开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787302486336
Part I Spacecraft Instrumentation Science and Technology
1 Discussion on Networked and Integrated Space-Ground Information System ………………………………… JianpingHu,HuizhongXu,TingLi,TianLiuandHongjunYang 3
2 Preliminary Discussion on TTC and Management of Commercial Space in China………………………… AiminXuandGuotingZhang 23
3 Deputy Re.ector Control Technology of the Large Deep Space Antenna……………………………………. LujianZhang 35
4 Study on the Adjustment Model of Sub-re.ector and Engineering Realization Method ……………………. YuhuDuan 47
5 Experiment and Performance Analysis of Iterative FX Correlation Combining Algorithm for Arraying in Deep Space Network……………………………… YouyongLiu,HujunGeng,SuliGuoandWeijunYang 59
6 Research on RF Link Management Technology of Telemetry Network System ………………………… XinglaiWang,KunLan,GuojiangXiaandMingHan 71
7 Analysis of Radar Signals Induced by Symmetric Antenna Interference Region of Transponder ……………………. BoYang,LianwenMeng,YunfengLiang,YongshengZhang andHuiZhou 81
8 Deep Learning for Mid-term Forecast of Daily Index of Solar 10.7 cm Radio Flux………………………….. 93
9 Analysis of the Semi-major Axis Changed by the North–South Control of the Beidou GEO Satellites … …. Quanjun Li, Rui Xue and Dalin Kong 103
10 Autonomous Orbit Determination of Satellites Around
Triangular Libration Points in the Earth–Moon System ….. …. Bin Liu, Xiyun Hou, Jingshi Tang and Lin Liu 113
11 Orbit Maneuver Detection Based on Space-Based Angle Innovation …. …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 131
Lei Liu, Jianfeng Cao, Ye Liu, Songjie Hu and Geshi Tang
12 A Simulation Study of Orbit Determination for Lunar Probe via Relay Satellite .. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Jianfeng Cao, Lei Liu, Ye Liu, Weigang Su and Songjie Hu 143
13 A Multi-dimensional Genetic Algorithm for Spacecraft TT&C Resources Uni.ed Scheduling…. …. …. …. ….. …. Jian Bai, Huili Gao, Xiaosong Gu and Huiying Yang 153
14 Research on Health State Evaluation Method
of Ground-Based TT&C Network .. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 165
Tao Wu, Huili Gao, Junchao Chen, Yindi Wang and Huiying Yang
15 Space-Ground TT&C Resources Integrated Scheduling Based on the Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization … …. ….. …. Zexi Li, Jing Li and Wenting Mu 179
16 Design and Realization of the Three Layers Telemetry Data Transfer Software Frame ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 197
Guanghui Ren, Xiangyu He, Shuangcheng Gao and Xin Zhang
17 Telemetry Communication in Complex Attitude Conditions Based on Space-Time Coding .. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Hongpeng Zhu, Jun Cai, Zhiqiang Li and Zhongwu Xiang 209
18 Development of the Lunar-Earth and Deep Space TT&C System with Several Key Techniques .. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Haifeng Yang, Lin Chai, Ouxin Lu, Jianping Hu, Maoge Xu and Hui Yan 219
19 An Improved MFSK Signal Detection Algorithm for Mars Probe Entry, Descent, Landing Phase … …. ….. …. Tiansheng Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang, Zan Li and Junhai Bao 241
20 Robust Fault Detection for a Spacecraft with Lipschitz Nonlinear System… …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. An Liu, Zhibin Wu and Dong Han 251
21 Human Motion Capture Similarity Control for Space Teleoperation .. …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Zhong Shi, Xuexiang Huang and Tianjian Hu 263
22 Analysis and Design of the Stabilization Loop for Ship-Borne Antenna Servo System .. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Jianhui Jia and Shuyang Zhao 281
Part II Space Object Exploration and Identi.cation
23 Target Recognition of Radar HRRP Using the Envelope Reconstruction . …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 291
Pengfei Zhang, Li Chan, Hongxi Zhou and Xiaguang Yu
24 An Improved Adaptive SRCKF Algorithm for Non-cooperative Target Orbit Determination … …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Guangde Xu, Zhongqiu Gou and Bainan Zhang 311
25 In.uence Analysis of the High-Energy Electrons on Geosynchronous Orbit Satellite.. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Zhenghe Wang, Baosheng Sun and Shengpeng Liu 323
26 Image Fusion Method Based on Sparse and Redundant Representation . …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Jianglin Shi, Changhai Liu, Rong Xu and Tao Men 333
