开 本: 32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787567909052

native language,but not yet Chinese. Moreimportantly,in this book,Ms. Wu introducesauthentic vocabularies and expressions. Those whohave international experiences understands perfectlythe importance of authenticity. How can we evenput our trust on someone who speaks in a weirdway? This book is one of the rare that teaches youhow to talk about dental issues as a native speaker.In this sense,I hope this book is the fi rst of manyfor her as she perhaps looks to further assist bothChinese speakers and English speakers in othermedical and non-medical professions.Therefore,I strongly recommend this bookto anyone wishing to provide a pleasant andprofessional communication between patient andmedical service provider.Michael Sauls2017.05.08In Washington D.C.
目 录
一、分诊、挂号……………………………………… 1二、就诊…………………………………………… 11三、牙体牙髓治疗………………………………… 19四、口腔颌面外科治疗…………………………… 29五、正畸治疗……………………………………… 35六、修复治疗……………………………………… 41七、儿童牙科治疗………………………………… 49八、镇静治疗……………………………………… 55九、种植牙………………………………………… 59十、牙周治疗……………………………………… 63十一、口腔黏膜病治疗…………………………… 71十二、关节病治疗………………………………… 77十三、问诊………………………………………… 812口腔护士实用英语十四、疼痛的评估………………………………… 87十五、卫生宣教…………………………………… 93十六、各种治疗后的注意事项…………………… 101十七、各种知情同意书…………………………… 109十八、复诊预约…………………………………… 133十九、相关检查…………………………………… 139附录………………………………………………… 145
前 言
I want to fi rst of all congratulate Ms. Wu Xuanfor her exceptional work in writing an Englishtext book for Chinese medical professionals. Ihighly recommend this book for dental nurses asit will greatly enhance the experience of Englishspeakersin Chinese dental facilities. This firstbook of its kind in China,will ensure that Chinesedental providers properly communicate withEnglish-speaking patients so that they know whatto expect and what is required of them. As manypeople are very concerned about undergoing dentalprocedures,a smooth communication betweenprovider and patient will help alleviate unnecessaryfears.As an international traveller myself,and,asone who has been involved in health care services,both personally and professionally,I greatlyappreciate what Ms. Wu has accomplished with thisbook. She has shown great leadership in addressingthe unknowns and uncertainties,and unnecessaryfears caused by these uncertainties,and bridgedthe gap between Chinese medical providers andnon-Chinese speaking patients. Diseases do notdiscriminate foreigners from locals,as languagesometimes does. It is thus crucial that the patientscould describe his/her feelings accurately to healthproviders,via a mutually understandable language.After all,how could it be possible for doctors andnurses to provide accurate treatment without evenunderstanding accurately the needs and symptomsof the patient? Language,in this sense,is ofparamount importance in communications betweenpatients and health providers.Luckily,Ms. Wu believes also in what Ibelieve:a smooth communication,which isthe bases of accurate health service,requiresauthenticity of vocabularies and expressions ina commonly understandable language. Ms. Wuhas wisely chosen English,as many foreignersin China speak English,in addition to their own
挂号 register口腔医生 dentist口腔医生助理 dental assistant收费处 cashier收费员 cashier口腔技师 dental technician分诊护士 triage nurse护士站 nurse station收据 receipt零钱 change自费 pay by yourself医保 medical insurance公费 socialized medicine;reimbursed medical care就诊卡 patient ID card医疗卡 medical card商业保险 commercial insurance理赔 settlement of claim口腔检查 oral examination退号 withdrawing registration自助机 self-service machine4口腔护士实用英语病案科 medical record department复印 copy常用例句1.我能为您做什么?What can I do for you?May I help you?Is there anything we can do for you?2.您哪里不舒服?What’s troubling you?What’s bothering you?3.您的口腔哪里不舒服?What’s wrong with your mouth cavity?4.您的牙齿痛吗?Do you feel any tooth pain?5.您是有龋齿吗?Do you have dental caries?6.您刷牙出血吗?Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?7.您要补牙吗?Do you want a dental fi lling?8.您要拔牙吗?5一、分诊、挂号Do you want a tooth extraction ?9.您要镶牙吗?Do you want a dental prosthetics?10.您是要洗牙吗?Do you want a tooth cleaning?11.您是要做牙齿美白吗?Do you want a tooth whitening?12.您以前看过门诊吗?Have you ever seen a dentist before?13.您有大病历吗?Have you ever opened a fi le here?14.您有医疗手册(病历小本)吗?Do you have a medical record manual?15.您有医保卡吗?Do you have a medical insurance card?16.请您出示您的就诊卡。Please show me your patient ID card.17.您以前看过哪位医生吗?Have you ever seen any doctor before?18.您是要复诊预约吗?Do you want an appointment for a return visit?19.您会说汉语/ 英语吗?Do you speak Chinese/English?6口腔护士实用英语20.请您办理一张就诊卡。Please get for a patient ID card.21.号已经加在卡里了。The registration information has been made.22.请您直接到收费处去挂号。Please get your registration at the cashier directly.23.请您到候诊区等候。Please wait at the waiting area.24.请您注意看电子叫号屏。Please pay attention to the electronic calling screen.25.电梯在出门右手/ 左手。The elevator is out of the door on the right/lefthand.26.收费处在走廊左手/ 右手。The cashier’s on the left / right hand.27.请您在病历本上填写您的信息。Please fi ll out your information on your medicalrecord.28.请您告诉我您的电话。May I have your telephone number please?What’s your telephone number?Could you please tell me your phone number?