开 本: 32开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787302389019
马丁编著的《科技论文成功发表的技巧(英文版 )》面向希望将英文科技论文发表在更高水平的刊物 和会议上的科技工作者。书中以简洁生动的例子讲述 了如何写出一篇能成功发表的科技论文,内容包括写 作前的准备(制订计划、完成初稿等),一篇成功的 科技论文应该包含的要素(背景介绍、文献综述、概 述、每一部分的理论和技术细节、实验结果、结论、 致谢、参考文献和附录),每一要素应该如何写作, 如何让论文更出彩(内容的逻辑性、用词的严谨性等 ),以及科技论文中表格、插图的排版和组织技巧等 ;后给出了进一步阅读的建议。
目 录
1 Getting Ready
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Content
1.3 Community
1.4 Where to Publish
1.5 Abstract and Paper
1.6 Paper Structure
1.7 Plan
1.8 When to Write
2 Doing the Writing
2.1 Writing Strategy
2.2 The First Draft
2.3 Revision
3 The Paper
3.1 The Abstract
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Related Work
3.4 Overview
3.5 Detail Sections
3.6 Theory
3.7 Algorithms
3.8 Experimental Results
3.9 Conclusions
3.10 Acknowledgements
3.11 References
3.12 Appendices
4 Style
4.1 Readership
4.2 Critical Analysis
4.3 Precision
4.4 Conciseness
4.5 Logical Writing
4.6 Balance
4.7 Completeness
5 Presentation
5.1 Figures
5.2 Tables
5.3 Mathematical Notation
5.4 Units
5.5 Numbering
5.6 Terminology
6 Submitting Your Paper
6.1 Outlet and Readership
6.2 Reviewing Form
6.3 Checklist
6.4 Format
7 The Editor’s Decision
7.1 Acceptance
7.2 Revision
7.3 Rejection
8 Further Reading
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Content
1.3 Community
1.4 Where to Publish
1.5 Abstract and Paper
1.6 Paper Structure
1.7 Plan
1.8 When to Write
2 Doing the Writing
2.1 Writing Strategy
2.2 The First Draft
2.3 Revision
3 The Paper
3.1 The Abstract
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Related Work
3.4 Overview
3.5 Detail Sections
3.6 Theory
3.7 Algorithms
3.8 Experimental Results
3.9 Conclusions
3.10 Acknowledgements
3.11 References
3.12 Appendices
4 Style
4.1 Readership
4.2 Critical Analysis
4.3 Precision
4.4 Conciseness
4.5 Logical Writing
4.6 Balance
4.7 Completeness
5 Presentation
5.1 Figures
5.2 Tables
5.3 Mathematical Notation
5.4 Units
5.5 Numbering
5.6 Terminology
6 Submitting Your Paper
6.1 Outlet and Readership
6.2 Reviewing Form
6.3 Checklist
6.4 Format
7 The Editor’s Decision
7.1 Acceptance
7.2 Revision
7.3 Rejection
8 Further Reading
前 言
Ralph Martin has extensive experience in scienti.c writing and editing, with over 250 scienti.c papers and more than a dozen books to his name. He is also on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Graphical Models, and Computers and Graphics, amongst others. As an editor and reviewer, he has had to read many papers, from the very well written to the impossible-to-understand.
He has been a full professor at Cardi. University, UK, since 2000, and is also a guest professor at several Chinese universities: Tsinghua University, the National University of Defence Technology, and Shandong University. He has collaborated with many Chinese professors and students and has helped to improve their papers for publication in world-leading journals and conferences.
He has given popular talks at various Chinese universities on “How to Write a Scienti.c Paper” and, as a result, was urged to write a book on the topic. This book is the outcome. It expands upon the ideas from those lectures, as well as giving other advice on how to present your research results.
If you are looking for a book on English language vocabu-
lary or grammar, there are plenty of other books to choose from. This book assumes you are reasonably competent at English, and you want to put your English to good e.ect, to improve your chances of your research being published.
Of course, much of the advice will remain the same if you wish to write your papers in Chinese or any other language, too.
Boxes in the book are used to provide examples which illustrate general points made in the text. Boxes with round corners
like this one
either illustrate points via particular cases, or give examples based on real papers. Boxes with square corners
like this one
are samples of plans or writing which might be found in .ctitious papers, and do not refer to real research. References are made to imagined authors and at times to nonsense topics and methods. If real research has been done on such topics or by authors with such names, and I have inadvertently misrepresented it or them, I apologise—this was not my intention. Two such .ctitious examples used in various places concern the estimation of the speed of cars in video and an omnispectral camera.
Boxes with a heading like the one below
Preface iii
Do not write like this!
My paper is the best work ever on computers!!!
are examples of bad style, which should not be copied.
I would like to thank Prof. Shimin Hu for encouraging me to write this book, and for pushing me to add further advice and examples to bring it into its present form. I would also like to thank Prof. John Samson, and my wife Xiaoqing Li, for reading drafts of the book and o.ering helpful suggestions.
He has been a full professor at Cardi. University, UK, since 2000, and is also a guest professor at several Chinese universities: Tsinghua University, the National University of Defence Technology, and Shandong University. He has collaborated with many Chinese professors and students and has helped to improve their papers for publication in world-leading journals and conferences.
He has given popular talks at various Chinese universities on “How to Write a Scienti.c Paper” and, as a result, was urged to write a book on the topic. This book is the outcome. It expands upon the ideas from those lectures, as well as giving other advice on how to present your research results.
If you are looking for a book on English language vocabu-
lary or grammar, there are plenty of other books to choose from. This book assumes you are reasonably competent at English, and you want to put your English to good e.ect, to improve your chances of your research being published.
Of course, much of the advice will remain the same if you wish to write your papers in Chinese or any other language, too.
Boxes in the book are used to provide examples which illustrate general points made in the text. Boxes with round corners
like this one
either illustrate points via particular cases, or give examples based on real papers. Boxes with square corners
like this one
are samples of plans or writing which might be found in .ctitious papers, and do not refer to real research. References are made to imagined authors and at times to nonsense topics and methods. If real research has been done on such topics or by authors with such names, and I have inadvertently misrepresented it or them, I apologise—this was not my intention. Two such .ctitious examples used in various places concern the estimation of the speed of cars in video and an omnispectral camera.
Boxes with a heading like the one below
Preface iii
Do not write like this!
My paper is the best work ever on computers!!!
are examples of bad style, which should not be copied.
I would like to thank Prof. Shimin Hu for encouraging me to write this book, and for pushing me to add further advice and examples to bring it into its present form. I would also like to thank Prof. John Samson, and my wife Xiaoqing Li, for reading drafts of the book and o.ering helpful suggestions.