27 An Improved Test Method to Study the pBRDF of the Rough Surface of Targets .. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Qing Liu, Yonghong Zhan, Di Yang, Yaping Wang and Change Zeng 349
28 Study on the Geometric Super Resolution by Code Division Multiplexing Technology. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Di Yang, Xinyue Liu, Change Zeng and Yonghong Zhan 365
29 Processing the Re.ectance Data of Rough Surface for Inversing the Index of Refraction .. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 373
Yonghong Zhan, Di Yang, Qing Liu, Change Zeng and Yaping Wang
30 Polarization Optical Image Processing Used in the Target Detection and Identi.cation … …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 383
Change Zeng, Qing Liu, Di Yang, Yonghong Zhan and Yaping Wang
31 Analysis of Drift Adjustment by Space Optical Camera Platform… …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Sanhai Ren, Xiang Fan, Fan Zhang and Zengli Su 391
32 Study on Retrieval Technique of Signi.cant Wave Height Using Airborne GNSS-R . ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Fei Xu, Xiechang Sun, Xinning Liu and Ruidong Li 401
33 Calibration Method of Channel Consistency of Distributed Digital Phased Array. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Na Wang, Xinshi Hu, Tian Yuan and Wentao Zhou 413
34 Multi-hit Method for Weak Signal Detection of the Diffuse Re.ection Laser Ranging in Daylight …. ….. …. Peng Zhao, Yan Zhang, Kunpeng Wang and Chenglin Wang 425
Part III Communication and Information Systems
35 A Real-Time Classi.cation Algorithm for Multi-Velocity Measuring Data …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Xiaohu Liang, Hua Zhao and Jiagui Huang 439
36 New Algorithm for Guidance Instrument Error Separation .. …. Hua Zhao, Jiagui Huang, Xiaohu Liang and Yuming Hua 453
37 Ionosphere’s Effect on the Demodulation BER Performance of a DS/FH-BPSK Signal ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Liyi He, Xiao Chen, Jinhai Sun and Junfu Chen 465
38 De-noising Method Research on RF Signal by Combining Wavelet Transform and SVD .. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Junyao Li, Yongbin Li, Xiaoqiang Wang and Peijie Zhang 479
39 Multi-Objective Routing Optimization Algorithm for Hybrid SDN…. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Suolin Gu, Lijuan Luo, Zhekun Zhao and Xiaofang Li 487
40 Parameterized Uni.ed Modulation Model Design for Satellite Communications … …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 501
Yabo Yuan, Bo Wang and Bin Wu
41 Study on the In.uencing Factors of Frequency Locked Loop Based on Stochastic Resonance …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. 513
Weitong Zhang, Zhiqiang Li, Huan Chen and Shengchao Shi
42 Frequency Stabilization of an Optoelectronic Oscillator Based on Phase-Locked-Loop .. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Rongrong Fu, Yanhong Zhu and Xiaofeng Jin 525
43 Techniques of Network Coding Applied in the Physical-Layer of the Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey . …. …. …. ….. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Xiaoting Wang, Qiang Mei and Xu Yao 531
44 Research on the Improvement of LTP Protocol in Space DTN Network Based on Network Coding. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Peng Wan, Shijie Song, Zhongjie Hua and Shengli Zhang 543
45 Research on Security Protection of the Communication Network for Space TT&C Based on TCP/IP Protocol Vulnerabilities .. …. Shuai Yuan, Peng Liu and En Zhao 557
46 Timeliness Analysis and Countermeasure of Remote Control of Equipment Monitoring and Control System …. …. ….. …. Jianglai Xu, Lei Wang and Hui Zhang 567
47 Designed on Operation and Management System for Aerospace TT&C Station .. …. …. …. …. …. ….. …. Qi Dang, Weiping Li, Dong Guo, Shuncheng Ning and Xiaopeng Wang 579
China’s aerospace cause will embrace a new
round of dynamic development driven by the military-civil integration strategy
of the government. In this backdrop, spacecraft TT&C will face both
opportunities and challenges. Development and construction of spacecraft
TT&C systems must follow an open philosophy and thinking and absorb
state-of-the-art ideas and technologies in order to produce an iteratively
creative momentum. Based on national demand, integration of the .eld with other
specialties should be improved to seek innovative breakthroughs in a timely
manner. At the same time, efforts should be made to extend .elds of TT&C
services home and abroad by leveraging intelligent linking, intelligent
interfacing and intelligent service.
