开 本: 16开纸 张: 胶版纸包 装: 平装是否套装: 否国际标准书号ISBN: 9787552009712
另外一个重要的变化是目录的强化。许多朋友都和我反映,要从书中找到自己想看的酒非常困难,于是我将2015版的目录做得更加详细,每个产区下都会有子产区的分类。现在,读者要找到自己想了解的酒变得容易许多。打个比方,如果你想找Chateau Palmer,在目录里先找到波尔多,然后在波尔多下面的子产区中找到Margaux地区就行了。同时,2015版中新增索引,对于不习惯使用目录的读者朋友,也可以通过搜索索引的酒庄名找到自己要寻找的酒。
Red Wine
Moulis en Medoc
Lalande de Pomerol
FrancsCotes de Bordeaux
SudOuest Cotes de Bergerac
Bourgogne Irancy
Cote de Nuits Marsannay
Cote de Nuits Fixin
Cote de Nuits GevreyChambertin
Cote de Nuits Morey Saint Denis
Cote de Nuits ChambolleMusigny
Cote de Nuits Vougeot
Cote de Nuits FlageyEchezeaux
Cote de Nuits VosneRomanee
Cote de Nuits NuitsSaintGeorges
Cote de Beaune PernandVergelesses
Cote de Beaune LadoixSerrigny
Cote de Beaune AloxeCorton
Cote de Beaune SavignyLesBeaune
Cote de Beaune Beaune
Cote de Beaune Pommard
Cote de Beaune Volnay
Cote de Beaune Meursault
Cote de Beaune Monthelie
Cote de Beaune AuxeyDuresses
Cote de Beaune Maranges
Im always thinking such a question, again and again, that is ‘what is the relationship between me and wine?’ Rajat Parr, a celebrated Sommelier master has said ‘I cant stop thinking about wines when I wake up every morning.’ Actually, I really understand the status that he has mentioned, which is the same way I do during quite a long period—I dont care about anything but wines. Honestly, Im a very crazy wine lover while not knowing how to express my love and passion. Ipractically take the wines as my lovers, all that Im living for wine, and definitely cant live without wines. While Im nothing to do with the existence of those greatest vineyards and wines! The existence of problem has highly confused me, so that I have to have a second thought on my relationship with wines. Unfortunately, I still cant find the way out till now, I hope I can find the answer in the future with my ageing. However, currently, there is the only thing Im pretty sure—the wine has already become an integral part of my life, flowing in the blood and branded in the deepest of my soul …
我一直在思考一个问题,那就是:“葡萄酒对于我而言究竟意味着什么?”Rajat Parr,这位大师级的侍酒师曾经说过“每天一早醒来后的每一分钟,我都无法停止思考葡萄酒”。我觉得他口中所描述的这种状态和自己每天所经历的情况极为相似,因此便将他的这句名言做了摘录,当作激励自己的座右铭。确实,在很长的一段时间内,除了人类基本的吃喝拉撒外,我仿佛对葡萄酒之外其他的一切事物都没有兴趣,也就是在这种疯狂的状态下,我在不知不觉中写下了这么多的酒评,又在各种机缘巧合下诞生了我的这本作品。我实在太热爱葡萄酒了,爱到无法用言语来表达。我对于葡萄酒的感情更倾向于“爱情”,在世俗的眼中我可能就是一个“酒痴”。我曾经试图将葡萄酒比作我的恋人,然而我发现了这样一个令我哑然失笑的问题:恋人应该是为彼此而存在的,我毫无疑问是为了葡萄酒而生的,没有葡萄酒的话我可能一天都无法在这个世界上活下去;但对葡萄酒而言,有没有我这个人似乎完全没有关系,就像地球少了任何一个人都不会停止运转。即便没有我来到这个世上,那些如同繁星般伟大的葡萄园和葡萄酒依然会历久弥新。所以我必须重新考虑我和葡萄酒之间的关系了。实际上我至今还是无法完全想明白葡萄酒对于我的意义,可能随着年龄的增长,我会有更加深刻的感悟和体会。但是我现在可以明确的一件事,那就是葡萄酒早已成为我生命中不可或缺的一部分了,流淌于血液中,无法割舍,烙印于我的灵魂深处……
The soul in wine
I am always being by others ‘what type of wine can be regarded as great wine?’ To understand easily, I’d like to answer this question with foods, In fact, between wine and food tasting there are many similar features, which can be simply classified into three steps.
