开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787545911411
散步 / 002
提问 / 008
教一个人 / 014
风格 / 020
建立融洽的关系 / 030
故事 / 036
学习的间歇 / 046
地点 / 052
时间 / 060
结课 / 066
停顿 / 072
目光接触 / 078
切入点 / 084
游戏和练习 / 090
DUA / 096
DUA 代表:发现(discover)、理解(understand)和应用(application)。
知识 / 102
技能 / 108
习惯 / 116
方法 / 120
计划 / 124
观察 / 130
精通 / 136
好的 / 140
学习 / 152
徒弟 / 158
学?还是教? / 164
写作 / 170
身体 / 176
书 / 180
课题 / 186
措辞 / 192
学习时刻 / 198
天赋、激情、能力和时节 / 204
我的观察 / 216
结语 / 254
Walk / 004
I have found that arranging time to go for walks with people is a good time to impart lessons. But the setting must be very natural, and a skillful teacher knows that walking is a good learning situation.
Questions / 010
Phrased correctly, and asked at the right time, it is sometimes better than teaching. This is aligned to the fact that adults learn better when it is problem oriented.
One / 016
Inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training.
Style / 023
Inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training.
Rapport / 032
The rapport established in the class and continual rapport after class will influence the learner in a way the content of the class cannot.
Stories / 040
Stories create interest, and make a concept easy to remember. It creates an environment of fruitful anxiety and a sense of commonness amongst both teacher and learner.
Learning Stoppers / 048
One must stop to think when one is learning. When we stop, our thinking gets a jolt and we start to process what we are learning, we begin to conclude, crystallize, and to deeply understand.
Where / 055
The best place for learning is probably not in the classroom. Everyone is a teacher or a learner. Everywhere is a place to learn and teach.
When / 062
When do you sleep best? When do you eat best? When do you learn best? When is your learner “most ready” to learn?
Close / 068
I like to end with a story or with something really challenging and memorable. I like to make the learners think. I like to put them in a position when they are thinking, “What must I do?”
Pause / 074
The pause allows the learners to think at the right moment. This is when the learning moment takes place. It is the most important part of learning.
Eye Contact / 080
When you are looking in one direction, focus on one person as though you are talking to him. That is the easiest way to develop eye contact.
The Entry / 086
Most of the time whether you are worth learning from can be decided from the first few minutes when you open your mouth.
Games and Exercise / 092
Every trainer should be familiar with games and exercises. How often he uses it will depend on how well it helps the learner learn.
DUA / 098
In our case DUA stands for Discover, Understand, Apply.
Knowledge / 104
Teaching knowledge is mostly a waste of time because we are replacing their laziness by carrying water from the well for him rather than telling him where the well is.
Skills / 111
the key in teaching skills is in three areas, the learner’s realization of their own need to solve a problem, the method that excites the learner, and the reality that it is important to me.
Habit / 117
One of the higher forms of learning is when students are so convinced of something they form it as a life habit.
Methods / 121
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
Plan / 126
actually a part of preparation is thinking. Just thinking about the learners, the content, what they should be learning, and how this is going to happen.
Observation / 132
A learner’s ability and willingness to perform well on the job is what teaching is all about. The teacher must be a master at observation. He must be able to see what others cannot see.
Mastery / 137
Mastery should be the greater ambition of learning.
The Best / 144
Working together with a much more senior person in the same field is the best learning method.
Learn / 154
How does a teacher learn and grow? Is your learning journey well mapped out? Are you a learning teacher?
Disciples / 160
The time and effort a teacher takes to teach a disciple is probably one of the most useful practice a teacher can have to improve his skill as a teacher.
Learn? Teach? / 166
Most times we start to focus on how we teach. I think we have to start with understanding how our learner learns.
Write / 172
A good teacher must also be a good a writer. Combining teaching through the written and spoken word engages brings learning to a deeper level.
Body / 177
When a teacher is fit, and appears fit, the learner is attracted to learn.
Books / 182
A good old book on the subject you are learning will ensure you have some authentic input on the subject.
Projects / 188
Projects are great ways for adults to learn. It can be a one-person project or in a team.
Phrases / 194
What phrases can enhance the learner’s learning in your teaching?
Learning Moment / 200
It happens when
we suddenly understand what it is. When our minds start to connect to the subject. It is at this time that the learning takes place in the mind of the student.
Talent, Passion, Capacity and Seasons / 208
It is not possible to discuss learning and teaching without mention of a human being’s talent, passion, capacity and seasons.
My Observations / 231
I have observed teaching and learning over two decades and here are some personal observations and lessons I have learnt.
Epilogue / 256
Trying to solve the right problem may be more important than just trying to solve any problem.
