开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787030602480
《湖南考古辑刊》是湖南省文物考古研究所编著的以湖南地区考古学发掘与研究成果为主,兼顾国内外考古学研究的一套集资料性与学术性于一体的系列学术文集。《BR》 本书为丛书的第13集,收录12篇考古发掘简报和8篇研究论文。简报内容涵盖药玉洞遗址,周家岗遗址,老爷台、高坪、木马岭遗址,车轴山遗址,老鸦洲遗址,龙祖山战国、汉墓,赤蓝桥东汉墓,狮北汉墓等考古新资料。研究论文涉及湖南地区史前和历史时期考古学文化研究、秦简研究、植物考古研究及考古科技等方面的研究和探讨。
湖南花垣药王洞遗址考古发掘简报 湘西土家族苗族自治州文物管理局 花垣县文物管理局 1
湖南桃源周家岗新石器时代遗址考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 桃源县文物管理所 18
湖南玩陵老爷台、高坪、木马岭遗址考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 37
湖南华容车轴山遗址第三次考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 49
湖南岳阳老鸦洲遗址考古发掘报告 湖南省文物考古研究所 岳阳市文物管理处 73
湖南衡阳龙祖山战国、汉墓考古发掘简报 衡阳县文物局 97
湖南蓝山赤蓝桥东汉墓考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 蓝山县文物管理所 116
湖南宁乡狮北汉代墓地M10、M25考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 宁乡县文物局 128
湖南株洲石峰区踢金岭东汉砖室基考古发掘简报 株洲市文物局 142
湖南梆州宋代墓葬考古发掘报告 郝州市文物管理处 都州市博物馆 150
湖南花垣老卫城遗址及其周边遗存考古调查试掘报告 湘西土家族苗族自治州文物管理局 花垣县文物管理局 167
湖南常宁江洲遗址2015年度(前段)考古工作收获辑要 湖南省文物考古研究所 192
澧县袁家山遗址黑褐色土文化层出土石制品的初步研究 李意愿 214
古椰贝丘遗存初识——兼谈香港沙下等相关遗存 李岩 崔勇 226
倏而来兮忽而逝——远逝的良清文化与远古文明 张敏 251
中国南方地区多角罐的起源与擅变 张涛 267
杉龙岗遗址出土陶片的分析研究 肖亚 281
兔子山遗址7号井出土木牍树种的鉴定研究 张晓英 302
能量色散X射线荧光光谱中玻璃的定量分析方法 赵志强 周珺 310
里耶秦简字词补释 杨先云 317
New Archaeological Discoveries
The Excavation of Yaowangdong Site in Huayuan County,Hunan Cultural Relics Administration of Xiangxi Tujia & Miao Autonomous Prefecture,Cultural Relics Administration of Huayuan County 17
The Excavation of Zhoujiagang Neolithic Site in Taoyuan County,Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,Cultural Relics Administration of Taoyuan County 36
The Excavation of the Sites at Laoyetai,Gaoping and Mumaling in Yuanling,Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 48
The Third Excavation of Chegushan Site in Huarong County,Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 72
The Excavation of Laoyazhou Site in Yueyang County,Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,Yueyang Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics 96
The Excavation of the Tombs of Warring States and Han Dynasty at Longzushan in Hengyang,Hunan Cultural Relics Bureau of Hengyang County 115
The Excavation of the Tomb of Eastern Han Dynasty at Chilanqiao in Lanshan County Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,Cultural Relics Administration of Lanshan County 126
The Excavation of Han Dynasty Tombs of M10 and M25 at the Shibei Cemetery in Ningxiang,Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,Cultural Relics Bureau of Ningxiang Coanty 140
The Excavation of Eastern Han Dynasty Brick Tomb at Tijinling in Shifeng District,Zhuzhou City,Hunan Zhuzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics 149
The Excavation of the Song Dynasty Tombs in Chenzhou City Hunan Chenzhou Municipal Management Office of Cultural Relics,Chenzhou Municipal Museum 164
A Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigation & Trial-excavation on Laowei City Sie and Other Sites Around in Huayuan County Hunan Cultural Relics Administration of Xiangxi Tujia & Miao Autonomous Prefecture,Cultural Relics Administration of Huayuan County 191
A Suanmary of Archaeological Achievements in 2015(Earlier this year)at Jiangzhou Site in Changning Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 206
Exploration and Research
A Preliminary Study on the Unearthed Stone Artifacts in the Dark Brown Soil Layer of Yuanjiashan Site in Lixian County Li Yiyuan 224
Preliminary Thoughts on Guye Shell Remains,Shaxia and 0ther Related Remains in Hongkong Li Yan Cui Yong 250
Come and Disappear Suddenly-The Long-lost Liangzhu Culture and Ancient Civilization Zhang Min 265
On the Origin and Evolution of the Polygonal Jars in Southern China Zhang Tao 280
Scientific and Technological Archaeology
Analysis of the Excavated Pottery Fragments from Shanlonggang Site Xiao Ya 295
The Identification of Inscribed Wooden Tablets from No.7 Well of Tuzishan Site Zhang Xiaoying 309
The Quantitative Analysis Method of Glass in EDXRF Zhao Zhiqiang Zhou Jun 315
Inscriptions Study
The Study on the Words of the Bamboo Slips of Qin Dynasty Excavated in Liye Yang Xianyun 324
