开 本: 16开纸 张: 纯质纸包 装: 盒装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787521350791丛书名: 无
1 àiguó-rújiā 爱国如家
Love the Country as One Loves One’s Family…………1
2 àimín 爱民
Love the People…………2
3 àirén-wéidà 爱人为大
Caring for Others Is the Top Priority.…………3
4 àirényǐdé 爱人以德
Love the People in Accordance with Rules of Moral Conduct…………5
5 nj$-lèyè 安居乐业
Live in Peace and Work in Contentment…………6
6 ānmín 安民
Give Peace and Comfort to the People…………7
7 ānpín-lèdào 安贫乐道
Be Content with a Simple but Virtuous Life…………8
8 ānshí-chǔshùn 安时处顺
Face Reality Calmly…………10
9 āntǔ-zhònɡqiān 安土重迁
Attached to the Land and Unwilling to Move…………11
10 bāɡuà 八卦
Eight Trigrams…………12
11 bāyīn-kèxié 八音克谐
Harmonious Combination of Eight Sounds…………13
12 bàdào 霸道
Despotic Governance…………14
13 báimǎ fēi mǎ 白马非马
A White Horse Is Not a Horse.…………16
14 bǎom!n 保民
Protect the People…………17
15 bàofǎ-chǔshì 抱法处势
Upholding Law by Means of Power…………18
16 bēikǎi 悲慨
Depressed and Enraged …………19
17 bēimǐn 悲悯
Mercy and Compassion …………21
18 běnmò 本末
Ben and Mo (_e Fundamental and the Incidental)…………22
19 běnsè 本色
Bense (Original Character)…………23
20 běnw% 本无
Benwu (Original Non-being) …………25
21 bǐdé 比德
Virtue Comparison…………26
22 bǐ’érbùdǎng 比而不党
Be Close but Not Cliquish…………28
23 bǐxiǎn-xìnɡyǐn 比显兴隐
Make Analogy Explicit and Association Implicit…………29
24 bǐ yīn ér yuè zhī 比音而乐之
Arrange Notes into a Piece of Music…………30
25 bìshí-jīxū 避实击虚
Avoid the Strong and Attack the Weak…………32
26 biànhuà 变化
27 biàn 辩
28 bi`ojǔ-xìnghuì 标举兴会
Distinctiveness and Spontaneity…………35
29 biém!ng 别名
Distinct Name…………37
30 bīnɡɡuìshénsù 兵贵神速
Speed Is Key in Warfare.…………38
31 bīng qiáng ér wú yì zhě cán 兵强而无义者残
A Strong Army Without Righteousness Is Destructive.…………39
32 bīngxíng-xiàngshuǐ 兵形象水
Troops Should Charge Forward like the Flow of Water.…………40
33 bīngyǐyìdòng 兵以义动
Fight for a Righteous Cause…………41
34 bīng zhī shèngbài, běn zàiyú zhèng 兵之胜败,本在于政
Victory or Defeat in War Is Dictated by State Policy.…………42
35 bīng zhīsuǒyǐ qiáng zhě, mín yě 兵之所以强者,民也
_e Military Is Strong Because It Enjoys Popular Support.…………43
36 bōrě 般若
Prajna / Wisdom…………44
37 bó’ài 博爱
Extensive Love to Benefit All People…………45
38 bóshī-jìzhòng 博施济众
Deliver Extensive Bene_ts to the People and Relieve the Sufferering of the Poor…………47
39 bùchéng-wúwù 不诚无物
Without Sincerity, Nothing Is Possible.…………48
40 bù fèn bù qǐ, bù fěi bù fā 不愤不启,不悱不发
Instruct Only Who Is Anxious to Learn; Teach Only Who Wants to Express Himself but Does Not Know How.…………49
41 bù huàn ɡuǎ ér huàn bù jūn 不患寡而患不均
Fear Not Scarcity, but Inequality…………50
42 bù nián bù tuō, bù jí bù lí 不黏不脱,不即不离
Neither Obsessed with Nor Detached from the Objects Depicted……51
43 bùpíngzémíng 不平则鸣
Cry Out Against Injustice…………53
44 bù shè lǐlù, bù luò yánquán 不涉理路,不落言筌
Dispense with _eory and Logic; Take Care Not to Fall into Traps of Language…………54
45 bùsìzhīsì 不似之似
Dissimilar in Form but Similar in Spirit…………56
46 bù wàng bǎixìng zhī bìng 不忘百姓之病
Never Forget the Su_ering of the People…………58
47 bù xué 《shī》, wú yǐ yán 不学《诗》,无以言
You Won’t Be Able to Talk Properly with Others Without Studying The Book of Songs.…………59
48 bùyánzhījiào 不言之教
In_uence Others Without Preaching…………60
49 b&zhàn’érshèng 不战而胜
Win Without Resorting to War…………61
50 b&zhànzàiwǒ 不战在我
Do not Engage the Enemy If Victory Is Not Guaranteed.…………62
51 bùzhēnkōng 不真空
Emptiness as Non-substantiality…………63
52 bùzhēnɡ 不争
Not Engaging in Contention…………64
53 cái 才
Talent / Capability / Attribute…………65
54 cānyàn 参验
Cross-checking and Veri_cation…………66
55 c`ngl@n sh! ér zh~ l@jié 仓廪实而知礼节
When the Granaries Are Full, the People Follow Appropriate Rules of Conduct.…………67
56 cāngshēng-dàyī 苍生大医
A Master Physician to All the People…………69
57 cángfùyúmín 藏富于民
Keep Wealth with the People…………71
58 cǎoshū 草书
Cursive Script…………72
59 Chángchéng 长城
The Great Wall…………74
60 cháng 常
Constant Laws of Nature…………76
61 chánɡ kuàihuo biàn shì ɡōnɡfu 常快活便是功夫
To Stay Constantly Joyful Is a True Attainment.…………77
62 chángshí 常识
General Knowledge…………78
63 chàngshén 畅神
Free Flow of One’s Mind…………79
