开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787561457702
Part Ⅰ Theoretical Framework
Chapter 1 Potential Energy Surfaces
1.1 Born-Oppenheimer approximation
1.1.1 The total Hamiltonian
1.1.2 Adiabatic representation
1.1.3 Diabatic representation
1.1.4 Diabatic-to-Adiabatic transformation
1.1.5 Two-State model
1.2 The solution of the electronic problem
1.3 Abinitio potentialenergy surfaces
1.3.1 Correlation energy partitioning
1.3.2 Semiempirical correction of ab initio energies
1.4 Semiempirical global potential energy surfaces
1.4.1 Diatomics-in-molecules theory
1.4.2 The double many-body expansion method
1.4.3 Energy-switching scheme for spectroscopically accurate
functions Bibliography
Chapter 2 Reaction Dynamics
2.1 Classical scattering
2.1.1 Molecule collision theory
2.1.2 Statistical averaging
2.2 The quasiclassical trajectory method
2.2.1 Classical Hamiltonian mechanics
2.2.2 Coordinate systems and transformations
2.2.3 Selection of initial states
2.2.4 Integration of the equations of motion
2.2.5 Analysis of finalstates
2.2.6 Treatment of the zero-point energy problem
2.3 Quantum reaction dynamics: a synopsis
2.3.1 Theinteraction picture
2.3.2 Time-dependent approaches
2.3.3 Time-independent approaches
2.3.4 Reduced dimensionality approaches Bibliography
Part Ⅱ Case Studies