开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787213086090

Lesson 82 名词性从句 2
Lesson 83 名词性从句 3
Lesson 84 活用名词性从句 1 Part I
Lesson 85 活用名词性从句 1 Part II
Lesson 86 活用名词性从句 2 Part I
Lesson 87 活用名词性从句 2 Part II
Lesson 88 活用名词性从句 3
Lesson 89 活用名词性从句 4
Lesson 90 活用名词性从句 5
Lesson 91 what 作疑问词及复合关系代词的用法
Lesson 92 Life Is What We Make It (Part I) 生活靠我们自己创造(部分)
Lesson 93 Life Is What We Make It (Part II) 生活靠我们自己创造(第二部分)
Lesson 94 定语从句
Lesson 95 My Friend John 我的朋友约翰
Lesson 96 Window Shopping Together (Part I) 一起来“橱窗购物”(部分)
Lesson 97 Window Shopping Together (Part II) 一起来“橱窗购物”(第二部分)
Lesson 98 Harry Potter 哈利 · 波特
Lesson 99 New England 新英格兰之美
Lesson 100 The Cost of War 战争的代价
Lesson 101 Coffee Shops 咖啡屋
Lesson 102 At a Coffee Shop 在咖啡店
Lesson 103 Swimming in the Sea 海中游泳须知
Lesson 104 Finally on a Diet 终于节食了
Lesson 105 A Bad Night 好一个倒霉的夜晚
Lesson 106 A Summer Plan 暑假计划
Lesson 107 Oversleeping 睡过头了
Lesson 108 School Lunches 再也不吃学校的自助餐了
Lesson 109 New Year Plans 新年计划
Lesson 110 Teaching 教书甘苦谈
Lesson 111 Out of the Rain 雨中小歇
Lesson 112 Preparing for a Trip 旅游行前准备之道
Lesson 113 Cell Phones 佛要金装,手机要衣装
Lesson 114 A Smooth Flight 我次搭飞机的经验
Lesson 115 A Nasty Habit 一个坏习惯
Lesson 116 Giving a Speech in Public 公开演讲
Lesson 117 What a Bad Day 真是倒霉的一天
Lesson 118 A Good Role Model 好榜样
Lesson 119 Fluffy the Pet Cat 宠物猫小毛
Lesson 120 A Teacher As Well As a Friend 亦师亦友
Lesson 121 Time to Buy a Watch 是时候买块手表了
Lesson 122 Twin Brothers with Different Personalities 个性迥异的孪生兄弟
Lesson 123 An Email from Jack 杰克发来的一封电子邮件
Lesson 124 We Should Cherish Our Planet 我们应该珍惜地球
Lesson 125 The Common Housecat Is Truly Unique 不简单的家猫
Lesson 126 Corn 玉米
Lesson 127 Tom Had a Big Problem 汤姆这下头大了
Lesson 128 Wrong Love for Birds 对鸟儿不当的爱
Lesson 129 Nothing in Common 南辕北辙
Lesson 130 Recycling 废物回收利用
Lesson 131 Australia Is Worth Visiting 澳大利亚值得一游
Lesson 132 Life-saving Cell Phones 可以救命的手机
Lesson 133 Be Careful, Motorists 汽车驾驶人要小心
Lesson 134 No More Big Families 大家庭式微了
Lesson 135 Having a Baby 生宝宝
Lesson 136 Fat Children 动动吧,胖小子!
Lesson 137 A Long Healthy Life 长寿之道
Lesson 138 Exercise 运动的好处
Lesson 139 A Late Night Call 深夜的一通电话
Lesson 140 Career or Marriage 事业与婚姻孰重
Lesson 141 A Happy Dream 原来是一场梦
Lesson 142 Living through Books 书中自有黄金屋
Lesson 143 At Home in the City 我不要住在乡下
Lesson 144 Flying Like Birds 一圆展翼之梦
Lesson 145 Pets Are Good 养宠物好处多多
Lesson 146 Plans for the Summer 暑假打工去
Lesson 147 Home at Last 终于回家了
Lesson 148 Taking Her Time 慢慢来
Lesson 149 A Second Chance 梅开二度
Lesson 150 Becoming a Doctor 当医生
Lesson 151 The Future of Cars 未来车
Lesson 152 Big Trouble 倒大霉了
Lesson 153 Walt Disney 沃尔特 · 迪斯尼
Lesson 154 Large Feet 大脚Y
Lesson 155 The Grimm Brothers 格林兄弟
Lesson 156 Too Hungry to Wait 还没到家就吃光了
Lesson 157 A New Man 残而不废
Lesson 158 The Best Birthday 棒的生日派对
Lesson 159 The Stink Bug 臭虫
Lesson 160 Broadway 百老汇
My Friend John 我的朋友约翰
John is a very good friend of mine, who lives next door to me. In addition, we both go to the same school and study in the same class. John’s father, who is a truck driver, works very hard every day to support a family of six. John’s mother,who is a typical housewife, is busy with housework day and night. Even so, they live happily together.
I respect John, who was born into a humble family but never thus feels self-conscious. He does well in school but remains modest and polite, which is why he has so many friends. Back home, he helps his mom do the chores and look after his two brothers and one sister. All in all, he is my role model in every way.
? typical adj. 典型的
be typical of sth 是某物的典型
a typical example of… 一个……的典型例子
It is typical of sb to V ……是某人的写照,某人总是……
This dish is typical of Sichuan cuisine.
*cuisine n. 菜肴
Jane is a typical example of someone who has received a good education.
It’s typical of Eric to forget my birthday.
? be busy with V-ing / sth 忙于……
I was busy doing the chores when Mr. Smith called.
*do the chores 做家务(chores 恒用复数)
? respect vt. & n. 尊重
respect sb for sth 因为某事尊重某人
show respect to sb 对某人表示尊重
I respect you for achieving so much.
I show great respect to Peter because he’s a man of his word.
*a man / woman of his / her word 一个信守诺言的人
? be born into a humble family 出生于贫困的家庭
= be born into a poor family
Mr. Smith was born into a humble family.
*humble adj. 卑微的;谦逊的
? self-conscious adj. 不自在的
conscious adj. 意识到的
I used to be self-conscious about my weight.
? modest adj. 谦虚的(与 about 连用)
Mary is modest about her career accomplishments.
? look after … 照顾……
= take care of …
Mr. Smith hired a babysitter to look after his newborn baby.
? All in all, … 总的来说,……
All in all, Ted is not the right person for the job.
? It is_______of Jane to forget where she put her purse.
(A) modest (B) humble (C) typical (D) self-conscious
? Helen is always busy_______and neglectful of her family.
(A) to work (B) working (C) worked (D) with working
? Lisa was born_______a rich family.
(A) from (B) for (C) at (D) into
? Does your husband ever offer to_______?
(A) do the chores (B) do the houseworks (C) do much chore (D) do chore
? Shirley is prone to get ill because she doesn’t know how to_______herself.
(A) look for (B) look up (C) look after (D) look down on
答案:? C ? B ? D ? A ? C