Taking “Openness, Integration and
Intelligent Interconnection” as its theme, the 28th China Spacecraft TT&C
Conference highlights better activation of the dynamic sources of development
of the discipline of spacecraft TT&C and further promotion of creative
development of TT&C operation and management integration. The conference
will showcase the latest achievements of the country in the .eld of spacecraft
TT&C and explore the future of China’s spacecraft TT&C systems.
For the academic conference, totally 310
papers are received from specialists in different .elds, and from them 47
papers are selected for publication in the pro-ceedings. With rich contents,
clear focus and high academic level, the proceedings has excellent practical
and promotional values and we hope it will provide reference and help to
of.cials and scienti.c and technical personnel at different levels in the .eld
of spacecraft TT&C.
Beijing, China Rongjun Shen November 2016
Chapter 1 Discussion on Networked and Integrated Space-Ground Information System Jianping Hu, Huizhong Xu, Ting Li, Tian Liu and Hongjun Yang 1.1 Introduction The space electronic information system includes space-based and ground infras-tructure for acquiring, processing, and transmitting information via space platform which is only used as information carrier in order to acquire and apply information. Our current space information system including spacecraft TT&C and payload control systems is stove-piped, which are developed and deployed independently by various military and civil departments, and using various information acquiring, time reference and information transmission system without uniform technical speci.cations. There is little effective connection between military and civil resources leading to dif.cult data sharing and information fusion between them. No integrated space-based information system is formed. The goal of the proposed space information system is to construct an integrated, open, expandable, interconnected, cross-support, safety, robust, .exible, and recon.gurable space-ground information application system supporting united planning and management. Considering the increasing military and civil application demands and manifold and sophisticated application modes, the system shall be implemented by means of network and integration technologies based on software de.ned everything (SDX), such as node-and-application-oriented software de.ned platform (SDP), software de.ned function (SDF) and so on. The key to establish a networking and integrated space-ground information system is recon.gurable network topology architecture, de.nable protocol, and online processing and multifunction adaptability of network nodes, which can provide basis for future resilient construction, function expansion, capability improvement, tailoring by demands, and intelligent situation sensing. J. P. Hu · H. Z. Xu · T. Li (&) · T. Liu · H. J. Yang The 10th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), Chengdu 610036, China e-mail: [email protected] . Tsinghua University Press, Beijing and Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017 3 R. J. Shen and G. L. Dong (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Conference of Spacecraft TT&C Technology in China, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 445, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4837-1_1 J. P. Hu et al.
1.2 Space Information System Development Trends Space system has developed from single satellite to constellation, and to space network, .nally, it will become a networking and integrated space-ground archi-tecture and application [1]. In the early phase of space system development, information acquiring and transmission depended only on a single satellite, whose orbit feature determined that it can only provide unsatis.ed coverage, and limited information acquiring and transmission capability. Constellation mode can overcome shortcomings of single satellite mode on coverage area and time. However, in some space information applications, a user may require several kinds of information, such as on navigation and early warning, at the same time, which cannot be met using constellation mode. Space information network may implement connection among various satellites and constellations to provide 24/7 and globe coverage, and integrate resources on space, air, sea, and land to provide full-time and seamless access services. With intro-duction of integration technologies, space system had developed from a system consisting of single function spacecraft and ground system to a system with mul-tifunction nodes and the SDN architecture. Acting as information carrier, spacecraft and ground infrastructure can join in, maintain, manage, and apply network as server, terminal, node, or transmission line. Satellite system has developed from single satellite application mode to constellation application mode, with trends to networking mode. Typical con-stellation system includes GPS navigation satellite system, Iridium satellite system, Space-based Infrared Satellite (SBIRS) system, and so on. GPS system consists of 24 satellites constellation to provide global coverage and real-time location, velocity and timing information. Iridium satellite system consists of 66 satellites constellation in LEO. It is unsuccessful in commercial operation, but it is a tech-nological leap for resolving problem of global mobile satellite communication [2]. SBIRS design utilized a composited constellation combing GEO, HEO, and LEO orbits in order to improve missile .nding capability, expand .ight midcourse tracking, and implement missile full-range tracking [3]. Onboard processing and crosslink are necessary components of constella-tion. Although US military TSAT program was cancelled, but its onboard pro-cessing and crosslink technologies can used to other applications [4, 5]. Milstar and AEHF communication satellite constellations incorporated crosslink to fast infor-mation transmission speed and improve satellite anti-jamming capability. Iridium satellite system