Of course, the first step is ‘appearance’. Messy, ugly foods would greatly reduces your appetite, while it does not account for the dominate position during the tasting. Some badlooking foods might taste extremely delicious. As the same, generally speaking, a muddy wine is possibly an extraordinary stuff, need to taste it and then to make the judgment.
Then move to the next step, ‘taste’. It here contains both aroma and palate, which are the results of smell and taste respectively. A significant wine usually possesses amazing complex and variable bouquet, silk like smooth, yet complex and balanced texture along with endless, super long finish. But the most critical is the approve of the taster himself/herself. As we all know, the palate as well as the preference varies from people to people, so you should trust yourself and bravely say ‘no’ to those wines that you really do not like.
Lastly, the most important part for me, is ‘artistic conception’, which is a type of personal feeling, understanding that closely connect with his/her past experience and also still highly based on the second step ‘taste’. If you are drinking a very terrible wine, how can you feel the artistic conception? It is completely impossible, isnt it? On the other side, for a truly great wine, the meaning of ‘artistic conception’ is much more important than ‘taste’, it is a characteristic that a memorably impressive wine must have. In the other words, that is why unique wines can truly move you, touch your soul and even make your cry. Just as the reason as the Adela Adkins does, this celebrated British singer with very ordinary face is able to catch so many peoples heart is because of her easilyrecognized, unique voice, which can deeply touch your soul, to the deepest and yet the softest part of everybodys heart. Very similarly, there are countless mad and fixed fans will pay large amounts of money for those ultraexpressive cult wines, I think is the same reason. And I guess the resource of the soul in wine comes from the incredible passion in winemaking and continually holy loves in their lands/vines/wines from those crazy winemakers. As my perception, during the constantly communication with vines, their passion and purely love in wines has already passed onto their vines/wines.
Terminally, I want to quote the famous words from the madam Leroy—‘If one person loves his/her land, the land will repay that person through the most moving fruits.’ At a silent night, drinking a cup of Leroy and fit with Adeles representative Jazz melody & deep voice—it will be another sleepless night for you.
经常被人问起“到底什么样的葡萄酒才算是好酒”。关于这个问题我想要拿来和美食一起探讨,因为这样更便于理解。其实我认为品鉴美食和品鉴葡萄酒有着许多相似的地方,无非是三个阶段。首先是“形”,当然指的是外观了,一款看上去乱糟糟、变了形的菜肴会让人的食欲在一定程度上大打折扣。然而在品鉴过程中,这并非是主要的因素。因为一道看上去不美观的菜肴可能在享用时被发现是极其美味的佳肴。葡萄酒也是一样的道理,一杯浑浊的葡萄酒,很多时候可能都暗示着这是一支非凡的出品,需要在品鉴以后才能判断。依次就进入了下一个重要环节——“味”。我所说的“味”包含了香味和口味,即同时通过嗅觉和味觉之后得到的结果。一支伟大的葡萄酒通常有着惊人的复杂多变的香气,绸缎般丝滑同时复杂平衡的口感以及口中仿佛能无限滞留的超长余味。但是为关键的还是品鉴者本人要觉得好喝,众所周知,人的味觉因人而异,每个人的喜好也各不相同,在葡萄酒的世界里怕的就是附庸风雅,人云亦云,所以说无论多牛的酒不喜欢就是不喜欢,就应该大胆的说出来。后的一环“意”在我看来非常的重要,可遇不可求,并非每一支葡萄酒都会拥有。“意”即意境,当然这依然还是基于第二环的“味”之上的,因为意境是一种个人的体会和感受,只可意会不可言传的那种,如果是一支让你觉得难以下咽的酒,你觉得还有没有可能去感受其中所谓的意境呢?