开 本: 128开纸 张: 铜版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787508536675
“在立春到来的时候,童话故事的主人公(插画中的小王子)开始了他的24节气之旅。在旅行中,“小王子”经历了许多天气的变化,遇见了自然界中很多的奇特,可爱,友善的动物朋友们,它们陪着“小王子”一起发现,体验 春/夏/秋/冬 每个节气的奇特和美妙之处“。这个故事情节充满了童趣和想象,文字部分浅显易懂,从主人公的视角自然地解读了每个节气的特点,和插画部分交相呼应,更加体现了中国24节气的优美。整个24节气的插画内容的创作特点也具有西方童话故事的风格,但讲述的确是中国的传统文化,符合了中西方的审美观念,应该可以受到中国和西方世界的小朋友们甚至成人的喜欢。绘本24张插画连起来是一个童话故事,每张插画的文字部分,是通过主人公(小王子)的视角来对插画内容和节气进行描述。绘本特别邀请“晓华亲子英语”公众号平台的人气小主播Emma小朋友进行英文配音,法国插画师美珊女士进行法文配音,让你感受纯正的美式英语和地道的法语。只需轻松扫一扫即可收听。本绘本深受法国时尚设计师、插画师美珊 ( Ms. Bérénice Zandonai )的喜爱,并由她着力推荐出版,书中英文、法文皆系她翻译。她说:“让全世界的人们可以通过阅读这本充满童趣又融合中西画风的绘本, 感受到中国优秀的传统文化。”
When the Beginning of Spring arrives, Little Prince starts his trip of 24 Solar Terms. He experiences many magical climate changes and meets lots of lovely and friendly animals in the nature. Together, they discover the charm of 24 Solar Terms which cover the four seasons of the year …24 Solar Terms Fairy Tale is a bilingual picture book full of imaginations. The poetic texts of this picture book are easy to understand for all the people. It shows the charm of Chinese traditional cultures through 24 beautiful panoramic illustrations full of western and eastern drawing-style. This bilingual picture book should be appreciated and loved by the children and the adults from all over the world. The 24 panoramic illustrations within this picture book constitute a fairy tale about 24 Solar Terms. The poetic texts on each panoramic illustration explain the characteristics of each Solar Term from the perspective of the little protagonist. We are glad to invite the very popular English-language little presenter Emma from Wechat Public “Xiaohua Parent-Child English”to register this book into English audio. French illustrator Madam Bérénice Zandonai registered this book into French audio. So you could not only read this picture book, but also listen to it in original English and French languages. What you only need to do is to scan the QR Code printed on this picture book. Madam Bérénice Zandonai, French fashion designer and professional illustrator for the children , appreciates very much this picture book about Chinese culture . She translated this picture book into English and French languages and managed to make it published to the public. She hopes that the world could discover and feel the charm of excellent Chinese cultures by reading this magical and imaginative bilingual picture book.
《二十四节气童话》绘本由中国插画师、漫画家乔乔创作,法国时尚设计师、插画家、翻译家美珊(Bérénice Zandonai)翻译,“晓华亲子英语”公众号平台的人气小主播Emma小朋友进行中英文配音。绘本画面美丽清新,故事情节充满童趣和想象,从主人公的视角自然地解读了每个节气的特点,和插画部分交相呼应,更加体现了中国24节气的优美。
前 言
次了解到中国二十四节气的文化是在大约两年前。一个中国朋友送了我一些二十四节气的插画明信片。我立刻就被这些明信片上的内容深深地吸引了。跟随着插画中小主人公的脚步,我仿佛也在旅行,经历春夏秋冬,感受季节气候的变化。后来,我寄了几张明信片给我在法国的朋友,他们也被精美的画面和中国传统文化所吸引。为了收集全这套中国二十四节气插画明信片,我联系到了它的作者,插画师乔乔先生,并向他建议将这套二十四节气明信片译成英文。同时,我们觉得有必要把这套二十四节气插画明信片制作成汉英双语的童话绘本书,让全世界的人们可以通过阅读这本充满童趣又融合中西画风的绘本,感受到中国优秀的传统文化。 我要感谢五洲传播出版社,他们在时间表达了对出版这本《二十四节气童话》汉英双语绘本书的支持。希望我们所有人的努力,可以为大家带来更好的阅读体验。美 珊 ( Berenice Zandonai )
立春 Beginning of Spring 森林还很寒冷,青蛙还在冬眠The forest is very coldThe frogs are still in hibernation我希望有人能和我一起出发I wish someone could travel with me便吹响了手中的风琴So I start to play the music 忽然间,一棵枝丫扭动着身姿苏醒了A little tree wakes up by moving her body鸟儿也顺着音符向我飞来……The birds fly towards me by following my melody…雨水 Rain Water 清晨 滴 滴 嗒 嗒In the early morning, “drip drip drip” 透明的水滴从天上落下The transparent raindrops fall down from the sky我想要抓住它们 可它们太调皮They are so naughty that I can’t grasp them跳来跳去 叫醒了大家They jump around and awaken everyone于是 蜗牛弟弟把头伸出了家门Brother Snail shows the head out of his shell-house 蘑菇妹妹撑起了伞 ……Sister Mushroom holds up her umbrella …