开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787119067490
As China’s economy continues to boom and grow at a
lightening-fast pace, its model of development is gaining more and
more attention worldwide, This timely volume presents the views and
insights of 22 well-known Chinese and non-Chinese economists on
China’s distinctive economic development model. The volume is
organized as a roundtable discussion with the different scholars
contributing essays in their respective areas of expertise. Their
work depicts not only China’s current economic development path,
but also contains in-depth analysis of past and future trends. This
book brings all of this together in one volume to provide readers
with a highly stimulating and incisive review of the wotid’s
increasingly important emerging economy.
The contributors to this volume are outstanding economists with
deep and extensive knowledge and experience of China’s rapid
economic change. Their essays provide readers with a vivid and
panoramic view of a country in the throes of rapid and profound
economic change.AS such, the volume is an invaluable reference on
China’s current and future economic development.
China’s Economic Recovery Management in the “Post-crisis
Innovations in China’s Economic System
Further Development of the Multi-level Capital Market
Managing Boom
China’s Four Economic Transitions in the Future
The Fifth Economic Growth Cycle in China
Enterprise Social Responsibility with Chinese Characteristics
China’s Experience in Coping with International Financial
Late Forest Tenure Reform
The Most Complex Year 2010
China’s Private Economy: Retrospect and Prospect
Chinese Economic Reform from the Perspectives of Wealth Creation
and Distribution
China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment, the Latecomer
China’s Outlook in the Post-Bubble Economy
A Turning Point: China’s Economy after the Bubble Burst
New Layout of the Chinese Private Economy
How Will China Shift Its Economic Development Mode?
How to Change the Economic Development Mode?
What Happened in China and America Before and After the Financial
China’s Monetary Policy: Trend and Development
How Big Is China’s Market Potential?
Why a Surprising 2009?