开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787506768832
目 录
第一章 基本知识与实验技术 Chapter 1 Elementary Knowledge and Experiment Technology 第一节 实验室管理规则 Section 1 Regulations of Laboratory 第二节 显微镜的使用与保养 Section 2 Operation and Maintenance of Microscope 第三节 基本实验技术 Section 3 Elementary Experiment Technology 第四节 药用植物标本的制作方法 Section 4 Method in Making Medicinal Plant Specimen 第二章 实验内容 Chapter 2 Experiment Content 实验一植物细胞的构造及后含物 Experiment 1 Structure and Main Ergastic Substance of Plant Cells 实验二分生组织、保护组织与机械组织 Experiment 2 Merismatic Tissue,Protective Tissue and Mechanical Tissue 实验三输导组织、分泌组织和维管束的构造与类型 Experiment 3 Conducting Tissue,Secretory Tissue,Structure and Types of Vascular Bundle 实验四根的形态、初生构造、次生构造与异常构造 Experiment 4 Formation,Primary Structure,Secondary Structure and Anomalous Structure of Root 实验五 茎的形态和变态类型,茎的初生构造,双子叶植物和裸子植物茎的次 生构造 Experiment 5 Formation,Type and Modification of Stem;Primary Structure of Stem; Secondary Structure of Dicotyledon Stem and Gymnospermae Stem 实验六单子叶植物茎和根状茎的构造以及双子叶植物根状茎的异常构造 Experiment 6 Structure of Stem and Rhizome of Moncotyledon,Anomalous Structure of Rhizome of Dicotyledon 实验七叶的形态和内部构造 Experiment 7 Morphology and Internal Structure of Leaf 实验八花的形态和内部构造 Experiment 8 Morphology and Internal Structure of Flower 实验九果实、种子的形态、类型和构造 Experiment 9 Formation,Type and Structure of Fruit and Seed 实验十 藻、菌、地衣植物 Experiment 10 Algae,Fungi and Lichens Plant 实验十一 苔藓植物、蕨类植物和裸子植物 Experiment 11 Bryophyta,Pteridophyta and Gymnosperma 实验十二桑科、马兜铃科、蓼科、毛茛科 Experiment 12 Mulberry Family(Moraceae),Birthwort Family(Aristolochiaceae), Buckwheat Family(Polygonaceae),Crowfoot Family(Ranunculaceae) 实验十三木兰科、芍药科、罂粟科、十字花科 Experiment 13 Magnolia Family(Magnoliaceae),Peony Family(Paeoniaceae), Poppy Family(Papaveraceae),Mustard Family(Cruciferae) 实验十四蔷薇科、豆科、五加科 Experiment 14 Rose Family(Rosaceae),Bean Family(Leguminosae)and Ginseng Family(Araliaceae) 实验十五伞形科、木犀科、唇形科、茄科 Experiment 15 Carrot Family(Umbelliferae),Olive Family(Oleaceae),Mint Family(Labiatae),Nightshade Family(Solanaceae) 实验十六玄参科、桔梗科、菊科 Experiment 16 Figwort Family(Scrophulariaceae),Bellflower Family(Campanulaceae), Compositae Family(Compositae) 实验十七禾本科、天南星科、百合科 Experiment 17 Grass family(Gramineae),Aroid family(Araceae),Lily family (Liliaceae) 实验十八薯蓣科、鸢尾科、姜科、兰科 Experiment 18 Yam Family(Dioscoreaceae),Iris Family(Iridaceae),Ginger Family(Zingiberaceae),Orchid Family(Orchidaceae) 实验十九烟草叶片愈伤诱导和植株再生 Experiment 19 Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration From Leaf Explants of Tobacco 附录 Appendix 一、常用试剂的配制 二、《中国植物志》卷册索引