开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装-胶订是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787521352641丛书名: 无
《中医文化关键词3》选取100个中医方面的关键词汇,主要涉及藏象、经络、病因病机和治则治法。每条术语的内容包含术语拼音、术语中文、术语英文、术语中文解释、术语英文解释、术语曾经译法(2000 年及之前的翻译)、术语现行译法(2000 年之后的翻译)、术语推荐译法、翻译说明以及引例。读者通过阅读术语词条,不仅能够了解术语的中文含义以及英文解释,还能够通过比较摘引的”曾经译法”和”现行译法”,结合”翻译说明”,了解中医术语翻译研究的发展变化。同时,书中提供的引例可以帮助读者了解术语在中医典籍中的具体应用。本书采用中英文对照体例,对想要学习、了解和借鉴中医文化内涵的国内外读者大有裨益,也为读者从事中医药英译、中华文化传播与国际交流以及中医文献研究提供了宝贵的素材。
目录 Contents
yī yì tóngyuán医易同源 Medicine and Yi Studies Have a Common Origin. / 001
yào shí tóngyuán药食同源 Medicine and Food Have a Common Origin. / 004
zhìyīn zhìyáng稚阴稚阳 Immature Yin and Yang / 006
gāoliáng膏粱 Rich Fare / 009
líhuò藜藿 Lowly Fare / 011
bǐngfù禀赋 Natural Endowment/Constitution / 013
chóng yīn bì yáng重阴必阳 Extreme Yin Transforms into Yang. / 015
chóng yáng bì yīn重阳必阴 Extreme Yang Transforms into Yin. / 018
guòyóu-bùjí过犹不及 Too Much Is as Bad as Too Little. / 021
Where There Is Blockage, There Is Pain. / 023
jiǔbìng rù luò久病入络 Long-standing Disease Affects Collaterals. / 025
qióng bì jí shèn穷必及肾 Prolonged Morbidity Affects the Kidney. / 027
bìngrùgāohuāng病入膏肓 The Disease Has Attacked the Vitals. / 029
guàibìng duō tán怪病多痰 Rare or Difficult Diseases Are Most Likely Caused by Phlegm. / 032
shòurén duō huǒ瘦人多火 Thin People Tend to Have Internal Fire. / 034
féirén duō tán肥人多痰 Obese People Tend to Have Phlegm. / 036
bāgāng八纲 Eight Principles / 038
fēngzhèng风证 Wind Pattern/Syndrome / 040
hánzhèng寒证 Cold Pattern/Syndrome / 042
shǔzhèng暑证 Summer-heat Pattern/Syndrome / 044
shīzhèng湿证 Dampness Pattern/Syndrome / 046
zàozhèng燥证 Dryness Pattern/Syndrome / 048Fire Pattern/Syndrome / 050
màizhèng-hécān脉证合参 Analysis of Both Pulse Conditions and Symptoms / 052
nìliú-wǎnzhōu逆流挽舟 Boat Against the Current for Relief / 055
tíhú-jiēgài提壶揭盖 Lift a Kettle and Remove Its Lid / 058
fǔdǐchōuxīn釜底抽薪 Remove the Firewood from Under the Cauldron / 061
bǔtǔ-fúhuǒ补土伏火 Tonify Earth to Subdue Fire / 063
zēngshuǐ-xíngzhōu增水行舟 Increase Water to Move the Boat / 065
yǐnhuǒ-guīyuán引火归原 Guide Fire to Its Origin / 068
gānwēn chú rè甘温除热 Reduce Fever with Sweet, Warm Medicines / 071
jiāotōng xīn shèn交通心肾Coordinate the Heart and the Kidney / 074
yíjīng biànqì移精变气 Shift Attention and Change Qi / 077
shùnqíng cóngyù顺情从欲 Satisfy Needs and Wants / 079
mùyù dá zhī木郁达之 Treat Wood Stagnation by Dredging / 081
Treat Fire Stagnation by Expelling / 084
tǔyù duó zhī土郁夺之 Treat Earth Stagnation by Removing / 087
jīnyù xiè zhī金郁泄之 Treat Metal Stagnation by Dredging / 090
shuǐyù zhé zhī水郁折之 Treat Water Stagnation by Draining / 092
shàng bìng zhì xià上病治下 Treat the Lower for the Upper / 094
xià bìng zhì shàng下病治上 Treat the Upper for the Lower / 097
yòng hán yuǎn hán用寒远寒 Avoid Cold-property Medicines in the Cold Season / 100
yòng rè yuǎn rè用热远热 Avoid Hot-property Medicines in the Hot Season / 102
