开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787307100305
Part One Language Skills
Chapter 1 The Effects of Topic Familiarity and English Proficiency
on Listening Comprehension
1.1 Information processing and components of listening
1.1.1 BoLtom-up processing
1.1.2 Top-down processing
1.1.3 Interactional processing
1.1.4 Components of listening comprehension
1.2 Schema theory and its listening comprehension model
1.2.1 Schema theory
1.2.2 Listening comprehension model on schema theory
1.3 Relevance theory and its listening comprehension model
1.3.1 Relvance theory
1.3.2 Listening comprehension model of relevance theory
1.4 Research methodology oflistening comprehension
1.4.1 Research materials and tools
1.4.2 Research questions and hypotheses
1.4.3 The operational definition of variables
1.5 Empirical approaches to listening comprehension
1.5.1 Quantitative statistics and description
1.5.2 Qualitative statistics and description
1.6 Topic familiarity and its effects on listening
1.6.1 Explanation from schematic perspective
1.6.2 Explanations from relevance theory
1.7 English proficien.cy and its effects on listening
1.8 Bottom-up and top-down processing in listening
1.9 The transactional listening comprehension model
Chapter 2 A Cognitive Approach to the Acquisition of Discourse
2.1 The oral characteristics of Discourse Markers
2.2 Two approaches to Discourse Markers
2.2. 1 The coherence-based approach
2.2.2 The relevance-theoretic approach
2.2.3 Differences between the two approaches to Discourse
2.3 Researches on the use and acquisition of Discourse
2.3.1 The use and acquisition of Discourse Markers by native
2.3.2 The use and acquisition of Discourse Markers by I2
2.3.3 The use and acquisition of Discourse Markers by Chinese
2.4 Cognitive approaches to Discourse Markers
2.4.1 Schmidt’s construct of noticing and the
information-processing approach
2.4.3 Relevance Theory and Space Blending Theory: two cognitive
2.4.2 VanPattern and input processing
2.4.3 Relevance Theory and Space Blending Theory:two cognitive
2.4.4 Integrative study of Relevance Theory and Space Blending
2.5 Research methodology of and empirical approaches to Discourse
2.5.1 Dala in the picture description
2.5.2 Data in the group discussion
2.5.3 Comparison of the two kinds of data
2.5.4 Comparison with the native corpora
5.5.5 Data in the cloze test
2.5.6 Data in the utterance interpretation
2.5.7 Data in the sufficiency of the input
2.5.8 The patterns and implications of Discourse Markers
2.6 Factors contributing to the acquisition of Discourse
2.6.1 Noticing of Discourse Markers
2.6.2 Instruction on Dissourse Makers
2.6.3 Processing of Discoruse Makrers
2.7 Models for the analysis of Discourse Markers
2.7.1 The inferential model of Relevance Theory
2.7.2 Blending models for Discourse Markers’ role in utterance
2.7.3 The separate pragmatic blending model of Discourse
Chapter 3 The Effects of Rhetorical Organization on Reading
Part Two Morphology and Grammaticalization
Part Three Metaphors and Metonymies