开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787553693897
你是不是在准备2020年剑桥KET新版考试(A2 Key for Schools),但是对新版考试信息和题型摸不着头脑?你是不是掌握了一定的英语技能,却苦于难以在KET考试中施展“拳脚”?为解决广大考生们的苦恼,新东方特别推出了这套《剑桥KET综合教程》,帮助考生熟悉考试题型,夯实词汇和语法知识,提升听、说、读、写技能。
1. 详尽的KET考试信息、考试练习题和答题指导,帮助考生透彻了解考试内容。
2. 14个内容丰富的课堂学习单元,培养考生的听、说、读、写技能。
3. 14个词汇及语法复习单元,帮助考生夯实词汇和语法基础。
4. 实用的口语、写作及语法指导,引领考生掌握答题技巧。
5. 生动的插图、有趣的话题、合理的单元设计,激发学生的学习兴趣。
6. 提供历年考生常见错误,帮助考生查漏补缺、从容备考。
1. 14个课外练习单元,提高考生的词汇、阅读、听力、语法、写作水平。
2. 14个附加词汇练习,帮助考生掌握考试重点词汇。
3. 完整的答案及听力音频和文本,供考生学习、参考。
4. 实用的答题建议,指导考生提高做题效率。
Map of the units 4
Introduction 6
A2 Key for Schools content and overview 7
1 Hi, how are you? 8
2 We’re going home 14
Vocabulary and grammar review 1 20
Vocabulary and grammar review 2 21
3 Dinner time 22
4 I’m shopping! 28
Vocabulary and grammar review 3 34
Vocabulary and grammar review 4 35
5 It’s my favourite sport! 36
6 Have you got any homework? 42
Vocabulary and grammar review 5 48
Vocabulary and grammar review 6 49
7 Let’s go to the museum 50
8 Did you get my message? 56
Vocabulary and grammar review 7 62
Vocabulary and grammar review 8 63
9 I love that film! 64
10 It’s going to be sunny 70
Vocabulary and grammar review 9 76
Vocabulary and grammar review 10 77
11 I like to keep fit 78
12 Have you ever been on a plane? 84
Vocabulary and grammar review 11 90
Vocabulary and grammar review 12 91
13 What’s your hobby? 92
14 Keep in touch! 98
Vocabulary and grammar review 13 104
Vocabulary and grammar review 14 105
Grammar reference 106
Phrasal verb builder 132
Irregular verbs 134
Writing bank 135
Speaking bank 143
Extra resources 149
Answer key and audio scripts 151
Acknowledgements 186
1 Hi, how are you? 4
Vocabulary extra 7
2 We’re going home 8
Vocabulary extra 11
3 Dinner time 12
Vocabulary extra 15
4 I’m shopping! 16
Vocabulary extra 19
5 It’s my favourite sport! 20
Vocabulary extra 23
6 Have you got any homework? 24
Vocabulary extra 27
7 Let’s go to the museum 28
Vocabulary extra 31
8 Did you get my message? 32
Vocabulary extra 35
9 I love that film! 36
Vocabulary extra 39
10 It’s going to be sunny 40
Vocabulary extra 43
11 I like to keep fit 44
Vocabulary extra 47
12 Have you ever been on a plane? 48
Vocabulary extra 51
13 What’s your hobby? 52
Vocabulary extra 55
14 Keep in touch! 56
Vocabulary extra 59
Answer key and audio scripts 60
Acknowledgements 75
