问世了!《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题,让学生对每一课有更深的理解,对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》按年级分册,首期出版1~6 册,从教学标准与英语难度来讲,完全对应现行美国小学1~6 年级。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》这套新读本,将为中国学生评估自己的语言能力与知识水平提供一个较好的参照标准,为他们将来出国续读全面打好基础。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》每一分册均为65 课,其中包括52 篇阅读文章和13 课复习训练。适合学生制定一周一课的学习计划。考虑到记忆的遗忘规律,每4 课之后,专门编写了一次复习训练课,让学生翻阅和回想所学内容,帮助他们更好地记忆英文词汇、掌握用法。愿“西方原版教材与经典读物”系列图书对准备出国留学,以及正在学习英语的读者有所帮助!我们期待着倾听每一位读者的声音!
About the Common Core
The Common Core is a set of high quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts (ELA).
In 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards. Designed through collaboration among teachers, school chiefs, administrators, and other experts, the standards provide a clear and consistent framework for educators.
The standards were created to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live. The standards define the knowledge and skills students should gain throughout their K-12 education in order to graduate high school prepared to succeed in entry-level careers, introductory academic college courses, and workforce training programs.
Forty-two states, the District of Columbia, four territories, have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the Common Core.
Lesson 1 The Big Five of the Safari
Lesson 2 Seven or Eight Summits?
Lesson 3 Global Climate Change
Lesson 4 Writing–The Greatest Invention
Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)
Lesson 6 Bonsai
Lesson 7 Night Flyers
Lesson 8 An Exotic Dilemma
Lesson 9 Moving Mountains
Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)
Lesson 11 Going Batty
Lesson 12 Living Lights
Lesson 13 Getting Up to Speed
Lesson 14 So, You Want to Be a Writer?
Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)
Lesson 16 A Dry, Hot Land
Lesson 17 Looking Into the Eye
Lesson 18 The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Lesson 19 All About Salt
Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16 -19)
Lesson 21 Planet “Chanyikhei”
Lesson 22 The Disappearing Aral Sea
Lesson 23 Blocking Water
Lesson 24 It’s a Bird’s Life
Lesson 25 Review (Lessons 21- 24)
Lesson 26 Watery Giants
Lesson 27 Point and Click
Lesson 28 Always Have Hope
Lesson 29 The History of Mauve
Lesson 30 Review (Lessons 26-29)
经过近两年的出版策划与编写工作,这套以美国标准教学大纲(Common Core Standards)为蓝本、由加拿大英语教师编写的《Smart Reading》如愿问世了!这是多年前我们出版麦加菲《美国语文读本》时的一个心愿——为国内准备留学的孩子们提供更多优质的现代西方学校教学资源,让他们了解与之同龄的英语国家学生在读些什么、学些什么……出国前多做些同步训练,这样既提升了孩子们的英语语言能力,又加强了对西方课程标准的了解与学习。
在风景优美、充满英式风情的温哥华岛上, 我们的出版愿望一步步得以实现!为中国的未来留学生出版这一系列图书,对我们也是一个挑战。
一是如何寻找合适的英语为母语的作者。经过多次广告发布、面谈筛选之后,我们逐渐形成了一个固定的教师作者群体,他们任教于加拿大公立学校或英语教学机构,大多具有ESL 教学经验,有些人还在亚洲国家中小学工作过多年,对亚洲学生的学习特点有所了解。这样编写出来的书才能更符合中国学生的需求。
二是采用什么样的写作标准。西方中小学没有统编教材,但教辅图书也不少。通过对这些图书的收集整理和分析,我们找到了一个较为通用的教学标准——美国现代学校教育使用的“共同核心标准”(Common Core State Standards)。这一标准非常类似于中国的统一教学大纲。因此, 我们新出版的“Common Core”系列,将以这一目前美国学校流行的标准为指导,与现行美国学校的教学标准一致,同时参考了其他英语国家的教学标准与要求,供未来赴所有英语国家留学的孩子们使用。
三是编写内容的现代感。为了提高学生的学习兴趣,我们要求作者紧密结合西方现代生活与新技术广泛应用时代,让读者接触到时兴的英语素材、在真实世界里学习英语和课程。因此,“Common Core”系列图书,在内容上尽量满足学生对新知的认识与理解。
对于“共同核心标准”这一概念,中国家长和孩子可能有些陌生。它是美国、加拿大等国家的幼儿园和中小学所使用的统一教学标准。在美国和加拿大,学校教育系统是由各个州(省)政府所监管。这意味着,阿肯色州与俄勒冈州的孩子们在学校所学的内容会不太相同。当他完成K12 教育,继续接受更高阶段的教育或步入职业生涯时,如果所受教育采用不一样的标准,便由此产生一些问题。尤其当某个家庭从一个州搬迁至另一个州时,孩子的续读或许会出现一些麻烦。“共同核心标准”正是着力于解决这类问题。它是由美国一些著名教育家与政界、商界很有影响力的人物极力倡导而制定,以尽量弥合各州之间的教育差异。目前为此,美国42 个州、哥伦比亚地区、4 个领地都在使用这一教学标准。比尔·盖茨先生也极力赞助这一标准的推广。
共同核心标准,涵盖了幼儿园至12 年级,旨在培养学生的批判性思考能力,并传授各年级的学科知识。让他们学会设立问题、自我思考,将所学内容进行关联和牵引。共同核心标准,首先注重的是教学生如何思考,然后是学习内容。注重记忆基础之上的知识与技能训练和相互关联。这一标准具有以下特点:
1. 建立在大量研究与事实基础之上而制定;
2. 标准清晰、易于理解并保持教学的延续性;
3. 结合未来的大学教育与职业发展;
4. 丰富的内容与知识应用,高度训练学生的思考能力;