had complex and advanced onboard processing capability, and can delivery and exchange information via crosslink without ground station to provide global coverage. GPS constellation began to provide UHF crosslink from Block-IIR satellite to perform inter-satellite radio pseudo range measurement. The ephemeris update information can be acquired frequently to perform onboard real-time obit estimation, keep autonomous navigation for long time, and improve location accuracy and availability in war conditions. On January 2013, DARPA provided low rate crosslink radio communication platform for F6 satellite project, whose K-band radio allowing any spacecraft joining into F6 swarms. The platform used unique core architecture to provide sustained data links between satellites of swarms and support simultaneous the third part’s point-to-point links. Its communication protocol incorporated a data link layer which can integrate the network protocols in higher layer and enable maxi-mum bandwidth assignment via distributed calculation in unique architecture. Although the F6 project was cancelled, this technology can be used to other space networking applications in other smallest project [10]. Constellation system expands the former single satellite application mode and increases the application ef.ciency. However, the current satellite systems are still stove-piped, which fail to form a uniform and directly interconnected network, leading to little effective interconnection among systems. As a result, application ef.ciency of information resources in limited space is not fully utilized for data of each system could not be shared and utilized in time. For the ground section of the space system, U.S. military is prepared to change the state quo where multiple independent ground systems are operated for the on-orbit satellite, and support establishment of a common system. For this purpose, the MOD launched an “Enterprise Ground System (EGS)” program to update the ground section for the military user via a more ef.cient and more cost effective system and meet challenges confronted with integration and expandability. In 2015, Lt. Gen. David J. Buck, Commander of 14th Air Force and Joint Functional Component Command for Space have suggested that architecture of the ground section of the U.S. military space system must be safe, .exible and cost effective in an activity held at the Mitchell Institute. Operating multiple separated ground systems will cause stove-piped problem impairing safety, .exibility and economical ef.ciency. Currently, ground systems of various satellites which are divided by different scope of tasks use special software supplied by contractors, leading to insuf.cient management from the MOD. In addition, updated and new versions also require data and expertise from the original contractors. It is worth stressing that the government must possess technical baseline and must control interface and standards so as to avoid management ability being limited by those special software. For station network of the space system, the network requires open architecture as well as interface and standards that could be controlled by the user. U.S. military is developing a common ground operation and control system for satellites. John Hyten, Commander of the Air Force Space Command, suggested that all new satellites for U.S. Air Force must be compatible with the “Multi-Mission Satellite Operation Center (MMSOC)”. MMSOC initially estab-lished in 2006 is a trial ground system mainly used for demonstration of “Rapid Operationally Responsive Space” program. Characterized by plug and play, MMSOC is easy to modify and update, especially for safety. Leaders of the Air Force deem it as a potential prototype of the common ground architecture for EGS which will operate a number of constellations in the future.
J. P. Hu et al.
U.S. spares no effort to eliminate stove-piped nodes of the ground section. A typical example is the Space Network Ground Section Sustainment (SGSS) for tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS). Having been implementing from 2014 to the end of 2016, main objective of SGSS is to replace all hardwares and software of the space network for constructing a .exible, expandable, upgradable and sup-portable ground system. SGSS is of “pool” structure as shown in Fig. 1.1. A “resource pool” is formed by standardized and common system equipment. Although there is little special equipment for each TERS, equipment used to per-form missions could be selected from the free resources in the pool and after mission, they will be returned to the pool for future use. With all ground terminals sharing the same resources in the pool, this “pool” structure not only decreases demand for equipment but also increases structure .exibility and utilization ef.-ciency of hardwares.
In 1998, JPL initiated the Interplanetary Internet (IPN) [1] program which mainly focused on studying the scheme for end-to-end communication using net-work outside the Earth and a relevant draft for Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocol was developed. In 2001, U.S. Goddard Space Flight Center launched Operating Missions Nodes on the Internet (OMNI) which mainly developed the space communication scheme by using ground commercial IP protocol. OMNI took advantage of IP network, data rely satellites (TDRSS) to perform ground tests and airborne .ight tests on shuttles, verifying feasibility of using ground IP protocol in space. NASA plans to build an integrated network architecture as shown in Fig. 1.2 via Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program which will integrate existing Near Earth Network (NEN), Space Network (NE) and Deep Space Network(DSN) into one system around 2018. This integrated system will enable integrated management, control, strategy, telemetry, remote control and data transmission for various spacecrafts via space/ground/sea-based TT&C navigation and communication resources, so as to gradually achieve the space-ground net-working application of space-based information.
