开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787030404862
1.1 A brief reappraisal of tectonic models for southeastern SCB developed before the 1990s
1.2 A cartoon time-space diagram summarising major events that shaped the SCB
1.3 Pre-1 Ga basement compositions
1.4 Mesoproterozoic to earliest Neoproterozoic Sibao Orogeny: Part of Rodinia assembly?
1.5 Large scale mid-Neoproterozoic intraplate magmatism and continental rifting:Long-lived mantle plume activities and Rodinia breakup
1.6 The Ordovicion-Silurian Wuyi-Yunkai (“Caledonian”) Orogeny and foreland basin development
1.7 Permian-Triassic orogenic events and a Jurassic-Cretaceous large magmatic province
1.8 Transition from an Andean-type active margin (ca. 280 Ma to ca. 90 Ma) to the current Western Pacific-type margin soon after 90 Ma
1.9 Effects of Cenozoic India-Eurasia collision on the western margin of the SCB
Day 1. Sibao orogenesis to Neoproterozoic rift magmatism
Day 2. Chencai Complex: Basement rocks of Cathaysia, Early Paleozoic Wuyi-Yunkai Orogeny, and the Jiang-Shao Fault
Day 3. Late Mesozoic (post P-Tr Indosinian Orogeny) large magmatic province
Day 4. Early Paleozoic strata in the Jiangshan region: Onset of the Wuyi-Yunkai Orogeny and structures of the Indosinian Orogeny
Day 5. Early Paleozoic strata along the Sanqing-Shaohua section, and deformation contrast between the two sides of the Lizhu-Changshan Thrust: Onset and lateral extent of the Wuyi-Yunkai Orogeny
Day 6.Structural and stratigraphic records Of the Permian—Triassic Indosinian Orogeny,and post—Orogenic basin and magmatic developments in NE Jiangxi
Day 7.Tianli Schists.Neoproterozoic rift magmatism and the Zhangshudun serpentinite complex,NE Jiangxi
Day 8.Guifeng Geopark:Cretaceous redbeds and Danxia landfoim‘
The South China Block (SCB) is bounded by the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt to the north, the Longmenshan Fault to the northwest, the Red River Fault to the southwest, and the continental slope of the East and the South China seas to the southeast, with a possible extension to the Korean Peninsula (Figure 1.1). The northwestern portion of the SCB is widely
Figure 1.1 Tectonic framework of the South China Block, emphasizing pre-0.9 Ga (900 Ma) records (modi-fied after Li Z X et al., 2007)
Sources for precisely dated rocks are: ① the Kongling Complex (Jiao et al., 2009; Qiu et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2011), ② Badu magmatic and metamorphic complexes (Li and Li, 2007; Xiang et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2009), ③ central Chencai Complex (Li Z X et al., 2010), ④ the Tianjingping amphibolites (Li, 1997), ⑤ the Dahongshan Group (Hu et al., 1991; Greentree and Li, 2008), ⑥ the Baoban Complex and the Shilu Group (Li Z X et al., 2008a),
⑦ the Kunyang Group (Greentree et al., 2006), ⑧ the Huiqinggou granitic gneiss (Li Z X et al., 2002), ⑨ the Yanbian Group (Li et al., 2006b), though Sun W H et al. (2009) suggested a slightly younger age, ⑩ the NE Jiangxi ophiolitic complexes (Chen et al., 1991; Li et al., 1994; Li and Li, 2003; Li W X et al., 2008a), the Shuangxiwu arc (Ye et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009), and its southwest extension, the Tianli Schists (Li et al., 2007), the Xixiang arc (Ling et al., 2003)
accepted as a coherent Yangtze Block/Craton with some Archean basement. However, con-troversy still remains regarding the timing of collision between the Yangtze and the Cathaysia blocks, and the composition of the Cathaysia Block.
?1.1 A brief reappraisal of tectonic models for southeastern SCB de-veloped before the 1990s
The dominant tectonic model before the 1980s suggests that southeastern South China Block was an early Paleozoic fold belt developed over a miogeosyncline (now a disused term), recognizing the strong imprint of the Ordovician-Silurian orogenesis on thick volcan-ic-sedimentary successions in the region (Huang et al., 1980; Ren, 1991). The reason for pro-posing a miogeosyncline was that no early Paleozoic ophiolite complex had been documented in the region (this remains the case today).
An alternative model, first proposed by Grabau (1924) and attracted renewed interests since the 1980s (Shui, 1987), recognizes the existence of Precambrian basement in various parts of southeastern South China and the continental shelf, and calls the coastal region the Cathaysia paleocontinent, or more commonly known as the Cathaysia Block.
These two concepts are not mutually exclusive regarding the physical nature of the basement of the coastal region. These models evolved into a remnant ocean model (Shui, 1987), in which a remnant ocean existed between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks after their eastern ends first touched during the late Precambrian (Figure 1.2(a)). The progressive closure of this remnant ocean during the early Paleozoic caused the deformation and metamorphism in the region (Figure 1.2(b), (c)), commonly known in the Chinese literature as the “Caledonian” orogeny (see an updated view in Section 1.6). A similar model was adapted by Liu and Xü (1994).
Other, more radical models have also been developed since the late 1970s. These include arc/terrane accretion models which suggest that the southeastern half of the SCB was formed through successive accretion of arcs and continental terranes younging toward the coast, from the Mesoproterozoic to as young as the Mesozoic (Qiao and Geng, 1981; Guo et al., 1986; Li, 1992).
Hsü and his Chinese colleagues (Hsü et al., 1988; Hsü et al., 1990), recognizing the wide-spread Mesozoic thrusting in southeastern South China, proposed a two-plate Alps-style tec-tonic model involving the closure of a Mesozoic ocean between the Yangtze Block and a coastal terrane they called the Huanan Block (Figure 1.2(d), (e)). This model triggered one of the most heated debates on the tectonic history of south China. Although Hsü (1994) subsequently conceded that the key “Mesozoic Banxi mélange”, upon which their two-plate model was based, is likely to be of late Precambrian age, he still insisted on the existence of a Mesozoic ocean-closure between the two plates.
Figure 1.2 Schematic diagrams showing two early tectonic models for South China, modified from the original work by the proponents of each model
A common issue for many of the proposed models is that no reliable geological record exists for active margins in the continental interior since at least the end of the Precambrian. In addition, the distribution of sedimentary facies in South China (Liu and Xü, 1994) exhibits coherent patterns across the proposed Mesozoic sutures since at least the Devonian (Li, 1998).
A resurgence of investigations since the 1990s has seen a rapid accumulation of more sys-tematic and re