开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787119127620
Grade Seven – First Semester
观沧海[三国•魏]曹操 / 001
Gazing at the Dark-Blue Sea
闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄[唐]李白 / 003
Hearing of Wang Changling’s Exile to Longbiao
次北固山下[唐]王湾 / 004
Passing the Beigu Mountain
天净沙•秋思[元]马致远 / 005
To the Tune of Tian Jing Sha: Autumn Thoughts
《世说新语》二则[南朝•宋]刘义庆 / 007
Two Stories from A New Account of Tales of the World
咏雪 / 007
Ode to Snow
陈太丘与友期行 / 008
Chen Taiqiu and His Friend
《论语》十二章 / 010
Twelve Quotes from The Analects of Confucius
峨眉山月歌[唐]李白 / 014
The Moon over Mount E’mei
江南逢李龟年[唐]杜甫 / 015
On Meeting Li Guinian Down the River
行军九日思长安故园[唐]岑参 / 017
A Soldier’s Thought of Home Ninth Day of the Ninth Month (October)
夜上受降城闻笛[唐]李益 / 018
On Hearing a Flute at Night from the Wall of Shouxiang
诫子书[三国•蜀]诸葛亮 / 019
Advice for My Son
狼[清]蒲松龄 / 021
The Wolves
穿井得一人 / 024
Freeing a Man from the Chore of Fetching Water
杞人忧天 / 026
The Sky Is Falling
秋词(其一)[唐]刘禹锡 / 029
Song of Autumn [No. 1]
夜雨寄北[唐]李商隐 / 030
A Note on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North
十一月四日风雨大作(其二)[宋]陆游 / 032
The Storm on November 4 [No. 2]
潼关[ 清]谭嗣同 / 033
Tongguan Pass
Grade Seven – Second Semester
孙权劝学[宋]司马光 / 035
Sun Quan Gives Advice on Studying
木兰诗 / 037
The Ballad of Mulan
卖油翁[宋]欧阳修 / 044
The Old Oil Seller
竹里馆[唐]王维 / 046
In a Summer-House Among the Bamboos
春夜洛城闻笛[唐]李白 / 047
A Flute Sounds in Luo City on a Spring Night
逢入京使[唐]岑参 / 048
On Meeting a Messenger to the Capital
晚春[唐]韩愈 / 050
End of Spring
陋室铭[唐]刘禹锡 / 051
Epigraph in Praise of My Humble Home
爱莲说[宋]周敦颐 / 053
Affection for Lotuses
登幽州台歌[唐]陈子昂 / 056
On a Gate-Tower at Youzhou
望岳[唐]杜甫 / 057
A View of Mount Tai
登飞来峰[宋]王安石 / 058
Ascending Feilai Peak
游山西村[宋]陆游 / 060
Strolling in the Countryside West of the Mountains
己亥杂诗(其五)[清]龚自珍 / 061
Random Verses [No. 5]
河中石兽[清]纪昀 / 062
Stone Animals in a River
泊秦淮[唐]杜牧 / 066
Anchored at Night in the Qinhuai District (Nanjing)
贾生[唐]李商隐 / 067
Jia Yi
过松源晨炊漆公店 (其五)[宋]杨万里 / 068
Breakfast at Qigongdian in Songyuan [No. 5]
约客[宋]赵师秀 / 069
The Absent Guest
八年级( 上)
Grade Eight – First Semester
三峡[北魏]郦道元 / 071
The Three Gorges
答谢中书书[南朝•梁]陶弘景 / 073
Reply to Xie Zhongshu
记承天寺夜游[宋]苏轼 / 075
A Night Ramble at Chengtian Temple
与朱元思书[南朝•梁]吴均 / 077
Dedicated to Zhu Yuansi
野望[唐]王绩 / 079
Gazing over the Plain
黄鹤楼[唐]崔颢 / 081
Yellow Crane Tower
使至塞上[唐]王维 / 083
Frontier Mission
渡荆门送别[唐]李白 / 085
Bidding a Friend Farewell at Jingmen Ferry Contents
钱塘湖春行[唐]白居易 / 087
Spring Outing Along Qiantang Lake
庭中有奇树 / 089
The Wonderful Tree in the Courtyard
龟虽寿[三国•魏]曹操 / 090
Though the Tortoise Lives Long
赠从弟(其二)[三国•魏]刘桢 / 092
For My Young Cousin
梁甫行[三国•魏]曹植 / 093
Song of Mount Liangfu
《孟子》三章 / 095
Three Quotes from The Mencius
得道多助,失道寡助 / 095
The More Proper Course He Has, the More Assistance He Receives
富贵不能淫 / 098
To Be Above the Power of Riches and Honours to Corrupt
生于忧患,死于安乐 / 100
Life Springs from Sorrow and Calamity, Death from Ease and Pleasure
愚公移山 / 103
The Foolish Old Man Removes Mountains
周亚夫军细柳[西汉]司马迁 / 107
Zhou Yafu Encamps at Xiliu
饮酒(其五)[东晋]陶渊明 / 112
Drinking Wine [No. 5]
春望[唐]杜甫 / 113
A Spring View
雁门太守行[唐]李贺 / 115
To the Prefect of Yanmen
赤壁[唐]杜牧 / 117
By the Purple Cliff
渔家傲[宋]李清照 / 119
To the Tune of Yu Jia Ao
浣溪沙[宋]晏殊 / 121
To the Tune of Huan Xi Sha
采桑子[宋]欧阳修 / 122
To the Tune of Cai Sang Zi
相见欢[宋]朱敦儒 / 124
To the Tune of Xiang Jian Huan
如梦令[宋]李清照 / 125
To the Tune of Ru Meng Ling
八年级( 下)
Grade Eight – Second Semester
桃花源记[晋]陶渊明 / 127
The Peach-Blossom Fountain
小石潭记[唐]柳宗元 / 131
A Small Stone Pond
核舟记[明]魏学洢 / 134
The Peach Wood Boat
《诗经》二首 / 139
Two Poems from The Book of Songs
关雎 / 139
Guan Ju
蒹葭 / 141
Jian Jia
式微 / 144
Shi Wei
子衿 / 145
Zi Jin
初中生必背古诗文132 篇
送杜少府之任蜀州[唐]王勃 / 147
Farewell to Vice-Prefect Du Setting Out for His Official Post in Shu
望洞庭湖赠张丞相[唐]孟浩然 / 148
Gazing at Dongting Lake and Dedicated to Prime Minister Zhang
《庄子》二则 / 150
Two Quotes from The Zhuangzi
北冥有鱼 / 150
In the Northern Ocean There Is a Fish
庄子与惠子游于濠梁之上 / 153
