开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787100102933丛书名: 中国语言学书院·海外语言学博士论文文库
目 录
Chapter One:General Introduction
1.1 Facts
1.2 An Overview
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two:Previous Analyses of the Two Particles
2.1 Earlier Approaches
2.2 Paris’S Analysis of Cai and Jiu
2.3 Biq’s Analysis of Cai and Jiu:
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three:Theories of Corresponding Particles in Other Languages
3.1 Lobner’s(1989)“Duality Hypothesis”
3.2 Van der Auwera’S(1993)“Double Alternative Hypothesis”
3.3 Garrido’S(1992)“Expectation Theory”
3.4 Michaelis’s(1993)Analysis of the Polysemy of Adverbial Still
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four:An Analysis of Cai and Jiu
4.1 The Temporal Use of Cai and Jiu
4.2 The Restrictive Use of Cai and Jiu
4.3 The Conditionals VS.Cai and Jiu
4.4 The Emphatic Use of Cai and Jiu
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five:Concluding Remarks
5.1 Summary of the Analysis
5.2 Further Issues
1.1 Facts
1.2 An Overview
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two:Previous Analyses of the Two Particles
2.1 Earlier Approaches
2.2 Paris’S Analysis of Cai and Jiu
2.3 Biq’s Analysis of Cai and Jiu:
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three:Theories of Corresponding Particles in Other Languages
3.1 Lobner’s(1989)“Duality Hypothesis”
3.2 Van der Auwera’S(1993)“Double Alternative Hypothesis”
3.3 Garrido’S(1992)“Expectation Theory”
3.4 Michaelis’s(1993)Analysis of the Polysemy of Adverbial Still
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four:An Analysis of Cai and Jiu
4.1 The Temporal Use of Cai and Jiu
4.2 The Restrictive Use of Cai and Jiu
4.3 The Conditionals VS.Cai and Jiu
4.4 The Emphatic Use of Cai and Jiu
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five:Concluding Remarks
5.1 Summary of the Analysis
5.2 Further Issues