话又说回来了,对于一款真正的好酒,“意”的重要性可能要远远超过“味”,是一支能够在你的生命中留下那种永生难忘的,美好回忆的好酒所必须具备的一种特性,换而言之是触动你的灵魂深处的,有着独特意义的酒,深深打动你的酒,甚至能够让你泪流满面的酒。相信许多人一定记得Adela Adkins,那位其貌不扬却成为英国天后级歌手,并且席卷全球,让所有挑剔的评论家们都闭嘴的灵魂歌手,就是用她那独特、并且能直达人的内心深处的音乐征服了那么多听众的心。葡萄酒也是如此,那些贵得简直离谱的膜拜酒每年会有那么多忠实的“粉丝们”大批地去购买,也正是这个原因。而这酒中的灵魂来源,我相信还是出自酿酒师对于自家的田地,葡萄藤以及葡萄酒的疯狂挚爱吧——在漫长的岁月里一如既往的、如同信徒般虔诚地热爱着葡萄酒;在和葡萄藤心心相印的交流过程中,他们对于葡萄酒的热情,可能早就传递给葡萄藤、葡萄酒了。在这里我想引用一下那位著名的Leroy夫人的名言:“假如一个人真挚的热爱着他/她的土地,那葡萄藤将会回报以动人的果实!”夜深人静的夜晚,耳旁响起Adela那标准性的爵士乐旋律和深邃的嗓音,给自己倒上一杯Leroy的酒,相信这又会是一个不眠之夜了……
期望《沈昊品酒》(2015 版)能帮助读者们更好地享用葡萄酒。
Demei LI
李德美 2014 年中秋于北京
Yang LV
吕 杨
Base: 50
Appearance: 3
Nose: 15
Palate: 15
Suitable for drink(balance, complexity, concentration, degree of pleasure): 10
Length: 5
Soul in wine: 1
Organic/Biodynamic: 1
Total: 100
Explanation: This is a global based system. This scoring system is highly based on the current performance and value of wines when I tasted, rather than their aging potential. In concession, the complexity and concentration are general important points in judging the quality of wines, whereas it is not said all very complex and intense wines are equal to greatest ones. On the other side, please do not neglect the one point of ‘soul in wine’, in some cases, this might be can stop some extraordinary stuffs away from the best masterpieces. The organic or biodynamic farm is the currently most popular tendency all over the global wine industry, thus, Ive decided to take this into account. By the way, this one score is only for those true organic/biodynamic producers, regardless of the certifications.
One Diamond: Excellent优质酒87~88一钻
Description: Unquestionably, it looks less exciting than any others in my system. However, it is necessary to notice that those nice table wines are good for daily drinking or food/wine matching: simple, drinkable and easygoing with foods. P.S. This is not excludes for some celebrated or even cult wines, which were possibly not at their perfection when I tasted.
Two Diamond: Distinguished杰出的酒 89二钻
Description: This two diamond level I set up here is for those really controversial ones—of course, I cant say my palate can represent for the publics, and in some cases, I maybe have made some mistakes. Nevertheless, in most situations, I still insist they are somewhat away from those really outstanding wines.
Three Diamond: Outstanding酒90~92三钻
Description: As the word surface meaning, definitely the remarkable wines. Although those stuffs do not showed the grandness, but I think its already very enough for fine wine lovers.
Four Diamond: Exceptional超的膜拜酒93~94四钻
Description: Same to the five diamond, those dreamy stuffs might sometimes includes my respect come from inside to the craftsmen or the ‘terroir’ of the vineyard sites. Only thing I have to mention here is that—as my perception, they are already the greatest wines, while just a little bit away from the ‘top mountain’!
Five Diamond: Impressive终身难忘的酒95~100五钻
Description: In general, its always those very rare, respectful and yet unforgettable bottles. It is also absolutely best of the best for me, so if possible, I hope to drink those forever loves till the end of the world…