开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787560344447丛书名: Springer词典精选原版系列
《聚合物百科词典3(J-Q 英文)》收录了超过7500个高分子材料方面的术语,包含了高分子科学和工程领域常用的化学品的名称、工艺、结构式和分析方法。鉴于人体与生命科学的不断发展,附录增加了生物化学和微生物方面的词条。每个词条方便查找,会提供了一个简洁的定义,以及相互参照的相关术语。为了说明的更清晰,有的词条可能给出方程式、化学结构和其它图示。
North Light n (14c) Light from the north sky, generallythrough a window so located as to allow onlylight from the north to enter the room.Because such light is the more constant throughout the day than light from otherdirections, it was and is preferred by artists, colorists,etc.for viewing color.Artificial north light has been simulated with modern lamps and filters for the same purpose.SeeDaylight.
North StandardSee N.S.
Noryl n Poly(phenylene oxide) Trade name for a fam- ily of blends of polyphenylene oxide ( PPO) with muchless costly styrenic polymers.These blends have theprocessability, low water absorption, and good dielec-tric properties associated with polystyrene, while the PPO contributes heat resistance.Glass-reinforcedgrades are available.Manufactured by General Elec-tric, U.S.
Noryl Resinsn Blends of poly-(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenyl oxide) with polystyrene or with high impact polystyrene.
Notch Effect n The effect of the presence of speamennotch or its geometry on the outcome of a test such as an impact strength test of plastics.Notching results in local stresses and accelerates failure in both static and cycling testing (mechanical, ozonecracking, etc.).
Notch Sensitivity n The extent to which a material’s tendency to fracture under load, particularly an impact load, is increased by the presence of a surface in homo- geneity such as a notch or sharp inside corner, a suddenchange in section thickness, a crack, or a scratch.Lownotch sensitivity is usually assoaated with ductility,while brittle materials exhibit higher notch sensitivity.Most engineers and physical testers consider the notched lzod andCharpy Impact Tests to be asmuch measures of notch sensitivity and they are of pure impact strength.
Notched lzod See Noticed Izod Impact Energy.Notched lzod Impact See Notched Izod Impact Energy.
Notched lzod Impact EnergyThe energy required to break a notched specimen equal to the difference between the energy in the striking member of theIzod-type impact apparatus at the instant of impact and the energy remaining after complete fracture of the speamen.Note: Energy depends on geometry(e.g., width, depth, shape) of the notch, on the cross-sectional area of the specimen and on the place ofimpact (on the side of the notch or on the opposite side).In some tests notch is made on both sides of the specimen.Also called notched Izod impact strength, notched Izod impact, notched Izod.
North StandardSee N.S.
Noryl n Poly(phenylene oxide) Trade name for a fam- ily of blends of polyphenylene oxide ( PPO) with muchless costly styrenic polymers.These blends have theprocessability, low water absorption, and good dielec-tric properties associated with polystyrene, while the PPO contributes heat resistance.Glass-reinforcedgrades are available.Manufactured by General Elec-tric, U.S.
Noryl Resinsn Blends of poly-(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenyl oxide) with polystyrene or with high impact polystyrene.
Notch Effect n The effect of the presence of speamennotch or its geometry on the outcome of a test such as an impact strength test of plastics.Notching results in local stresses and accelerates failure in both static and cycling testing (mechanical, ozonecracking, etc.).
Notch Sensitivity n The extent to which a material’s tendency to fracture under load, particularly an impact load, is increased by the presence of a surface in homo- geneity such as a notch or sharp inside corner, a suddenchange in section thickness, a crack, or a scratch.Lownotch sensitivity is usually assoaated with ductility,while brittle materials exhibit higher notch sensitivity.Most engineers and physical testers consider the notched lzod andCharpy Impact Tests to be asmuch measures of notch sensitivity and they are of pure impact strength.
Notched lzod See Noticed Izod Impact Energy.Notched lzod Impact See Notched Izod Impact Energy.
Notched lzod Impact EnergyThe energy required to break a notched specimen equal to the difference between the energy in the striking member of theIzod-type impact apparatus at the instant of impact and the energy remaining after complete fracture of the speamen.Note: Energy depends on geometry(e.g., width, depth, shape) of the notch, on the cross-sectional area of the specimen and on the place ofimpact (on the side of the notch or on the opposite side).In some tests notch is made on both sides of the specimen.Also called notched Izod impact strength, notched Izod impact, notched Izod.