This shows that the development trend of the future space information system is to construct a networked, common and .exible space-ground information system, which will not only form ground and space networking, but also enable overall management and integrated application of space-ground resources, route and information, improvement of application ef.ciency of space-based information as well as more ef.cient control and management of space-based resources. However, information application will be limited by the physical border of different platforms within various nodes or a single node caused by networked interconnection only limited among different nodes in the integrated space-ground network. If the satellite payload of space-based nodes still applies the traditional concept, i.e. special hardware/software combinations tailored by function needs leading to a one-to-one correspondence between the “carrier” (hosting hardwares for relevant functions) and the “payload” (functions need to be realized), which means one payload only for one function, information exchange between different functions, or nodes even within a single node will require more space links to meet the demands for information interaction and networking, consequently increasing the network load and requirements for resources processing. To address this problem, the space-based information system speci.cally requires payload capacity which may load functions. J. P. Hu et al. According to NASA’s SCaN program, a software de.ned radio technology test was performed for “Communication, navigation and Networking Recon.gurable Testbed” (CoNNeCT) mission at the ISS in 2013. The major test equipment “ScaN Testbed” used software radio platform to enable on-orbit communication capability of software loading and veri.ed the feasibility and maturity of this capability. Function-platform split mutual independence and standardized architecture are prerequisite for integrated application of software loading (Fig. 1.3). The SpaceCube processing system research program initiated by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in 2006 demonstrated a series of system capabilities, including computing capability and recon.gurability of typical space processors. NASA has approved potential of this technology and it used as a main electronic system for test payload of the Relative Navigation Sensor (RNS). SpaceCube V2.0 has basically met the requirements for a mixed, recon.gurable and modular space processing system (Fig. 1.4). Although integration and multi-function application of the software de.ned tests performed on the space platform are limited, it is obvious that application of software de.ned function loading technology on the on-orbit spacecrafts has been veri.ed and approved to some degree. Some satellite systems of China (including “Beidou” global satellite navigation system [11], etc.) that gradually start to apply onboard processing, crosslink tech-nology and space networking application mode could be independent from the ground station network to some degree. However, there is still a certain gap between multi-function processing capacity, interconnection of space heteroge-neous networks, space-ground interconnection and those required by networking of space-base information system. A space platform program of China developed a design concept for integrated payload platform, but a breakthrough in series of key technologies is still required so as to meet application needs for integrated payload on middle and small spacecrafts.
According to analysis of relevant documents, research and application of space-based information system networking are now still based on special archi-tecture and protocol, and the network hierarchical structure is still tightly coupled with the network equipment. Although network nodes could enable function con-version via resources recon.guration and software de.nition, new protocol couldn’t not be deployed and applied during application once a network is constructed. With introduction of software de.ned node function and software de.ned network, new technologies for development of space-based information are unfolded. A common processing platform with multiple functions based on the integrated design concept for software de.ned platform and software de.ned function will develop the space-based information system from a network connected by single-function nodes to a .exible network constructed by integrated nodes with con.gurable hardware and de.nable function. As the opportunity for applying networked and integrated technologies in the space-based information system has come, a higher level of space-based informa-tion network characterized by software de.ned everything (SDX) will be the future development trend. J. P. Hu et al.
1.3 Suggestions on Networking and Integration of the Space-Based Information System The space-based information system network [1] consists of backbone networks, access networks, various functional subnetworks and a relevant terminal node of a single user, as shown in Fig. 1.5. The backbone network consists of space-based backbone networks and ground backbone networks. The dual space-ground backbone networks are linked by multiple space-ground backbone links. The access network consists of access equipment for space-based and ground-based network nodes as well as other special access systems and facilities, functioning as the access link between various functional subnetworks and space/ground-based networks. The functional network consists of user-application-oriented network in the space, air and on the ground, including information acquisition, space-time reference, data transmission net-works, etc. As shown in Fig. 1.5, the integrated space-ground information system is a heterogeneous network constructed by multiple platforms and various subnet-works based on open architecture design. In the future, space networks including lunar network, martian network, etc. may be integrated into this system via inter-planetary backbone link and access link. In general construction ideas, in addition to protocol and routing supporting network operations and management, as well as signal, link and other links,





