开 本: 128开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787300275581
本书将训练和学习内容划分为15天进行,第 1~9 天为汉译英基本功练习,第 10~15 天为汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习。
本书完稿付梓时的练习题目为 300 ,今后将不定期更新具有时效性的练习内容,使得汉译英经典练习题目超过1 000 道,以此帮助大家与时俱进,反复打磨技巧,学习官方译文的精妙表达,做一个合格译员。
Day 1 基本功练习40题
Day 2 基本功练习40题
Day 3 基本功练习40题
Day 4 基本功练习40题
Day 5 基本功练习40题
Day 6 基本功练习40题
Day 7 基本功练习40题
Day 8 基本功练习20题
Day 9 基本功练习30题
Day 10 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——部分
Day 11 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——第二部分
Day 12 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——第三部分
Day 13 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——第四部分
Day 14 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——第五部分
Day 15 汉英翻译疑难表达归类学习——第六部分
附录 强化练习
1 我们要依法关闭那些破坏资源、污染环境和不符合安全生产条件的企业,淘汰落后生产
We will, in accordance with the law, shut down enterprises that use resources destructively, contaminate the environment, or do not meet production safety standards, and close down outmoded production capacity.
2 教育事业继续发展,公共卫生体系建设得到加强,文化、体育事业进一步繁荣。
There was continued development of education undertaking, the public health system was improved, and progress continued in cultural and sports programs.
3 全年粮食产量达到 49 746 万吨,实现了连续三年增产。
Grain output reached 497.46 million tons, realizing the third consecutive annual increase.
4 我们要支持实体书店、书屋发展,开展全民阅读活动,营造书香京城。
We need to support the development of physical bookstores and carry out campaigns to encourage all people to read so as to build Beijing into a city with the fragrance of books.
5 希望各方积极参与,在互利合作中实现联动发展、共赢发展。
We welcome the active participation of all parties in order to achieve interconnected and win-win development through mutually beneficial cooperation.
6 我们紧紧抓住新产业革命机遇,充分发挥人力人才资源、市场规模等优势,着力培育壮大新动能,推动新旧动能加快接续转换。经过努力,新动能成长取得了超出预期的成效,对稳定经济增长、调整经济结构、扩大社会就业发挥了关键支撑作用。
Seizing the opportunity of the new industrial revolution and harnessing our advantages in human and talent resources and market scale, we have focused on enhancing the new growth drivers and accelerating the continuity and shift from traditional drivers of growth to new ones. Our endeavors have produced better-than-expected results: the new drivers have played a key role in sustaining growth, adjusting the economic structure and expanding employment.
7 现在中国的物质技术基础更为厚实,产业配套能力强,城乡和区域发展空间广。
Today’s China boasts a more solid material and technological foundation, a highly capable industrial system, and broad space for urban-rural and regional development.
8 消费升级和经济结构优化蕴含庞大新需求,人力资源丰富且素质不断提高,全社会创业创新活跃,宏观调控还有不少创新手段和政策储备。
It also enjoys huge new market demand generated by the upgrading of consumption and economic structure optimization, abundan