5. 融汇了各州教学标准的优势;
6. 参考了其他国家的教育优点,让学生未来更好地适应全球化经济与社会。
目前,共同核心标准包括两类课程:一是英语语言艺术(English Language Arts,简称“ELA”),另一门是数学。ELA 又包括阅读、写作、听说等各个领域。这些语言能力,也是学习其他科目的关键,如科学、历史与信息技术等。所以它不是一门简单的英语科目。数学大纲,不是重点强调记忆,而是让学生在训练技能的同时,能获取解决数学问题的答案。要求学生运用数学知识和技能,解决真实世界中的问题。因此数学对学生来讲,会变得更加有趣而充满真实感。
围绕“共同核心标准”,Holybird Publishing 利用北美的教师资源,策划出版了三个系列:《Smart Reading》、《Smart Math》、《Smart Science》。让中国学生学起来更有目标和参照标准。在完全按照美国“共同核心标准”编写的同时,我们也参考了其他英语国家的教学标准与难度,因此对所有未来在西方留学的孩子都可适用,帮助他们提升英语水平、建立自我学习策略,训练思考能力。夯实了这些基础,未来学习便会游刃有余!
Holybird Publishing
For the Well-trained Mind
In Victoria, BC, Canada
The Big Five of the Safari
Would you like to go on safari? The word means “journey” in Swahili, the language of east Africa. This word was later borrowed by wealthy travellers from Europe, who liked going to hunt animals in Africa. Over time, the word safari became part of the English language, and the term “big five” came about. It refers to the five most dangerous animals to hunt on safari. So, what are the big five? The answers might surprise you.
They are very big animals, weighing up to 6,000 kilograms. However, they can run up to 40 kilometres per hour! Although they have poor eyesight, they must always be approached with caution.
These animals can be as heavy as 1,000 kilograms. They are shy and like to be left alone. If you bother them, they can get really grumpy and unpredictable. Rhinos cannot see well, but they have excellent hearing and a good sense of smell.
At around 80 kilograms, leopards are smaller than lions, but they are very fierce and intelligent. Leopards can leap 3 metres in the air, and can carry animals that weigh 3 times more than they do! They have a keen sense of smell and hearing, and can see well in the dark. They like to wander alone, most often at night.
These are the largest carnivores in Africa. A male lion can weigh up to 230 kilograms, and its loud roar can be heard up be 10 kilometres away. This is why we call the lion the “King of the Beasts”. Unlike leopards, lions like to spend their days sleeping with their “pride” or group, when they are not looking for food.
Water Buffalo
These are considered the most dangerous of all African animals. They are intelligent and cunning and work together to fight against enemies and protect the weaker members of their group. They can weigh up to 600 kilograms.
Fortunately, when we talk about going on safari these days, we mean we are going to visit Africa to look at the lovely beasts on this continent. We shoot them only with our cameras. And let’s not forget the other amazing animals of Africa, such as the giraffe, the hippopotamus, and the wildebeest. Can you think of some more?
I. Word list
grumpy: angry
intelligent: very smart
keen: very good
carnivores: meat eaters
cunning: trick
II. Draw lines to match the descriptions of the animals.
1. leopards sleep with their “pride”
2. elephants can get grumpy
3. water buffalo approach with caution
4. rhinoceros wander alone at night
5. lions most dangerous African animal
III. Short answers—Find the important information in the reading.
1. another word for animals: b _ _ _ _ _
2. the language “safari” comes from: S _ _ _ _ _ _
3. what “safari” means: j _ _ _ _ _ _
4. a word meaning “meat eaters”: c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. the largest African animal: e _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IV. Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
___ 1. The rhinoceros is not a dangerous animal.
___ 2. Leopards are larger than lions.
___ 3. Water buffalo are more dangerous than elephants.
___ 4. Leopards are very smart.
___ 5. Giraffes do not live in Africa.
___ 6. The “big five” usually live together.