hánzhě rè zhī寒者热之 Treat Cold with Heat / 105
rèzhě hán zhī热者寒之 Treat Heat with Cold / 108
jiānzhě bìngxíng间者并行 Treat Both Tip and Root in a Mild Case / 111
shènzhě dúxíng甚者独行 Treat Either Tip or Root in a Severe Case / 114
wēizhě nì zhī微者逆之 Treat a Mild Disease by Opposing / 116
Treat a Severe Disease by Following / 119
kèzhě chú zhī客者除之 Treat What Invades by Eliminating / 122
láozhě wēn zhī劳者温之 Treat Consumptive Diseases by Mild Tonification / 125
jiézhě sàn zhī结者散之 Treat Accumulations by Dissipating / 128
liúzhě gōng zhī留者攻之 Treat Retention by Purging / 130
zàozhě rú zhī燥者濡之 Treat Dryness by Moistening / 132
jízhě huǎn zhī急者缓之 Treat Cramps and Rigidity by Relaxing; Relieve Acute Symptoms / 134
sànzhě shōu zhī散者收之 Treat Dissipation by Astringing / 137
jīngzhě píng zhī惊者平之 Treat Fright by Calming; Treat Fright by Exposure / 139
yǐ dú gōng dú以毒攻毒 Counteract Poison with Poison / 141
huǎnbǔ jíɡōnɡ缓补急攻 Mild Tonification and Urgent Purgation / 143
dàodì yàocái道地药材 Geo-authentic Materia Medica / 145
páozhì炮制 Processing of Medicines / 148
qīqínɡ héhé 七情和合 Seven Features of Compatibility / 151
ɡuījīnɡ归经 Meridian Tropism / 153
yǐnjīnɡbàoshǐ引经报使 Meridian-guiding Property / 155
shíbāfǎn十八反 Eighteen Antagonisms / 158
shíjiǔwèi 十九畏 Nineteen Incompatibilities / 162
ɡāofānɡ膏方 Medicated Paste / 164
línɡdān-miàoyào灵丹妙药 Panacea; Magic Pill / 166
duìzhènɡ-xiàyào对症下药 Suit the Remedy to the Case / 168
shí’èr jīnɡmài十二经脉 Twelve Meridians / 171
qíjīnɡ bāmài奇经八脉 Eight Extra Meridians / 173
shíwǔ luò十五络 Fifteen Collaterals / 175
shí’èr jīnɡbié十二经别 Twelve Divergent Meridians / 177
shí’èr jīnɡjīn十二经筋 Twelve Meridian Sinews / 179Twelve Cutaneous Regions / 181
shí’èr jīnɡ zhī hǎi十二经之海 Sea of the Twelve Meridians / 183
yánɡmài zhī hǎi阳脉之海 Sea of Yang Meridians / 185
yīnmài zhī hǎi阴脉之海 Sea of Yin Meridians / 187
jīnɡxué经穴 Meridian Points; Jing (River) Points / 189
qíxué奇穴 Extra Points / 191
luòxué络穴 Luo (Connecting) Points / 193
jīnɡqì经气 Meridian Qi / 195
biāoběn标本 Tip and Root / 197
ɡēnjié根结 Root and Knot / 199
qìjiē气街 Qi Pathway; Qichong (ST30) / 201
déqì得气 Deqi Sensation / 203
shǒuqì守气 Examine Qi; Keep Qi / 205
shǒushén 守神 Keep the Spirit / 207
shǒujī守机 Examine the Opportunity; Seize the Opportunity / 209
hòuqì候气 Await Qi / 211
tiáoqì调气 Regulate Qi / 213
zhēnbiān针砭 Acupuncture; Point out the Mistakes / 216
The Disease Is Cured as Soon as Medicine Is Taken. / 217
yàoshízhīyán药石之言 Good Advice Is like Medicine. / 219
ɡāndǎn-xiānɡzhào肝胆相照 Show Utter Devotion to Each Other / 221
qìnrénxīnpí沁人心脾 Gladden the Heart and Refresh the Mind / 223
xīnpínɡ-qìhé心平气和 Peace of Mind and Harmony of Qi / 225
miàoshǒu-huíchūn妙手回春 Bring the Dying Back to Life / 227
jújǐnɡ quánxiānɡ橘井泉香 Fragrance of Tangerine Leaves and Well Water / 229
xìnɡlín-chūnnuǎn 杏林春暖 Apricot Trees in Warm Spring / 231
