开 本: 大16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787309087918
1.Ibsen:A Contemporay Bangladeshi PlaywrightAhmed Ahsanuzzaman
2.Ibsen’S Compass:Points of Dread and DesireAnneCharlotte Hanes Harvey
3.On Peer Gynt:A Critical Review of the Annual Peer Gynt Performance in
Golaa,Gudbrandsdalen Astrid Sather
4.Norwegian Superman—or?What to think as a Norwegian when Ibsen has gone
global,with John Gabriel Borkman as example Benedikte Berntzen
5.A Doll’s House and Kramer VS.Kramer:Objections to Family Law Bjarne Markussen
6.Some Observations on Ibsen’S The Wifd Duck Charles Kalish
7.Treading on New Ground:African Adaptations of“A Doll’S House”Cheela F K Chilala
8.From Self.10st to Self.realization—Ibsen’S Nora and Chinese Women’S
Quest for Modern Aimin Che?
9.Multi—receptions of Ibsenism in China.From Misinterpretation t0 Innovation
Liang Chen
10.Interculturalism in Theatre and the Chinese Performances of Ibsen Chengzhou He
11.Translating Ibsen in 2009:An Apology of Literality Cristina Gomez Baggethun
12. Discord and Harmony between Human and Nature: An Ecological Interpretation of
The Lady from the Sea Danni Dai
13. The Role of Women in the Reception of Ibsen in Finland in the 1880s and 1890s H. K. Riikonen
14. Intercultural Implications of A Doll’s House : Experiences with a Production of
Ibsen’s Play in Mozambique Helge Rearming
15. Two Dissenting Voices: Harold Pinter’s Mountain Language and Henrik Ibsen’s A
Doll’s House Ibrahim Yerebakan
16. Ibsen’s “Master Builder”: A Church, a House, a Castle in the Air Janet Roberts
17. The Crisis in the Self and the Self in Times of Crisis Jasminka Markovska
18. The Theme of “Discussion”: Ibsen, Shaw and Ding Xilin Compared Jian Sun
19. Mapping Et dukkehjem Julie Holledge
20. Ibsen and Rabindranath Meeting Points Kazal Krishna Banerjee
21. Peer Gynt’s Boundarycrossings: The Global Map of His Empirical and Mental Journeys
Knut Brynhildsvoll
22. Beyond the Tarantella: Revisualizing Pain and Pleasure in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s
House Lau Leung Che, Miriam
23. The Interaction of Texts and Performances of Ibsen’s Plays——Ibsen in the Drama
Teaching in Shanghai Theatre Academy Minghou Liu
24.Ibsen in the Globalized Society:Multiculturalism—or the L ack thereof—in Norwegian
Ibsen Performance Lixian Cheng
25.Reception of Ibsen in Latvia during the Soviet Occupation (1940—1991) Maija Burima
26.Postperestroyka Receptions in Staging Ibsen Margarita Odesskaya
27.Playbird or Featherbrain? MayBrit AkerhoIt,
28.Translating Insen’S Byggmester Solness into Russian Olga D.Drobot
29.Singularly Bound:Henrik I bsen and Theatrical Survival Olivia Gu/2n
30.The Lady from the Sea:Emergence From Marine Unconscious to Awakened Living Rakesh
Mohan Sharma
31.Ibsen’S Enigma Variations:Re—imagining Intercultural Performance Research Rustom
32.The Use of Gun and the Myth of Freedom Sabiha Huq
33.“Political Orgies”:Ibsen’S Plays and Contemporary Bangladesh Shaft Ahmed
34.Nora in A Doll’s House and Bangladesh Perspective Shah Mohammad Sahaul karim
35.Verfremdungseffekt in Mabou Mines Dollhouse Susan Mason
36. The Making of a World Dramatist: Ibsen and Det Norske Theater Tanya Thresher
37. Ibsen in Bengal (eastern India) : Negotiating Difference Contemporary Bengali
Representations of When We Dead Awaken and The Wild Duck Tapati Gupta
38. Ibsen’s Use of Holy Days: An Amalgam of Philosophy, Poetry and Religion Trausti Olafsson
39. Ibsen in Nigerian Theatre: Dramatic Arts Department, Obafemi Awolowo IleIfe, Osun
State as a Case Study Tunde Bakare
40. Globalizing Nora and Torvald:OyamO’s A Selfish Sacrifice — in China? Victor Castellani
41. Ibsen and Usigli. Two Creators of a National Theater Victor Grovas Hajj
42. Rethinking Ibsen’s Multiple Influences on Modern Chinese Drama Yuli Wang
43. A Doll’s House on Chinese Stage Lanlan Xie
44. Feminist Awakening and Selfdefinition A Comparative Study of Female Characters in
A Doll’s House and Jin Ping Mei Rulan Ye
45. Toward a Rediscovery of Ibsen’s National Historical Plays in China Xujia Zhou