开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 精装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787040430189
Multilinear Embedding and Hardy’s Inequality
William Beckner
1 Multilinear convolution inequalities
2 Diagonal trace restriction for Hardy’s inequality
3 Diagonal trace restriction for a multilinear fractional integral
4 Multilinear integrals and rearrangement
Real-variable Theory of Orlicz-type Function Spaces Associated
with Operators — A Survey
Der-Chen Chang, Dachun Yang and Sibei Yang
1 Introduction
2 Orlicz type spaces associated with operators satisfying Poisson
3 Musielak-Orlicz type spaces associated with nonnegative self-adjoint
operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates
4 Musielak-Orlicz type spaces associated with operators satisfying
bounded Ha-functional calculus
Boundedness of Rough Strongly Singular Integral Operators
Jiecheng Chen, Dashan Fan and Meng Wang
1 Lp –+ Lq boundedness on rough operators
2 The phase function is not radial
3 The kernel satisfies a Lipschitz condition
4 The kernel is Ca
On the Dimension Dependence of Some Weighted Inequalities
Alberto Criado and Fernando Soria
1 Introduction
2 The maximal operator over radial functions
3 Proofs of the main results
4 Kakeya maximal operator
Lp Estimates for Multi-parameter and Multilinear Fourier
Multipliers and Pseudo-differential Operators
Wei Dai, Guozhen Lu and Lu Zhang
1 Introduction
2 Lp estimates for multi-parameter and multi-linear paraproducts,
multipliers and pseudo-differential operators
3 Lp estimates for bilinear and multi-parameter Hilbert transforms . .
4 Lp estimates for bilinear operators given by non-smooth symbols with
one-dimensional singularity set in the range 1/2 < p < 2/3
Existence and Uniqueness Theory for the Fractional SchrSdinger
Equation on the Torus
Seckin Demirbas, M. Burak Erdoan and Nikolaos Tzirakis
1 Introduction
2 Notation and preliminaries
3 Strichartz estimates
4 Local well-posedness via the X8,b method
5 A smoothing estimate
6 Global well-posedness via high-low frequency decomposition
Compactness of Maximal Commutators of Bilinear
Calder6n-Zygmund Singular Integral Operators
Yong Ding, Ting Mei and Qingying Xue
1 Tntrn(tnetinn nH rn r,It
2 The proof of Theorem 1.1
3 The proof of Theorem 1.2
Weak Hardy Spaces
Loukas Grafakos and Danqing He
1 Introduction
2 Relevant background
3 The proof of Theorem 1
4 Properties of Hp’
5 Square function characterization of Hp’
A Local Tb Theorem with Vector-valued Testing Functions…
Ana Grau de la Herren and Steve Hofmann
1 Introduction, history, preliminaries
2 A local Tb theorem with vector-valued testing functions
3 Application of Theorem 2.13 to the theory of layer potentials .
4 Appendix: a generalized Christ-Journ@ T1 Theorem for square
Non-homogeneous Local T1 Theorem” Dual Exponents
Michael T. Lacey and Antti V. Vdhdkangas
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries
3 Perturbations and a basic decomposition
4 A stopping tree construction
5 The inside-paraproduct term
6 The inside-stopping/error term
7 The separated term
8 Preparations for the nearby term
9 The nearby-non-boundary term
10 The nearby-boundary term
The Dynamics of the NLS with the Combined Terms in Five and
Higher Dimensions
Changxing Miao, Guixiang Xu and Lifeng Zhao
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries
3 Variational characterization
4 Part I: blow up for K:- .
5 Profile decomposition
6 Part II: GWP and scattering for ]C+
Sharp Estimates for Bilinear Fourier Multiplier Operators
Akihiko Miyachi and Naohito Tomita
1 Introduction
2 Product type Sobolev scale
3 Estimates for L2 x L –, L2
4 Estimates for H1 x L — L1
5 Estimates for L x L –, BMO
6 Estimates for H1 x H1 L1/2
7 Estimates for H1 x L L2/3
8 Proof of the only if part
9 Isotropic Besov scale
Weighted Estimates for Fractional Type Marcinkiewicz Integral
Operators Associated to Surfaces
Yoshihiro Sawano and KSz6 Yabuta
1 Introduction
2 Preparation for the proof of Theorem 3
3 Proof of Theorem 3
4 Proof of Proposition 1
5 Appendix: complex interpolation of homogeneous weighted
Triebel-Lizorkin spaces
Commutator Estimates for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map in
Lipschitz Domains
Zhongwei Shen
1 Introduction
2 Dahlberg’s bilinear estimate, Part I
3 Dahlberg’s bilinear estimate, Part II
4 Trilinear estimates and proof of Theorem 1.1
5 Proof of Theorem 1.2
A Note on LP-norms of Quasi-modes
Christopher D. Sogge and Steve Zelditch
1 Introduction and main results
2 Proof that Proposition 1.3 implies Theorems 1.1 and 1.2
3 Proof of Proposition 1.3
4 Applications to breaking convexity bounds
Astalas Conjecture from the Point of View of Singular Integrals
on Metric Spaces
Alexander Volberg
1 Introduction
2 A simple proof of Theorem 1. The weighted estimate of
Ahlfors-Beurling transform = unweighted estimate of a certain
non-symmetric Calder6n-Zygmund operator on a metric space . . .
3 T1 theorem for non-homogeneous metric measure spaces
C.S.I. for Besov Spaces P’q(]) with (a, (p,q)) e (0, 1)x ((0, 1]x
(0,1] {(1,1)})
Jie Xiao and Zhiehun Zhai
1 Introduction
2 C.S.I
3 Applications
A List of Ph.D. Students Post-doctors and Visiting Scholars
Supervised by Professor Shanzhen Lu and Foreign Collaborators
Who Worked with Professor Shanzhen Lu