开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787213087141

Lesson 162 A Polite Man 有礼貌的人
Lesson 163 Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧
Lesson 164 Books 读书的乐趣
Lesson 165 Failure 失败
Lesson 166 Is Music a Noise? 音乐是噪音吗?
Lesson 167 Enlarging Our Vocabulary 增加我们的词汇量
Lesson 168 Stay Fit for a Test 考前应注意健康
Lesson 169 A High-Tech World 世界科技日日新
Lesson 170 Ecology 生态学
Lesson 171 We Need Society 我们不能离开社会
Lesson 172 Louis Braille 盲人点字法发明人
Lesson 173 Inflation 通货膨胀
Lesson 174 Moods and Weather 心情随天气而变化
Lesson 175 Body Language 肢体语言
Lesson 176 Working Mothers 在职妈妈
Lesson 177 Independence Day 美国国庆节
Lesson 178 Bones and Smoking 骨折与抽烟
Lesson 179 We’re Chameleons 我们与变色龙没什么两样
Lesson 180 Credit Cards 信用卡
Lesson 181 Which Way to Go? 大城市游览须知
Lesson 182 Success 成功
Lesson 183 The Earth 地球
Lesson 184 Just Do Our Best 凡事尽力而为
Lesson 185 Dreams Mirror Life 梦反映现实生活
Lesson 186 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕 · 林肯
Lesson 187 Anasazi Pueblos 阿那萨齐部落的石屋城
Lesson 188 The Olympics 奥运会的由来
Lesson 189 Holes on the Moon 月球上坑洞的由来
Lesson 190 The Sun 太阳
Lesson 191 An Expedition 一次探险
Lesson 192 Wood 木材
Lesson 193 Pablo Picasso 毕加索
Lesson 194 Thank You, Doggie! 谢谢你,狗狗!
Lesson 195 A Great Cartoonist 创造史努比的漫画家
Lesson 196 It Runs in the Family 一人生病,全家遭殃
Lesson 197 Avoid Catching a Cold 避免感冒
Lesson 198 Flight Safety 乘机安全须知
Lesson 199 Superman 超人
Lesson 200 Shoes 观其鞋而知其人
Lesson 201 Losing Weight 正确的减肥之道
Lesson 202 Yoga 瑜珈
Lesson 203 Aikido 合气道
Lesson 204 Dancing Naked for Rain 舞祭
Lesson 205 The Great Pyramid 伟大的金字塔
Lesson 206 The Goddess Mazu 妈祖
Lesson 207 Noah Webster 韦氏大词典创始人
Lesson 208 Sleeping Soundly 一夜好眠
Lesson 209 South African Wines 南非美酒甲天下
Lesson 210 Elephant Training 大象训练之道
Lesson 211 Simon Bolivar 南美洲之父:西蒙 · 玻利瓦尔
Lesson 212 Diabetes 糖尿病
Lesson 213 The Minotaur 牛头人
Lesson 214 Hibernation 冬眠
Lesson 215 Conan Doyle 柯南 · 道尔
Lesson 216 Air Pollution 空气污染
Lesson 217 Red Cross Rescue Teams 红十字救援队
Lesson 218 Having Babies Later in Life 高龄产妇
Lesson 219 The Ice Festival in Harbin 哈尔滨冰雕节
Lesson 220 Curiosity 好奇心
Lesson 221 Karaoke 卡拉 OK
Lesson 222 Goose Liver 鹅肝
Lesson 223 A Fun Way to Recycle 有趣的资源回收方式
Lesson 224 Be a Vegetarian 成为素食主义者
Lesson 225 The Great White Shark 大白鲨
Lesson 226 Swimming Hygiene 游泳卫生须知
Lesson 227 The Moulin Rouge 红磨坊
Lesson 228 Campus Violence 校园暴力
Lesson 229 Working Animals 职场动物
Lesson 230 Caring Robots 贴心的机器人
Ecology 生态学
In the last 150 years or so, scientists have become interested in the way animals and plants live together. This interest has created a new branch of science called ecology.
Over millions of years, plants and animals have learned to change themselves so they can fit perfectly into their environment. For example, a saltwater fish lives best in the ocean and a mouse is healthiest in a field. Certain organisms may be found in a large area, but they do not live in all of it. They are usually only found in a small part of it. This is the place where it is easiest for them to live. Ecologists call this place their habitat. They study the way organisms survive in their natural habitat.
过去 150 年左右,科学家一直对动植物共存的方式颇感兴趣。这一兴趣创造了新的学科分支,这个分支被称为生态学。数百万年来,动植物已学会对自身做出改变,以便能完美地融入周遭环境中。举例来说,咸水鱼适合栖息在海洋中,老鼠在田野中生长得也健康。广大的区域会有可能发现某些物种,不过这些生物并非栖息在整块区域。通常只能在整块区域的一小块中发现这些生物。这一小块区域便是它们易生存的空间。生态学家把这块区域称为栖息地。他们研究生物在天然栖息地的生存方式。
复习关系副词 where、when、why、how 的用法:
a. where 应置于表示“地方”的名词之后。
I live in Nanning, where I met my second girlfriend, who later became my wife.
= I live in Nanning, in which I met my second girlfriend, who later became my wife.
I see the hilltop where there is a big mansion.
= I see the hilltop on which there is a big mansion.
b. when 置于表示“时间”的名词之后。
The Second World War broke out in 1939, when my great grandfather was just an elementary schoolboy.
= The Second World War broke out in 1939, in which my great grandfather was just an elementary schoolboy.
第二次世界大战于 1939 年爆发,当年我曾祖父还只是个小学生。
I still remember I left my hometown on a day when it was drizzling.
= I still remember I left my hometown on a day on which it was drizzling.
c. why 应置于先行词 the reason(理由、原因)之后,the reason 或 why 亦均可省略,即
Tell me the reason why you want to resign.
= Tell me the reason for which you want to resign.
= Tell me the reason you want to resign.
= Tell me why you want to resign.
d. how 理应置于 the way(方法)之后,但 the way 与 how 不能并存,应删除其中之一,即
This is the way how I’ll solve the problem. ( ╳ )
→ This is how I’ll solve the problem. ( √ )
= This is the way I’ll solve the problem. ( √ )
换言之,how 之前不得有先行词 the way。
本课倒数第三句即使用了关系副词 where:
This is the place where it is easiest for them to live.
= This is the place in which it is easiest for them to live.
数字 or so 若干……
= about / around 数字
We need $4,000 or so to complete the project.
branch n.(学科的)分支;分公司;树枝
The company has branches all over the world.
ecology n. 生态学
fit vi. 融入
fit into … 融入……
fit in 融入;适应
Stubborn people find it hard to fit into society.
*stubborn adj. 固执的
It’s a shame that my new boyfriend doesn’t fit in with my friends.
organism n. 有机物
habitat n. 栖息地
inhabit vt. 栖息于;居住于
The island is inhabited by many different species.
survive vi. 生存 & vt. 活得比……久;幸免度过
The custom still survives in certain societies.
Mary survived her husband by 10 years.
玛丽比她丈夫多活 10 年。
The company managed to survive the recession.
*recession n. 不景气
The man was born in 1941,______war broke out.
(A) where (B) which (C) when (D) on which
This is______I deal with a difficult customer.
(A) that (B) what (C) how (D) which
Many animals’ natural______were destroyed because of human development.
(A) habitats (B) branches (C) organisms (D) habits
Tom found it difficult to fit_______with his colleagues.
(A) on (B) for (C) as (D) in
People in the past had to figure out a way to_______in harsh weather conditions.
(A) regret (B) survive (C) create (D) in
答案:C C A D B