开 本: 32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787111448136丛书名: 经典原版书库
《计算机科学概论(英文版第5版)》由当今该领 域备受赞誉且经验丰富的教育家戴尔和刘易斯共同编 写,全面介绍计算机科学领域的基础知识,为广大学 生勾勒了一幅生动的画卷。就整体而言,全书内容翔 实、覆盖面广,旨在向读者展示计算机科学的全貌; 从细节上看,本书层次清晰、描述生动,基于计算机 系统的洋葱式结构,分别介绍信息层、硬件层、程序 设计层、操作系统层、应用程序层和通信层,涉及计 算机科学的各个层面。
本书贯穿了计算机系统的各个方面,非常适合作 为计算机专业的计算机导论课程教材。为后续专业课 程打下坚实的基础;同时还适合作为非计算机专业的 计算机总论课程教材,提供计算机系统全面完整的介 绍。
本书贯穿了计算机系统的各个方面,非常适合作 为计算机专业的计算机导论课程教材。为后续专业课 程打下坚实的基础;同时还适合作为非计算机专业的 计算机总论课程教材,提供计算机系统全面完整的介 绍。
目 录
1 Laying the Groundwork
Chapter 1 The Big Picture
2 The Information Layer
Chapter 2 Binary Values and Number Systems
Chapter 3 Data Representation
3 The Hardware Layer
Chapter 4 Gates and Circuits
Chapter 5 Computinq Components
4 The Programming Layer
Chapter 6 Low-Level Programming Languages and Pseudocode
Chapter 7 Problem Solving and Algorithms
Chapter 8 Abstract Data Types and Subprograms
Chapter 9 Object-Oriented Design and High-Level Programming Languages
5 The Operating Systems Layer
Chapter 10 Operatincj Systems
Chapter 11 File Systems and Directories
6 The Applications Layer
Chapter 12 Information Systems
Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 14 Simulation, Graphics, Gaming, and Other Applications
7 The Communications Layer
Chapter 15 Networks
Chapter 16 The World Wide Web
Chapter 17 Computer Security
8 In Conclusion
Chapter 18 Limitations of Computing
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Chapter 1 The Big Picture
2 The Information Layer
Chapter 2 Binary Values and Number Systems
Chapter 3 Data Representation
3 The Hardware Layer
Chapter 4 Gates and Circuits
Chapter 5 Computinq Components
4 The Programming Layer
Chapter 6 Low-Level Programming Languages and Pseudocode
Chapter 7 Problem Solving and Algorithms
Chapter 8 Abstract Data Types and Subprograms
Chapter 9 Object-Oriented Design and High-Level Programming Languages
5 The Operating Systems Layer
Chapter 10 Operatincj Systems
Chapter 11 File Systems and Directories
6 The Applications Layer
Chapter 12 Information Systems
Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 14 Simulation, Graphics, Gaming, and Other Applications
7 The Communications Layer
Chapter 15 Networks
Chapter 16 The World Wide Web
Chapter 17 Computer Security
8 In Conclusion
Chapter 18 Limitations of Computing
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Numbers are crucial to computing.In addition to using a computer to execute numeric computations, all types of information that we store and manage using a computer are ultimately stored as numbers.At the lowest level, computers store all information using just the digits 0 and 1.So to begin our exploration of computers, we need to first begin by exploring numbers.
First, let’s recall that numbers can be classified into all sorts of categories.There are natural numbers, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and many others that are important in mathematics but not to the understanding of computing.Let’s review the relevant category definitions briefly.
First, let’s define the general concept of a number: A number is a unit belonging to an abstract mathematical system and is subject to specified laws of succession, addition, and multip}ication.That is, a number is a representation of a value, and certain arithmetic operations can be consistently applied to such values.
Now let’s separate numbers into categories.A natural number is the number 0 or any number obtained by repeatedly adding 1 to this number Natural numbers are the ones we use in counting.A negative number is less than zero and is opposite in sign to a positive number.An integer is any of the natural numbers or any of the negatives of these numbers.A rational number is an integer or the quotient of two integers-that is, any value that can be expressed as a fraction.
In this chapter, we focus on natural numbers and the ways that they are represented in various number systems.As part of our discussion, we establish how all number systems relate to each other.In Chapter 3, we examine the computer representation of negative and rational numbers, as well as how we use numbers to represent other forms of data such as characters and images.
Some of the material in this chapter may already be familiar to you.Certainly some of the underlying ideas should be.You probably take for granted some basic principles of numbers and arithmetic because you’ve become so used to them.Part of our goal in this chapter is to remind yo, of those underlying principles and to show you that they apply to all number systems.Then the idea that a computer uses binary values-that is, ls and 0s-to represent information should be less mysterious.
First, let’s recall that numbers can be classified into all sorts of categories.There are natural numbers, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and many others that are important in mathematics but not to the understanding of computing.Let’s review the relevant category definitions briefly.
First, let’s define the general concept of a number: A number is a unit belonging to an abstract mathematical system and is subject to specified laws of succession, addition, and multip}ication.That is, a number is a representation of a value, and certain arithmetic operations can be consistently applied to such values.
Now let’s separate numbers into categories.A natural number is the number 0 or any number obtained by repeatedly adding 1 to this number Natural numbers are the ones we use in counting.A negative number is less than zero and is opposite in sign to a positive number.An integer is any of the natural numbers or any of the negatives of these numbers.A rational number is an integer or the quotient of two integers-that is, any value that can be expressed as a fraction.
In this chapter, we focus on natural numbers and the ways that they are represented in various number systems.As part of our discussion, we establish how all number systems relate to each other.In Chapter 3, we examine the computer representation of negative and rational numbers, as well as how we use numbers to represent other forms of data such as characters and images.
Some of the material in this chapter may already be familiar to you.Certainly some of the underlying ideas should be.You probably take for granted some basic principles of numbers and arithmetic because you’ve become so used to them.Part of our goal in this chapter is to remind yo, of those underlying principles and to show you that they apply to all number systems.Then the idea that a computer uses binary values-that is, ls and 0s-to represent information should be less mysterious.