This is a personal collection of insights on the art of teaching adults experienced over two decades in China and from the perspective of an outsider.
What has gone well and what has not?
This book is written for two groups of people. Those who teach adults as a vocation, and those who teach others and for whatever reasons.
This book is not a technical book about adult learning. It’s a personal journey of a teacher and observer of adult learning situations.
1.Mr. Goh’s career had been invested in China for decades. I hail him as a master trainer of his own kind. This book delineates some of his best nuggets of gold on learning and teaching; another hallmark of achievement. This is one of the most readerable book I have ever come across. Yet it leaves me with many after thoughts to reflect upon. David Chay, Health Psychologist, Singapore.
-David Chay 健康心理学家
2.In today’s busy world, few people take time to observe, reflect and learn. I agree too that life’s lessons are not learned in the formality of the classroom. Teachers can teach without students really learning. You ask the right questions in the midst of life’s experiences. Your book is not one of theoretical philosophy but communicates principles to be applied. I might add – you are teaching what you already have been practising! Of course we know who the greatest Master Teacher is. He was also the greatest learner, learning from the realities of life and of suffering. Jim Chew. Author and Mentor, New Zealand.
在当今繁忙的世界,没有几个人会花时间去观察,思考和学习。我很赞同,生命的课程不是在课堂的正规场合学习的。教师可以在学生无意识学习的时候教学。你在人生经历当中问了正确的问题。你的书不是理论哲学,而是适用的交流原则。我想补充 – 你是在教你所操练的。我们当然知道伟大的教师是谁!。他也是伟大的学习者,从苦难的生活和现实学习。
– Jim Chew 作者和导师
3.It is never easy for one to try to crystallize in words his teaching and learning journey. Let alone a journey of 20 over years, mostly interacting with adult learners. Mr. Goh has put in this book his personal thoughts accumulated through real life observations and hands-on experience, gems for us who are still on this journey. I enjoy reading them.
Ooi Inn Bok, Former Director International Division, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore.
– Ooi Inn Bok先生
4.Consider yourself blessed if you are holding a copy of this book. The contents – writings, reflections, observations and learnings recorded mirror very much the author himself and his worldviews on learning and teaching. In my recollections, as a mentor, he often asks me questions without expecting to hear my answer. Instead, he allows for “the pause” to happen so that I can reflect while we continue our walk together or sip our coffee. Now, read it slowly…
Ho Tuck Leh, Business Operations Manager, HP Inc.
如果你读到这本书应该庆幸自己是有福的。内容 – 包括文字、思考、观察和学习记录非常真实的映射出作者学习和教学的世界观。在我的记忆中,他作为一位导师,经常问我问题,而不希望听到我的回答。相反,他允许“暂停”的情况发生,这样我可以反思,而我们继续我们的散步亦或品尝我们的咖啡。现在开始慢慢读吧…
Ho Tuck Leh先生
业务运营经理 惠普公司
2. 提问
Talent, Passion, Capacity and Seasons
33. Talent, Passion, Capacity and Seasons
It is not possible to discuss learning and teaching without mention of a human being’s talent, passion, capacity and seasons. These four elements became the focus of my thinking in the later years as I attempt to put in perspective the variables that influence learning and teaching.
Talent is mostly a natural inclination to do something better than most people. I would say probably the top one to three percent. For people who are talented usually I see them as becoming even artistic in their work.
The teacher has a higher responsibility to identify talents and foster the development of the learner’s talent.
Hard work will always overcome natural talent when natural talent does not work hard enough.
Alex Ferguson
Since childhood he has always wanted to be an astronaut. He grew up completely engrossed in space. He ended up going to space.
Stories of childhood dreams realization abound. Passionate people we call them.
She was a freshman in college. She told me she wanted to be a human rights activist to fight for the rights of women in developing countries. Her eyes and facial determination tells me she has passion. She has chosen a course that will bring her closer. Each vacation I would hear that she is somewhere in some place few people would consider to vacation.
She is passionate. Every road she chooses will only for her passion, including her vacation. No more just childhood dreams.
Passion is a natural drive to do and desire to stay on a subject, a strong desire, being extremely enthusiastic, and enduring.
What is your student’s passion?
Some people struggle with managing three people, some flourish with thirty. There are those who have multiple projects in their hands in multiple locations and still can raise some great kids. I know of some who have done neither well even though they have regular jobs and not much responsibility. .
Some are thirty, some are sixty and the rest of the pack, one hundred.
My students are not all one hundred so I treat their learning differently.
I have only learnt this recently. Everything has its time. There is a time to teach and a time to learn. When the time to teach and the time to learn meets. This, is the right season.
Is your student in a learning season?
